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Everything posted by phetphet

  1. I sympathise with you. I had a neighbour in the apartment above me back in the UK that used to do come back late at night with his friends and play loud music all night. In the end I got the local council's Noise Abatement Officer to deal with it. Maybe the local authorities for your area have something similar. I know near where I now live, people complain to the police if the nearby bars are playing too loud, too late. Then they usually get a visit and told to turn down or turn off.
  2. Money which they save by closing branches and cutting staff. Let's put it another way. And I am talking about them charging you to make an in-bank deposit into your account. You are paying them for you to lend them money. Do you think it really just sits there in an account? Of course not. The banks take it and lend it out for interest, or invest it. If it's a savings account, they might even give you a paltry share of what they earn as an interest payment. Try getting your money back if there is a run on your bank. If it goes under, you may only get a certain amount back of what you deposited. Depending on the limit at the time. I also predict that the banks will also soon start charging everyone for doing online transfers. They used to charge, but dropped it for the Covid lockdown. That's also a service they provide. They won't miss an opportunity to make more profit.
  3. Government have already stated that the new bivalent vaccines won't be available here until next year.
  4. It does seem lax. But there is a limit on how many notes one can deposit at any one time, and the process is very slow. Unless there were many people all paying into the same account at different ATM's, many times a day, I don't see how they could launder large amounts. But launder they could I suppose. But if one doesn't need a card to deposit. How does the bank know which account to put the money in?
  5. So now the banks will charge you to give them money? Amazing!
  6. Definitely not Swiftlets. i thought these were Eagles at first. They were that big, but then noticed curves in the back of the wings and the small hand like appendages on the front. I often see small bats in the evening after dark, but this was 6pm and still daylight, and these were much, much bigger. i wonder if they might have got blown here from the mainland in the recent storms.
  7. Was watching what I thought were Eagles flying about this evening around 6pm, over the big white development on the hill near SeaTran Pier. On closer look, they were large bats. Flying Foxes I think. I know they are around Thailand, but it's the first time I have ever seen them here.
  8. Porsche red plate no. 9999 is quite infamous now. If it was mine, I wouldn't feel safe parking that anywhere. Or indeed be seen to be getting out of it. Probably quite a few Thais thinking to themselves that they wouldn't mind having a pop at these two.
  9. This could still get a lot worse for them.. The poor Thai guy is in an extremely serious condition. Hopefully not, but this could still yet turn into a murder charge.
  10. Couldn't you try and find another dictionary that doesn't try to serve you ads?
  11. You still might be lucky to get them changed here, but better get a move on. Be aware that exchanges won't accept bank notes with any marks on them. I had a few £50's refused last year because they had ink writing or stamps on them. I tried everything to remove them without success. Also last month had several 100 Euro notes refused because they have marks on them. These had been locked away at home and believe it or not, had got brown mould stains on them. SuperRich told me their clients wouldn't accept them. Couldn't remove those marks either, so will change them when I return to Europe.
  12. No.It sank. It was an Isubzu.
  13. According to "Track your transfer" for the one I initiated at 09:30 Friday morning Thai time, I will receive my money tomorrow Monday at 2:13pm.
  14. I was wrong in I thinking the limit was THB 1,000. But don't forget that the card is now accepted in many Food Courts for payment. Seeing as one needs ID to apply for a card, it would be on record somewhere if someone went to all the trouble apply for multiple cards. Also if you look at the Rabbit Terms and Conditions, (they no longer appear to be available on the internet), they are quite Big Brotheresque in how applicants agree to be tracked. I did post them on this site once, but they were removed by a Mod. for whatever reason.
  15. Did you drop your phone? My internet went down too yesterday. 3BB told me it was maintenance on a local server.
  16. Lipe has long been discovered by the young party crowd. It might have been quiet during and just after Covid, but it might be a different story come February and the high season.
  17. What about Bang Krut? Although not an island,
  18. I did a transfer around 09:30 this morning after noticing the GBP jumped up. I put "travel expenses" as the reason. Told will arrive on 17th.
  19. Must be for all the gold (chains) they bring into the economy.
  20. A lot of these trucks have no reflectors or no working rear lights. The other thing I often see which can contribute to these type of accidents is the dark tinted windscreens. Add to that the badly lit roads and or bad parking and it's not surprising how often this happens.
  21. Does anyone know if immigration offices will also be closed for the Rama 9 holiday?
  22. That's why I wrote "supposed to be". Same the BTS Rabbit Cards requiring passport ID to prevent money laundering. How much can you launder through that? It's all information gathering.
  23. It's all supposed to be about money laundering.
  24. The prices that CK charge for what are basically nylon underpants, I'm not surprised the counterfeiters have moved in on them.
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