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Everything posted by AhFarangJa

  1. Make sure the door does not slam in you in the back....
  2. Am I wrong, but was it not made illegal to drink on the beach?
  3. "Once the directors had finished skimming off the maintenance budget".........There, fixed that.
  4. Riyadh & Jeddah in Saudi Arabia.
  5. A similar problem I am having regarding loading pages. I click on notifications, they open, but will not take me to the relevant post. Also, If I click on one of the headings down the right side, nothing happens, it will not take me to the article. I have to log out, and go to the article via my email notification. This has been happening for over a week now.
  6. Looks like no electricity again.
  7. I wonder how many corrupt people in public service now have no criminal record......
  8. The other 148 Tonnes had already been distributed around certain offices for re-cycling......
  9. Yes, then they come out with about eight plastic bags filled with pretty coloured pills that they have absolutely no idea what they contain.
  10. Thankfully I do not see any in my neck of the woods, dirty, smelly, polluting, noisy, and that is just the buses.....
  11. That's the brush taken care of, now, about the paint......
  12. Thanks Richard. I posted before I saw your post...
  13. COVERMORE INSURANCE......mentioned in the video................can we spread it around or is that against Forum rules, Apologies if it is.
  14. Exactly my thoughts too, However, in my experience here over thirty plus years the average Thai will never raise a fuss over anything. Loss of face, and avoiding confrontation takes a front row seat. Sadly, they are taught at an early age to accept anything someone in a uniform, or position of authority tells them. That way the ruling elite hang on to the power, and money.
  15. Oh, I don't know, I bet his bank accounts have swollen well.....
  16. They did not have to as it is most likely their boss owns it......
  17. What if she was your Daughter, or young Sister, or Niece?
  18. Correct, a slap on the wrist, and an email to the Saudi Authorities. That way they are not responsible for any repercussions. Plausible deniability, and let his home country deal with him, unless of course he has ties there.
  19. All you need do is look at the infrastructure, and you will see it is hanging by a thread. They modernised the roads for 30 kilometres near us, and they are flooding and cracking after two months. Every time it rains our power goes off. About 100 metres from my house the bridge collapsed 6 years ago, and there is still a temporary army bridge in its place. The list is endless, and all down to skimming and corruption. However, Thailand is nowhere near the top of the class when compared to other Countries, it is just more obvious here.
  20. Can someone please explain to me the logic in the photo. They erect a barrier to stop bikes, yet leave a hole big enough for a wheelchair? Will bike riders say to themselves, "I cannot go through there because it is for wheelchairs only"....
  21. Legally they are not, unless it has a restaurant licence. The bars pay a "fee" to the local B.I.B. for them to turn a blind eye. Before anyone comes back with a snide comment I speak from experience of nearly 10 years in the business.
  22. I had a box of books in Hua hin, I just took them to a friends bar where he had a free borrow and return library.
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