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Everything posted by AhFarangJa

  1. I admit that I had to look up the word. At first I thought it was Finnish for plastered out of your head......
  2. It seems he was already out of the Kayak.................. after the kayak capsized, Mr O'Neill said he would swim to shore but was not seen again. So sad. R.I.P.
  3. If the bottom of his craft was completely ruined, would that not intimate that it hit an obstruction in the water?
  4. It was very early this morning when I first read the headlines, and I thought it read '1,316 Chinese Women arrested'.
  5. He is Thai, and a well read professor.....................Quote from Thailand post (if it is allowed).......... Reporters reported that for Mr. A, he is still a professor at the Faculty of Economics. A famous university in Rangsit area. and also a writer, columnist His works are books and articles. Published with many publishers. which one of them There is a book named “Taksinomics Tracks” contains economic articles about the economic policies of the government in the era of former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, as well as the author’s criticisms on the policies of this government. in the past The last sentence could be another reason for his arrest I suppose....
  6. I agree with what you are saying, and have already made some investigations. However, my roof is in excess of 360 square metres, I am aware though that the roof protects the rest of the building, and as such is essential that it be maintained. Long ago when they fitted the roof I was away working, so when I came back it was a kind of fait accompli, with no membranes. As happens here, over the years the metal expands and contracts. This in turn moves the tiles, that then leak. I looked at spray foam, both as an insulation and waterproofing, but the cost is exorbitant. The tiles are, in themselves, very sound. So that is why I am tending to go the same way as the Op, to paint with a membrane.
  7. Agreed, sometimes it just isn't worth my time to go through the process, unless, as you say, it is for thousands of Baht.
  8. I have found with shopee that I keep getting a message that it is not available in my Country ( Thailand), or the pages are all in Thai, and I cannot get English. then again, I am also a computer dinosaur...
  9. A German friend of mine was caught on overstay a couple of years back. He was unfortunate to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, and was initially charged with working without a permit. However, it transpired that his passport had expired 5 years previously. He did not renew it as he was apparently wanted in Germany on fraud charges.
  10. That is what I cannot work out. They appear to have negotiated the left hand bend, only to lose it on the straight. Aquaplaning over a large puddle maybe. What always concerns me when driving here,( and I try to keep alert for it), is the fact that the innocent driver coming the other way ends up bearing the brunt of another persons incompetence.
  11. I am also interested in doing this. Our roof is showing signs of age after 20 years. A friend of mine in Hua Hin had his done, but they also applied a thin scrim cloth over the tiles as they painted. Sort of like a fibreglass covering. No reports yet on how it is weathering. I have to note that his roof was leaking a lot, so maybe that was the reason was using the cloth as well as paint. Lots of good information being passed on this thread.
  12. Such an archaic, backward state of affairs. I have no intention of travelling there, but if I was in the market for a holiday I would boycott the place.
  13. "where a number of brown coloured notes exchanged hands"...........................
  14. You have not thought this out have you..................they are going to utilise the overhead wiring to run the cars on...................
  15. Yet another earner for the local plod. They have a lot of catching up to do after the losses incurred during covididiocy.
  16. Sorry I do not have it as I was renewing my Visa at the same time. However, it it is probably a "local" rule as happens so often here. I remember a while back when applying for my driving licence I had to pay 1,000 baht for each letter of residence in Hua Hin, where other districts there is no or minimal charge.
  17. I wonder how much will end up being used for road safety. If the statistics are anything to go by I would hazard a guess at around 32 Satang, the rest will go towards...............well, no need to say really.
  18. Yes, unfortunately it is our generation that taught them..........
  19. I did the same in October. Took both passports, filled in the form you get with the new passport. There is a 500 Baht fee for transfer ( this is in Hua Hin.) Ten minutes later, all done.
  20. Wow, that is a mouthful, no wonder nicknames are so prevalent here.......
  21. I doubt this problem is solely evident in Thailand, however, no matter where it is people bring these containers, full of drink and food to the event. Why, oh why, can they not take the empty containers home with them, after all, they are lighter than when they were brought in.
  22. Firstly, thanks to Charlie for bringing this subject up. I order a lot on Lazada, but always C.O.D. Only two weeks ago we were in Surin when the Father in law phones, and said there was a parcel needed paying for. The Wife asked me, and I told her I had nothing waiting delivery. She told her Father to refuse it. When we got home it transpired the name on the package was not mine or the Wifes !!!!
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