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Everything posted by impulse

  1. Is step 1 getting a license that's only available to selected families?
  2. When you walk in the door, you're trapped in a maze and the only way you can get out is to walk by every single thing they have in the store. At least that's my recollection from my visits to the first IKEAs in the USA.
  3. I'm assuming that's how far you can recline them without tipping over? If they're able to recline 6" and you'll tip over at more than 4", it's probably a good idea to bolt them to the floor... Or does that mean something else?
  4. The article has some good info, but it doesn't match years of reporting that indicates certain families get the tickets from the GLO to distribute to the sellers at the given prices. Then those families apparently dole them out to others, who sell them onto others. It never mentions how much the GLO ultimately gets, how much goes to those families (if they do, in fact exist), and how much is actually paid out in winnings. The small vendors pay 70.4 baht, but how much of that goes to the GLO? Is it 100%, or 100% minus a handling fee?
  5. Gotta wonder, why say it at all? It probably happened 100 times across Thailand yesterday, with dozens killed and more dozens injured in scooter wrecks on a daily basis. That's just the numbers. Is this a parable pointing out the hazards of running red lights? If so, I can understand the local news publishing it. But it just turns into a dogpile on Thai drivers and poor word choice on the forums.
  6. So Bangladesh and Pakistan should still be part of India, Yugoslavia should still be all one country, Eritrea should be part of Ethiopia, the Sudans should still be one, and... and...
  7. Yup. A year after the annexation. 2 surveys by western companies. 82% wanted to stay aligned with Moscow. You figure those new Russians should be punished around the world, too?
  8. Is that the same Crimea where 82.8% of the locals said they'd prefer to stay with Moscow? You sure those celebrations weren't in Sevastopol? https://www.forbes.com/sites/kenrapoza/2015/03/20/one-year-after-russia-annexed-crimea-locals-prefer-moscow-to-kiev/?sh=58eab48510db
  9. It's quite a bit different as the Russians in SEA don't present an existential threat like the Germans in the UK and the Japanese in the USA. One phone call before the battle of Midway, or during the Battle of Britain could have changed the entire course of the war. Imagine a phone call from Hawaii saying the carriers departed, or a phone call from the Channel coast saying those radar towers really are important. Judging from a lot of the photos and videos, there's lots of military age Russkies in resorts around the world that probably don't want to become cannon fodder. As long as they aren't causing problems, why not let them sit out the war? It's not as if they're forming any kind of a 5th Column in Thailand.
  10. Do they get those allocated tickets direct from the gub'ment or is there an intermediate markup? And what percentage actually makes it to the intended disabled folks vs siphoned off? I'm just trying to understand how it really works.
  11. While I agree with the sentiment, this thread isn't a good example of the bwana rearing its ugly head.
  12. There's a pretty good chance that the vet saw the extent of the disease and decided to euthanize the pooch to prevent months of suffering.
  13. Has anyone ever published the actual price of lottery tickets as they pass through the supply chain through any intermediaries on to the end user? Or the actual payout percentages? I don't recall ever seeing transparent numbers. Just references to a few families getting filthy rich, the street sellers getting hosed, and the buyers making a real poor payout... Also quite nebulous regarding how many levels of corruption on the way from the gub'ment to the masses. No guesses solicited. Just the facts, if they're available.
  14. Strictly humanitarian. They don't want you eating as much sugary garbage, so they kindly put less in the package. The real scam is when the ladies pass their sell by date, but there's no markdown.
  15. Hope they're ready for 1000 square miles of whack-a-mole, and that's just in Bangkok. Enforce Khao San and they'll go to Silom. Lock down Silom and they'll go to Asoke...
  16. Did I miss it, or was the linked and quoted article completely devoid of useful information? Or are they just prepping the public to not expect Pita to show up in an election?
  17. Here's a defense attorney/ former prosecutor weighing in. Basically, it is simple battery in Ca, it is a misdemeanor, it can be prosecuted in the absence of a complaint filed by the victim, but that's rarely done.
  18. Yeah, yeah, yeah. and they always act according to a strict ethical code, and there's never any back room or golf course meetings. Acting out of the norm is kind of the definition of an activist judge. I didn't say the judge would bring charges, I said "change things". This thing has absolutely exploded on the interweb, and what happens next is anyone's guess. It wouldn't surprise me for another guest to file a report, claiming they felt threatened and forcing an investigation. That's not a forecast, BTW. There's 100 ways this could play out. Especially in an election year. You can bet the pols will be posturing on this one.
  19. Good info, but I'm curious whether anyone can work legally without paying into SS? And are you sure the formula is that simple, one month per year? As I recall, my contract was hastily ended a week before I qualified for another 2 months of severance, based on the increments. Complicated by the fact that the 30 day termination notice would have sent me into the next increment, but that's a pet peeve for another topic... I'm not asking because I think you're wrong, just trying to get a clearer picture. My brain has leaked a lot since I left Thailand, every night when I sleep. For the OP's purposes, your answer is that NGO's aren't exempt. But others may find this thread when they use the search function in 2 years...
  20. So far, you're correct. The police have offered to investigate if he files a report. But let's wait and see if an activist judge or an ambitious prosecutor change things. The fat lady has yet to sing here.
  21. The reason you need a victim to cooperate goes out the window if it's on video. Imagine a kiddy porn video where the kiddy doesn't want to press charges or testify. They still have the video. Not that this rises to that level, but they don't need the victim to go along. I contend it's a nuthin' burger and I suspect the prosecutor will, too. We'll see. There's a lot of anger calling out favored treatment for celebrities.
  22. I think it's a big nuthin' burger, and Rock's being a stand up guy because he knows he crossed a line.
  23. Have you been on a legal work permit and your NGO paying into the social security system on your behalf? I don't know your answer, but the details like that may matter. In any case, make sure you look into staying in the social security system if you're planning to stay in Thailand. Again, details matter. But it could provide you with some level of health care for a piddly monthly payment. Hopefully, others will chime in that have more experience.
  24. He can refuse to sue in civil court, but criminal charges come on the form of "the state" vs "the defendant", not "the victim" vs "the defendant". They don't need the victim's cooperation if they have all the evidence on national TV.
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