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Everything posted by AhFarangJa

  1. Concise, and informative, thank you for your post. Politics in this Country is always a minefield.
  2. Exactly Richard I sincerely doubt the junta will allow any other party in, regardless of elections. They are employing a lot of people whose sole purpose is to find anything remotely illegal against the MFP members so that they can ban them from politics, and nullify the election.
  3. The NACC are the last people to go to if you want an honest outcome.
  4. I think what they should have written is that bar owners agonise over the loss of income. Been there, done it, and it does make a difference to profits.
  5. While they are at it why not reduce the ridiculously high tax on imported wines, which I call a Farang tax. Can they not see that reducing the tax will increase sales, which increases revenue. Or will they stick to the tried and tested Thai business model of "if there are no customers, increase the price".
  6. No, I cannot. I have an 18 year old Son. I really fear what kind of screwed up World he will grow up in...
  7. Same here mate, A lot less hassle, though pavements would be a luxury we are concentrating on getting a decent road first.....
  8. An apology........Here...............Oh, that is the best joke I have heard this year.......
  9. Hotchilli, we are not out of the bronze age here yet......
  10. I think it will be a lot sooner.......
  11. A lot!!!!....1500 Baht a case in Makro. That is about 62 a bottle, whereas in Laos last time I was there it was about 30 Baht a bottle.
  12. The only way to reduce accidents in Thailand is to take away all the cars and motorbikes, and give them buffaloes.
  13. I know someone, but I would also do it for nothing. As another poster mentioned, they should not use the title Man in the headline, as he is a long way short of that.
  14. This man is a hypocrite of the first order. Why does someone not shout down to him "Oy, Chuwit, how did you make your millions, please tell". He is nothing but a Sanctimonious, self righteous, spurious pecksniffian.
  15. They could have told us at what time on Monday so we can be prepared.....
  16. Oops, a bit of a typo there, must have had a brain fart. Six months or 7500 km.
  17. Is that a vaper on the seat next to him...............maybe they will fine him for that too.
  18. Mine is changed at every service, ( Ford Ranger). so that is 50,000km on average. I also remove it and blow it out every three months, maybe not needed but is a habit I picked up in Saudi Arabia. I believe nearly all filters are situated behind the glove compartment nowadays.
  19. Ah, but do not forget, they are not responsible for any incidents, it is the amulets fault.....
  20. Given that the unfortunate individual is burnt to a crisp just exactly how are they going to do that, have a seance maybe.
  21. Several years ago, well, over 10 actually, the Brother in Law was conscripted. He lasted three weeks then went AWOL due to the (in his words), incessant bullying, and slave labour. He came back to the village, but no-one came after him. He hid low around the countryside for a number of years then went to renew his i.d. card thinking they may catch him. Absolutely nothing. I.D. renewed, and never a tweet from the Army.
  22. Yes, for years I made sure there was a 500 Baht note in my pocket for departure. What many people did not know at the time, was that when they got the airlines to put it on the ticket price, they upped it by 50% to 750 Baht per passenger.
  23. R.I.P. Joe, your knowledge and expertise has helped both myself and countless others over the years. My condolences to your Family, You left a huge hole, and a large pair of shoes that will be hard to fill.
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