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Everything posted by AhFarangJa

  1. Try this page to get prices etc. https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwiy5s6y0Zj8AhUikmYCHWZQAXUYABABGgJzbQ&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESbOD2X9UlX0y-XwJDaKOLaD59JJq9wp_9-cVJerVMNQS8naPA8T-AIY2ohRVcv5N6kIclu_P40tvvIOUEM6uBw1RpMKX9OQmKOIGa47R-YRJnXoS7oGL4VQalg9g6JROogubJOKrUM3ZlmHfyLQ&sig=AOD64_2ivWE2_RdRb0GDcz8kTEJuViI3xg&q&adurl&ved=2ahUKEwiepMmy0Zj8AhULwjgGHbmxCXsQ0Qx6BAgGEAEhttps://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwiy5s6y0Zj8AhUikmYCHWZQAXUYABABGgJzbQ&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESbOD2X9UlX0y-XwJDaKOLaD59JJq9wp_9-cVJerVMNQS8naPA8T-AIY2ohRVcv5N6kIclu_P40tvvIOUEM6uBw1RpMKX9OQmKOIGa47R-YRJnXoS7oGL4VQalg9g6JROogubJOKrUM3ZlmHfyLQ&sig=AOD64_2ivWE2_RdRb0GDcz8kTEJuViI3xg&q&adurl&ved=2ahUKEwiepMmy0Zj8AhULwjgGHbmxCXsQ0Qx6BAgGEAEhttps://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwiy5s6y0Zj8AhUikmYCHWZQAXUYABABGgJzbQ&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESbOD2X9UlX0y-XwJDaKOLaD59JJq9wp_9-cVJerVMNQS8naPA8T-AIY2ohRVcv5N6kIclu_P40tvvIOUEM6uBw1RpMKX9OQmKOIGa47R-YRJnXoS7oGL4VQalg9g6JROogubJOKrUM3ZlmHfyLQ&sig=AOD64_2ivWE2_RdRb0GDcz8kTEJuViI3xg&q&adurl&ved=2ahUKEwiepMmy0Zj8AhULwjgGHbmxCXsQ0Qx6BAgGEAEhttps://app.airportels.asia/luggage-storage?gclid=CjwKCAiAqaWdBhAvEiwAGAQltsqPr-PyEsIR5tDPVAwJAnMQ-RYtp063FjzfwXkpINEZbSs94VzEaxoCqIoQAvD_BwE
  2. I helped to build her, She was launched in 1979.
  3. This scam is just the same as the taxman in U.K. at budget time. If tax on fuel goes up, it is always at midnight the same day. However, if, on the rare occasion they lower it, then it is always a month or two months ahead. Reading this article, all that has happened is that the airlines are being given a nice little earner to recoup Covidiocy losses................................ Gradually reduced by up to 20%................As Richard posted above, they have increased fares by a higher percentage, to make it look like a big drop in the future.
  4. Not the age rule, they refused me. Not sure about mad cow disease, but I am pretty sure I have already had that.
  5. I have been a regular donor most of my adult life, but now they will not take mine as I am over 60.....
  6. Please read my post again and it may become clear.......................Christmas & Boxing day..........25th & 26th. Have a merry Christmas.............
  7. Funny, I thought Christmas and boxing day was 25th, & 26th. .......Yes, I am being facetious, I know Christmas is on a Sunday this year.
  8. .............Try looking in almost every village in the Country. Every day, mom and pop shops sell bottles of drink and cigarettes to 6-7-8 year olds who are out shopping for their Father or Grandfather. Every night, and I mean every night, the local youngsters ride past on their motorbikes to the local kids watering hole where they get stoned on yaba, and lao khao.
  9. How long did it take to find a Farang drinking a bottle of water for the photo op. as you cannot take a photo with a beer here. He also looks extremely pleased to be picked out from the crowd does he not......
  10. I believe he did get it here.............quote......... 'He told police that he bought the items from a Thai man near a grocery store in the Bo Phut sub-district on Samui Island'
  11. Ah! eggs Benedict.................love it, but I am a complete nerd at poached eggs. Tried water swirling, vinegar, you name it I tried it. They still come out looking like..........Well, I cannot describe it on here.
  12. I can remember when butter was bad for you, and everyone should eat margarine, which is a man made concoction only one molecule away from plastic. Now, margarine is bad as it contains all the bad fats, something to do with trans, though what ladyboys have to do with it baffles me. Onemorefarang summed it up, we all go one day, just enjoy it while you can.
  13. There is about as much chance of Him taking responsibility as I have of getting pregnant.
  14. A good idea in some respects, although I would strongly advise educating the locals as to exactly what constitutes good scraps for composting. Old mattresses, armchairs, bags of used nappies, etc are not suitable.
  15. I wonder where the Arabs eyes are focused, it certainly is not the head-dress.
  16. I cannot remember when they were anything but................
  17. So which of those in the photo owns the bunting shop........
  18. I don't see much in the way of washing facilities on the stalls, or is that not an option for street food vendors.
  19. I am confident A nut in could not find his rear end with both hands.
  20. Alas, is that not the case all over the world. There are ways and means around the ban though....................
  21. It is the Thai drivers that are more in need of a roadworthiness certificate.
  22. I admit that I had to look up the word. At first I thought it was Finnish for plastered out of your head......
  23. It seems he was already out of the Kayak.................. after the kayak capsized, Mr O'Neill said he would swim to shore but was not seen again. So sad. R.I.P.
  24. If the bottom of his craft was completely ruined, would that not intimate that it hit an obstruction in the water?
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