''No sport tho'', no good for me then and at 600B per month thats expensive when compared to Wizz tv. One issue i'm seeing with Wizz tv is there is some problem with Samsung Smart TV's which i have as they are not Android.
Can anyone comment on this issue thanks, Com Dino No 1 here lol
I'm having problems signing in to my HD Prime account despite trying all sorts of solutions, its indicating that its blocked in Thailand and i can't find a work around.
Can anyone recco a very good alternative site that i can sign up to to access ALL UK TV channels including Sky News/Sports etc ? Thanks
Try the 'Home' keyboard button, works for me.
Although things have got quicker i'm still having speed problems with returning to a previous page using the return arrow in the top left of a page.
Well i got a new debit card at BB without my name on it, the guy that dealt with me speaks a little English and said no Thai banks put your name on a debit card. Sure enough you were right, when i got home i set up a Netflix account and put Netflix on my smart TV by just entering my full name where requested.
and thats exactly what wifey said lol but i've just realised by looking at the card that we have another problem. The card number is missing two numbers which have been worn away by frequent use. So its off to Bangkok Bank anyway 🙄
Well i tried to set up Netflix 419bht per month on my phone here in Thailand and i was doing fine and then they asked for my debit card details,
I then realised that my Bangkok Bank account ATM card is not a debit card as it does'nt have my name on it.
I'm going to Bangkok Bank this morning to hopefully get a debit card, does anyone know if i will be able to get one ? TIA
If i can't get one then no doubt i will have to buy the Gift card 500bht from 7/11 but i don't really want to go down this route.
Thanks for that but my TV's are in my lounge and bedroom upstairs, my PC is in my mancave so not really practical. I'm just going to take the easy way out and sign up to Netflix Thailand and pay the 419bht per month.
That would make sense as to why i can view on my PC. My son in the UK is going to sort out for me as i'm a bit of a com dino, if he has to set up a new account for me so be it and i'll happily pay the 419bht for the premium package.
Thanks for your helpful post.
I have the same issue, no access on my TV's but surprisingly i have access on my PC. My son in the UK is looking into the problem but it may involve me signing up and paying for it myself.
My IO here in Korat always asks for proof of the fact that my FTT into my Bangkok bank account is indeed derived from a pension. I supply them with a monthly pension statement showing gross and net income, they accept no problem.
Not in my IO at Korat they were not when i had my stamps transferred in 2015. My ''ridiculous'' comment was aimed at the requirement by your IO, i just can't see the need for such information but i do understand that some IO's appear to act on their own requirements.