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Everything posted by kingstonkid

  1. Lots of places of various prices in the area If WSE is for Wall Street then my suggestion is to rent a place for a week or month, which is easy to do here. Then ask the staff for any recommendations. I imagine you are not the only expat going to work there. Email one of the others and ask where they are living. Futurepark is very close depending on where and if WSE is moving I noticed that the building they share with Office mate is being vacated. Rangsit is actually a lot easier to acclimatize in as most people are willing to help and there is not you expat you must be tourist we rip you off. Wat Phra Sri Mahathat ???? are you sure you are working in Rangsit and not at WSE CHang wattana
  2. Had to laugh went out with a Thai woman, and she could not understand that I wanted to have sex twice in a week. Asked her what her ex husband was like and she said 5 times a year. Quick wham bam more of a duty. She never wondered about why he had a girlfriend and now was her ex lol. Young people mostly males think that it is their right to have what they want and that the girl's wishes do not matter.
  3. Going back to old PM is not what Thailand needs It needs new leadership that is young and not under the thumb,b of the OLD MONEY MEN
  4. Even better is to have your daughter go with you when you do it
  5. Actually Thai uniform is very popular in Japan but usually it is the short skirt version. Asian girls seem to love cos play.
  6. Don't forget Expats on retirement or marriage extensions ????
  7. I think that there is more to it, but yes, it is possible. Other things to take into consideration is women are busy making carreers, families can't afford a lot of kids, and the old Thai style of raising kids where Grandparents looked after the kids and the oldest child looked after grandparents is no longer effective. Though you have to give the teens credit they are doing their best unfortunately to add to the birth rate, teen pregnancies are on the rise again up 47% in 2021. It is such a problem that the government has mandated that schools have to keep thee girls in classes. The challenge is not just here but also in the rest of the world
  8. The challenge for most of these people and it is the same around the world is that Parents have not learned to say NO. Instead of letting johny or Susie throw a temper tantrum and punishing them they give them what they want.
  9. It should be mandatory that all PM candidates contest a seat and run for government. As to her having a baby, maybe it is part of the Biden/Fetterman playbook from the U.S>. Have a medical excuse why you can not be out in public and get sympathy. No matter what, it is not as if she is the one that will be raising the child I am sure that nannies and other family members are already set to do so.
  10. Seems to be happening a lot second time this year LOL Might want to consider a new service provider
  11. How would a possibly spoiled Thai/Indian/American know what sadistic sex is and anything about it. I doth think this young person watches too much of the wrong porn on pornhu*. I can verify though, that many young Thai men seem to think that it is ok to hurt their partners. The challenge is that most Thai men have a low understanding of how to treat a lady/ladyboy. They seem to think that the sex is all about them and what they want.
  12. Not saying Canada is doing any better, but have the U.K. media gone for crop. All you seem to read is I got a boo boo in Thailand and can't pay for the band-aid. I am a real-life blow up doll Megan and Harry through a temper tantrum I am a member of the no-bra club. I am not a footie fan but would rather see articles about Player x getting a head ache or politics rather than this <deleted>. Has China finally with tik tok killed the last remaining brain cells that. Do we really need this stuff in ASEANNOW
  13. Have we changed to a new server again?????????????
  14. Yes but it is the amount of sugar they have in their diet. The fatty junk food that you talk about is mostly made up of sugars and other <deleted>. I came here with my wife at the time in the late 90's she was sllightly over weight and free size was tight. If you went into the stores there were no clothes here that she could buy as there were very few large Thai ladies. Also then people played football and were outside. Then came the tech revolution and the internet. the more the internet evolves and the gaming world evolves the fewer kids that are doing anything but playing on their phones. The other thing that puzzles the F out of me is Thai hospitals. Supposedly they are there to help people get healthy but has anyone ever looked at the shops that are there selling food. As a type 2 I have to go in for fasting blood work. In order to get anything to eat after I have the choice of starbucks or a snack shop that sells nothing but sugary foods. The higher end is not any better take a walk inside BNH and see the food that you can buy. there is nothing that is low-fat low sugar it is all high fat high cholesterol. same with schools
  15. The biggest joke of these4 elections so far is the promises. Note that PT is going to eradicate Buriram of all drugs. increase the wages and guarantee all BA grads 25k a month Anutin is going to build monorails in Pathum Thani (would love to know where he is going to do that with the BTS lines already here. Right now there is good affordable transport with buses. Monorails are not cheap. both thought have the caveat if we sweep or get 300 seats When in Thailand has any party gotten that many seats without having minor parties join them?
  16. You say your job is ging to be in Rangsit but yet you want to live outside Rangsit. If you are working in Rangsit and live along the line where you state it is going to be expensive for transport. There are some nice condos houses and such in the Rangsit area. My suggestion would be to look at different spots online that are close to where you are going to work and then decide from there. At this time there are 2 BTS lines that run to Rangsit nd Khu KOK. The line you want will depend greatly on where you are working. Are you going ot be a teacher if so which school and I can tellyou that some of the schools can be very helpful.
  17. This is a nice area and is currently upgrading. If you are looking then this is an area that should be reasonable. There are stores near by like Big C so shopping is ok and lots of thai restaurants. The main question though is where are you going to be working? As of extra cost right now there s no real difference in price between BTS Khu Khok and Chatuchak to almost anywhere the big difference is about an hour commute If you are going to be working in the old part of town close to the river then there are also a lot of nice places here and cheap accommodations in Wong wian.
  18. Done it a couple of times. The issue is when you go to sleep go to sleep with no interruptions. No loud music no one asking questions. Did 72 hours once and ended up sleep walking in the bush. Did a 48 in Pakistan for vip visit was useless for 4 days.
  19. The average salary for public schools: $1,000-$1,200 More than I thought they were LAST i HEARD THEY WERE UNDER PAID. The problem though with that number is the average part. Would like to see that number if you take the big cities out of he picture. Also a lot of the teachers that are still teaching were teaching when people were still using pencils and paper. LOL
  20. ???? I used to get <deleted> then realized that it is lack of comfort talking English. Try walking through the mall and watch them approach your gf. Mine has realized that when she is with me they leave her alone ???? Is there anything you can do about it. I just give her the money to pay then hold out my hand to her for change.
  21. As retired service members I am also interested when a brother falls. I am confused why it would be forward to immigration. Would this not be a military matter therefore under military police or are they that bad
  22. Notice that he did not mention doing the Thai thing when coments are made. Nothing mentioned about lese majeste or slander
  23. Anyone admitted that may need blood is tested so that they can have the blood on hand. Thai hospitals especially the top tier do that immediately if for not other reason than to bill it.
  24. This is from a UK provider website notice the wording up to Up to £10 million for emergency medical expenses outside the UK: Emergency medical treatment Dental treatment for emergency pain relief Emergency medical repatriation to the UK The challenge is what is covered and how much. I am sure they do not have the top plan I am also sure that UK insurers and Travel agents are getting tired of these articles showing up in the newspaper.
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