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Everything posted by AhFarangJa

  1. We were infested with these a year or so ago, Googled it and got common bagmoth. As another poster said just throw them outside, eventually they have all but disappeared.
  2. I use Borax mixed with sugar, 1 part borax to three parts sugar. Then a little water to form a paste. put it in a small plastic container with a lid, and a few holes punched in around he sides. They take it back to the nest where it kills the queen and larvae. Really cheap on Lazada at about 75 Baht a kilo bag.
  3. Probably a tax on the number of windows in your house, as they did in England in 1696................
  4. LOL.............Hopefully with a huge "H" about a mile high!!! May I replace Hopefully with any of the following.................Despondency, Forlornly, Despairingly.....
  5. I think this is a difficult thing to pin down. It all depends on the size and thickness of the meat and veg. As ChrisP posted this is a trial and error situation. However, I would think that any meat will take longer to cook than veg, unless it is cut into thin strips, or goujons. Veg wrapped in foil cook quicker because they are steamed. I personally enjoy cooking, and experimentation is part of that for me. I wish you luck in your gastronomic endeavours.
  6. Correct, that is for asylum support, however, if they are accepted as a refugee that jumps considerably, by the governments own figures that can be as much as 22,000 pounds a year around the London area. a considerable hike from the 6500 pounds a fully paid up pensioner gets. While I agree that there may be some legitimate claimants of persecution etc. the vast majority are economic migrants, neither poor or in danger. I find it disgusting that these people are treated better than our own ex servicemen and women.
  7. Regardless of who is right or wrong that woman has a voice that would curdle fresh milk. May I suggest she could get a job as the Tsunami warning siren.
  8. Proton, you missed a zero out, it is closer to 400 quid a week. This is the same government that said my parents could live on 160 pounds a week pension after working all their lives, and fighting a war to keep U.K. free....
  9. You are correct Sir, I missed the 14 in the headline. However, in my defence it was early morning...........
  10. Sorry, but that is incorrect. minimum age for a motorbike licence here is 15, and that is limited to 110cc until 18 years old.
  11. Purely from a personnal perspective I would have the walls skimmed, after removing the crayon.
  12. Agree with you 100%. The "system" I refer to is the one operated by both the Ministry of Transport. the R.T.P. and to a certain extent the schools that should be educating children instead of indoctrinating them.
  13. I was led to believe, maybe wrongly, that when he took his second term he resigned from the army. If so why is he still referred to as General.
  14. Therein lies the problem here, absolutely no mention of the fact she was underage, no licence, possibly no helmet(Not stated in the article). R.I.P. to another young lady let down by the system.
  15. I too tried that but they found me out. Turns out I could not lick my own a***...............................a dead giveaway...............
  16. When I read this I was reminded of Saudi Arabia. Around the corner from the testing stations, called M.V.P.I. Motor Vehicle Periodic Inspection, There are dozens of small garages. The Saudis drive their cars there, have new tyres, wiper blades, lights, etc, etc fitted. They take the car through the test, then return to the garage, refit all the old rubbish, pay a small rental charge, and drive off. My car failed once because the lacquer on the bonnet had faded with the sun and so the paint was no longer shiny !!!
  17. I always do that now after an experience several years ago. Bought a brand new 4 kg gas bottle for the Wife to cook on outside ( frying chillis!!). When it ran out the Father in Law was visiting, and he took it to the shop for a refill. He came back with the oldest, mankiest, rusty bottle you have ever seen. When I asked the Wife were my new bottle was she said "oh, that is ok, they always give you a replacement to save you waiting for it to be filled. Needless to say, without repeating the swear words on here, I went to the shop with her, and got my new bottle back. The look on the guy's face was a picture to behold.
  18. Obviously conducted by the same people who found no signs of prostitution in Pattaya............
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