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Everything posted by AhFarangJa

  1. I think our village has already implemented this policy a long time ago. The electric goes off on average three times a day, more when it rains.........
  2. Since when have any Thais taken notice of any by-laws. Indiscriminate fly tipping, even next to signs saying 2000 baht fine. village dogs, (and children), running riot all day and night. Half the population will not even hear this announcement, and the other half will ignore it anyway. Too much hot air, and not enough positive action.
  3. Meanwhile the guy on the left is diligently adding to the mess of unsightly cables hanging along the street.......
  4. Look at these two companies. We used them for all our meats, they deliver anywhere in Thailand. Jagota or Foodiva We found that although Foodiva is a smaller company, there meat is good quality. Good Luck.
  5. A friend bought a Geely in Saudi Arabia about 8 years ago. Within a month the door panels rattled, there was a wobble on the steering wheel they could not fix, the window rubbers leaked so there was a lot of wind noise, and it had the get up and go of an asthmatic geriatric camel.
  6. If I remember correctly ( very hard at my age......), when the Government brought in the ban there was a huge outcry that they were discriminating against the poorer people, who had no choice when going to market, etc. The Government backed down, and said, o.k., only a maximum of six, and no sitting on the edges of the pick up. If anyone knows more, please correct me.
  7. Yes, a few....................... Admission to any park or stately home, etc, to be charged 10 times more than locals Dual pricing in hotels, and restaurants. Cannot own a business unless 51% owned by a citizen of the country they are in. I am sure there will be more additions soon...
  8. At the risk of sounding pedantic she was not a bride, she was a Fiancee. R.I.P. young lady.
  9. A three kilometer tailback, and there is still a muppet who has done a u turn and driving the wrong way...................????
  10. Well done young man, I think a reward should be on the table for him.......
  11. Mean while, the snouts in the local government continue to take a cut of all the infrastructure funding, Government aid, etc, etc, probably even the Judges who sentenced him. I am in no way condoning what he did, little short of child abuse, but let us at least have a level playing field for everyone in public service.
  12. At the weekends, and public holidays it already is. The roads are crammed full of cars with Bangkok plates, and typical Bangkok drivers.
  13. Good luck with the conversion. Many, many, many moons ago when I lived in Holland I converted an old Volkswagen into a camper van. Had some great holidays, and adventures through France, and Spain on Holidays. It would be great to see your progress through pictures, and comments. Once again, best of luck, it is a very satisfying experience.
  14. Prayut who has been allowed by the Constitutional Court to prolong his rule until 2025 told the villagers whom he visited that he did not understand why his helpful journey should have been received by those protesters in such hostile fashion. The man is on another planet, He surely is not that illusional.
  15. I am no automobile designer, but I think there may be just a tiny bit more damage than a demolished bumper.......
  16. Meanwhile in 2025, the headline will be 23 people have been infected with the Covid Variant XXBBYYXXBVVZZBBBXX.
  17. Oh, what a shame. I am already booked up that day having my head nailed to a coffee table.
  18. I think there should be a dress code, something like this...................
  19. They look exactly the same as my pool light bulbs. Though they are 12 volt I believe.
  20. If it does arrive then it will be parked up on a siding as a novelty attraction....
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