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Everything posted by AhFarangJa

  1. owners would face a fine of up to 2,000 baht according to the 1992 Act on Maintenance, Cleanliness, and Orderliness. ...........The authorities could make millions if they enforced this regulation in any town or city here....
  2. They will be taxed, as will the establishments, via licence, etc. so the pigs at the trough have more to grab. However, absolutely nothing will be done regards protection, and rights. Workers rights in Thailand, what a joke. They cannot take care of the child labour, migrant labour, etc here, so prostitution is going to be waaaay down the ladder.
  3. There goes the neighbourhood.............best get the signs out again....................
  4. Hi Transam, He passed away about a month ago, maybe the staff are using his email to continue the business? As an aside, I used them as it was cheaper than two trips to Bangkok from Surin.
  5. Most of the time in our village the headman only uses the speakers to disseminate news that affects the populace. The main reason being that about 70% are illiterate, therefore it is the only way to get news out. Things like when to go and register for handouts, what is happening to the infrastructure, when, and for how long the electricity is going to be off. However, as 2Baht pointed out, the education system is working..........keep them dumb, then lead like sheep.
  6. Sadly, I counted 31 I remembered. The only others were the girls comics....... Outside toilet AND Izal toilet roll...............still recovering from that one...............
  7. Please correct me if wrong, but all the years I was visiting before retirement I used an IDP. It is valid for a year, but only three months at any one time. If you are here longer than 3 months you need a Thai licence. Or is it dependent on the type of visa you have?
  8. When I renewed mine I needed two of everything, no copies. Immigration, two letters, medical, two letters. I also copied everything in duplicate in case it was asked for, passport, uk licence, shoe size, inside leg measurement...
  9. At the other end of the spectrum you have this Gentleman...................
  10. My Wife obtained her licence about four years ago, since then hardly driven a car. A few months ago, she expressed a desire to take up the wheel again. I drove out of the village, we changed over seats. She then looked around the truck ( Ranger, automatic), and said......."o.k. what do I do first"............I replied by saying "you get back in the passenger seat, and I will drive"....
  11. Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?.......................Who watches the watchers?
  12. We need a committee, definitely need a committee. The only way forward is to set up a committee.
  13. It is a cross we have to bear for the betterment of Mankind.
  14. I would say they have already achieved that goal..............
  15. There is money in real estate business, that is for sure.
  16. I think you are giving them more credit than they are due Crossy.....
  17. I wonder how many of those students ride a motorbike to school, without a helmet, license, three up, or more. Simply put, they are p****ing in the wind to think anyone will enforce any laws here.
  18. Well, he certainly spouted a load of hot air, whether it be from his mouth or his a***.
  19. Please help a senile old man...........I was under the impression that a DUI gets you 4 points deducted off your licence. therefore you can be caught 3 times a year before you lose the said licence. Then, at the end of the year, you regain all your points.
  20. Good luck with that in the land of no consequences.
  21. LOL................Now that made me larf...............Thank you..............
  22. Mr. P. will get as many seats as he wants, just the same as before.....he will buy them, or rig the vote....simple.
  23. I thought it was another case of electrocution from an un-insulated cable.
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