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Everything posted by Ohyesuare

  1. Did any of you incels seemingly defending his actions even watch the video? You don't keep cutting someone off with your motorcycle to ask them out and then continue pestering them after they are clearly not interested in you and said they have a boyfriend.
  2. 10% in a restaurant if I haven't already been charged a service charge. Bolt just give 100 for shortish trips. Massage 100 per hour. Maids 100 per day. Worked out for me for the past few years and most seem appreciative/happy with it.
  3. My TGF does. It's a set price which is usually cheaper and you don't have to ask the price or negotiate if they give you a crazy high price. Plus they come right to wherever you are at.
  4. Until earlier this year, it was extremely difficult to get a playstation 5 unless you paid an exorbitant amount to a scalper. Anytime they went on sale, the stock was gone in minutes. It's easy now but I'd be surprised if you could find many second hand ones at the moment due to that.
  5. The least she could do is lend you a hand.
  6. Reported online today to Jomtien immigration and was approved after an hour.
  7. Wise will automatically convert your USD to THB when transferring to a Thai bank. They will show you the complete breakdown of fees and exchange rate before you accept. I'm not sure if the 50k limit still applies for SWIFT using Wise, their website isn't clear about it. https://wise.com/help/articles/2932335/guide-to-thb-transfers
  8. I'm aware of that very necessary button on this forum but appreciate the tip and also that you're at least self aware enough to realize the correct action to your off topic, unhelpful and inane comments in this thread. Although I honestly shouldn't expect any less from someone who self admittedly rarely spends their 500 baht daily budget and needs something to do to pass the days until they expire.
  9. Who asked and who cares? The topic is about: Using cardless cash withdrawals at the ATM with a smartphone app.
  10. Yes TM30 is a requirement, especially when doing extensions. Hotels do it when you check in and condo landlords/managers are supposed to do it within 24 hours of you checking in as well. You and the landlord can be fined if you show up to immigration and one hasn't been done. Probably got lucky in Koh Samui and got a IO that didn't care or didn't check if one was done.
  11. You are flying in and out with multiple month gaps in between most visits. Nobody can give you a 100% guarantee but I doubt you will have any problem flying in again to get another visa exempt. At worst, they might question why you are spending so much time in Thailand but they are unlikely to think you are illegally working due to the month long gaps between previous visits. Entry by land border is limited to 2 a year but there is no "set" limit for entries by air. That's at the immigration officer's discretion.
  12. The exact amount is but i did receive an official email from Thai Elite today that the last day to upgrade is the 15th of this month and there will be a switch to "new" packages later on this year.
  13. Nothing. When you return, your 90 days for reporting will start fresh.
  14. Not your choice when you're out in public. Best is to just ignore it and move as causing a scene about it will guarantee that you will be featured.
  15. Agreed, 0% chance this actually happened. If OP needs to pass the time with made up fantasies of being in Pattaya, I am sure there are better ways to make use of his time.
  16. Pretty sure when being refused entry upon arrival by air, you need to return back to your point of origin at the airline's cost if it was due to something they missed/didn't check for (like a proper visa). When being deported for other reasons, you must return to the country of the passport you entered with. You don't get to pick and choose where to go.
  17. Tourist boom or tourist boom boom?
  18. They wouldn't have caught him but he went the Wang Wei.
  19. Is it that surprising when the victim and their family is wealthy and a 3 million baht reward offered to garner publicity?
  20. It's 100% the same guy. If you think otherwise, you're delusional. The story is from 2018. Same name just missing one of his middle names. Hans Peter Walter Mack and Hans Peter Mack. 56 in story from 2018 and 62 now which adds up the age. Build, hair looks like him. 41 year old Thai woman was procuring young girls for him, not his wife who is now 24 and he married at 19.
  21. "However, she knows fish do not possess teeth." Many fish do have teeth actually. Some are very human like.
  22. Any hospital doctor should prescribe you some if you tell them your ailments and you only need that few a week.
  23. Still having issues with Bangkok Bank app.
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