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Everything posted by pedro01

  1. That's a beautiful car for sure - a real classic
  2. No doors? That's a novelty - how do you stay in it around bends?
  3. Good to know that it's lasted - my experience with locally built BMW's has not been stellar.
  4. We ended up paying the majority in cash. We took a million at 1% because I like to have the leverage of stopping the finance if the car turns out to have unadressed issues. My theory is that if we stop paying the finance and explain why, it puts pressure on them to fix it.
  5. I would love to be able to buy second hand cars here instead of new - but I just don't trust them here.
  6. When I buy a car, the deposit seems to be negotiable - but you are gonna spend the money anyway, so no point worrying about it. As for finance - they will presume you want it - and any discounted price you negotiate will be based on that assumption. If you don't want finance, don't tell them until you have agreed the final price. They can discount deeply - you know when you are getting max discount when they bring out a piece of paper from the manufacturer showing the maximum discounts allowed. Once they do that - you can get a bit more but they might dig their heels in - in which case you go to another dealer. When that paper comes out, I always say "well, I won't tell them if you don't" You have to smile during this process and keep it fun or they will dig their heels in - but they know the game, so as long as you aren't an a$$ about it - they will entertain you. One thing that confuses me was the last car we got, the interest rate offered was 1% - it amazes me they make any money off that.
  7. Cool car - has he had any issues with it since owning it?
  8. You need to re-read. Mercedes replaced the battery under warranty.
  9. I thought I'd give an update on the sporty Beemer I got for the wife as it's almost 2 years in. We had one problem with it - engine light came on and they sent a low-loader for it - turned out to be bad fuel. It's happened a few times since, so if the engine light goes on after refueling, we largely ignore it as it goes away with refills. It's a bit like 2 cars. In comfort mode, it behaves well and drives like a shopping trolley. In Sport+ mode, it turns into a beast and the back end slips and slides. The traction control basically doesn't do much - so you have to drive it like an old RWD without traction - point it where you want and then power down - but not too much because the back end will slide even in a straight line. To some that's horrific (like my mate when he drove it and goosed the gas too much and the back really went out, as did his bottle). It is very fast - 0-100 in under 4 seconds and my other car does it in 4.7 and you can really tell the difference. The exhaust burps and gurgles and starting it up scares the birds from the trees. So far, so good. It's comfortable, it's impractical, it's like a go-kart. Imagine an old style mini with almost 400hp and you get the idea of how much fun it is. The roof closes in 10 seconds and can close under 50kmh, so if it starts to rain, you don't have to mess around. The engine is jointly designed with Toyota, and is in their GR 3.0L Supra (also 5 million), so I am hoping that once we are out of warrantly, getting non BMW parts won't be a big problem. I can't see us letting this car go - it's just too much fun and a future classic, plus other Z4 owners give you a wave when you pass one. In terms of trips - I've driven it to Koh Chang and Samui so far - and it was comfortable on the long drives, although the temptation to floor it was such that I wouldn't want to do those trips too regular. Terrible investment - but then it wasn't an investment - but for sheer fun, I don't think there's anything for the price that would come close to the entertainment value of the car. So I'm happy with it - especially as I still have my 'mans car' and can take the hairdresser's car just when I want some fun. I'd definitely advise it. The 718 Boxter is a few 10ths of a second faster off the mark - but with the price difference, the BMW could ALMOST be described as a bargain.
  10. OK - so update is that I did plump for the warranty. During the last service, the battery needed replacing. The cost for one from Benz would have been 200,000 Baht. For a battery. OF course, if it wasn't under warranty, I wouldn't have paid that, I'd have got a battery from another supplier. The motor in one of the seats went too - and I didn't ask about the price of that. So it's almost paid for itself.
  11. Try Halloween in West Hollywood - same thing - and it's a hoot! Or the gay parades in Ibiza - also a hoot. I'm straight - but when these parades go on - there's no sex going on that I saw - but the clothing - was camper that a row of pink tents - as it should be, As for the kids - we all have bottoms, we all have bodies. They aren't seeing nudity - but the odd g-string under a pair of leather chaps as someone climbs on a motorbike is the worst I've seen. At least shave that behind ????
  12. I can think of a couple of reasons he might have done it.... 1 - To cause a stir and get his name in the spotlight 2 - Because he thinks it will attract voters/donations 3 - Because of his religious beliefs I don't for a second think it's number 3. I think the whole thing is contrived for shock value for personal gain.
  13. I wasn't suggesting your air con is not working - I am suggesting this might be their entry point. They have to get in somewhere.
  14. Getting kicked off Fox for being too far right is an achievement indeed.
  15. Well - to be fair - as distasteful as his comments were - neither did Michael Knowles if you read what he said. He is basically saying they don't exist anyway "“Nobody’s calling to exterminate anybody because the other problem with that statement is that transgender people is not a real ontological category,” he added. “It’s not a legitimate category of being.”" That's distasteful but the left calling it a call for genocide does not ring true. Neither party is for the people any more.
  16. lololol I can imagine my wife trying to drive and use one of those at the same time
  17. just take the roof down, let them fly out and then put it back up again.... but seriously - they shouldn't even get in to the car if the windows are closed - maybe something in your air conditioning system is awry
  18. It's time for a new left wing and a new right wing. They have both moved too far to the extremes. I would rather vote for ,my dog the way things stand.
  19. There is a very vocal minority in the LGBTQ+ community and I dare say a larger number of people outside of that community rooting for this. Most gay and trans people I have discussed this with feel it's unfair. I don't think we should tar them all with the same brush over this, it's just extremely vocal far left activists that are doing this. They have is so that people are scared to speak out about it.
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