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Everything posted by AhFarangJa

  1. LOL................Now that made me larf...............Thank you..............
  2. Mr. P. will get as many seats as he wants, just the same as before.....he will buy them, or rig the vote....simple.
  3. I thought it was another case of electrocution from an un-insulated cable.
  4. On the bright side, anyone need a nearly new tailgate for an Isuzu. It looks to be the only part intact.
  5. Unfortunately, as we all know, there are rarely follow up stories. My guess would be, as he has admitted his crime, and says he feels sorry for doing it, he will do minimum time. Out in a year or so, and no one will be any the wiser. Now, if he stepped on a bit of coral in a national park, that is a different matter......................
  6. You answered your own question with one word......................Retards.
  7. Thank you for the info. Can you please advise me how to sign up again without losing all my details and history etc. Many Thanks.
  8. I too am no longer receiving notifications by e mail. I have to keep an old topic in my inbox, click on that, then look at new posts. I have browsed the pages, but can find no reference to re-subscribing, or updating.
  9. LOL.I did not watch that far..................the first time. Then your post made me double check the evidence..............I may be taking up golf soon too.........
  10. go home and sober up before the police came................ The video from the car cam is clear....driving like a complete idiot, belching black smoke out, then loses it, possibly a blow out.
  11. Yes Crossy, that is He. I have done as suggested, and reported the post. Tried searching for a member but no success. Mind you, not sure if doing it right. I am a dinosaur when it comes to confusers, etc................... Many thanks to all for your kind assistance.
  12. LOL.Sorry, cannot use paypal in Thailand other wise I would be happy to contribute...................
  13. I have several p.m's going on at the moment, and they all notify by email.
  14. Yeh, right. Self censorship, cherry picking which ones to investigate, ignoring certain sectors...............
  15. Firstly, Happy New Year to all on the Forum, Secondly, I have received a begging p.m. from an alleged member asking for money. I assume he/she is a member as it came through the website to my e-mail as an official p.m. My question is in three parts 1- How do you find if a member is genuine 2- Has my Forum account been hacked in some way. 3- I will block them, but what is the procedure for reporting the action, which, if genuine, I find unacceptable. Thank you for any information, AFJ
  16. She has one hell of an action with that mortar......
  17. He admitted that, throughout his four years as the permanent secretary, he had never seen a corruption case implicating such a high-ranking official. I wonder why that is.................
  18. Two weeks!!! You slave driver !!! it is one week isn't it?, or are you counting Songkran too, which means they have three months to recover from this week.
  19. More to the point, whoever received the big fat envelope to approve the proposal will now have to hand it all back.....
  20. Simply go to any Formula One race, they will find him, but they do not want to. Just sound bites from an un-elected despot trying to win confidence from the masses, who, in all likelihood, do not give a rats a**e.
  21. I have a feeling it is very prevalent in motor bike riders around our village.
  22. This is where the law here is pathetic. He does not have child seats, nor child seat belts, therefore he dumps them in the back where it is legal ( or should I say ignored) unless there are more than six.
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