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Everything posted by kingstonkid

  1. Okay went to Patpong last night and got a great laugh. Can those of you that are aficionados of Thai bars explain when you ever got food at either the Pink Panther, Badabing or any of the knights crosses. LOL it is funny to see these places open granted there were no girls dancing and the music was low but there were still a few girls there.
  2. To a lot of Thai ladies it is a big difference. Most want to live in a marriage not in sin. LOL To me it means very little except the difference of 400K baht and the ability to extend if needed. That is really the only reason that I wuld get married. Then again why do old people in the UK AUS and Canada get married. Why get married at all if you are not going to have kids.
  3. She is not talking about money she has warned me that they will want money. As anyone here that reads my questions I ask because I am wililng to admit there are not things that I am an expert at. While I would not come here for financial medical or legal advice. There are a lot of people that have been arund here longer than me that hove the cultural advice. Also there are a lot of people that have the immigration system understood. Those I accept advice from. Before I tell a person that they are full of <deleted> I want to know if they are or are not. At no time has she asked for money. Again she has kept the family away from me she says because they would want money. I ahve already seem them do it to her for money she has made at Lazada.
  4. Neeram Better than marrying a 25 year old. There are a couple of reasons to get married. Getting married gives her some peace of mind that I am not going to do a runner. Most important though is if the rules change for retirement visa I have another out for a long term visa extension.
  5. Just wondering GF telling me that reason she does not introduce me to family is they will want money. Hah that would never happen here I tell her> Second reason is that family will want sinsod. she is over 50 and been married before which to me makes her Mia Maiy e So no dowery is needed. Is this correct?
  6. Dad in a hurry on the bike, no helmets probably and all too familiar with the area so thinks that he does not have to look. The truck driver swerved to but I am willing to think that neither vehicle was going a safe speed
  7. Most lawyers have a free consultation meeting. They will advise him of what to do and what it would cost as well as if it is winnable in the FREE consultation.
  8. 555 I get a kick out of people that use others as an example of the worst even though it has nothing to do with the post. The OP is looking to find out how he can say involved in his child's life and stay in the country. He does not state anything about a house and hopefully he did not do that as everyone knows that that is a bad idea. BTW I am helping the GF buy a house but my lawyer has made sure there are protections for me. I have taken his advice and worst case scenario is that I am out the mortgage payments which are cheaper than rent in Bangkok (10k a month for a garden home) Any info that op gets here is just us speaking as to legal outlook.
  9. Op get a good lawyer explain what yo need and what you are willing to do.
  10. Zeer in Rangsit might also be a place to check
  11. Yes unless they want to be sued and the government shut them down. No ONE can guarantee that you are going to make money. No one can guarantee that the stock you choose will not go down or up in value over a long period of time.
  12. The big difference between PC and MAC is simple actually. If you want more power larger hard drive or anything with a PC you simply upgrade it. Best example ofcourse is MB or video Unfortunatley you can not do the same with a Mac as everything is proprietarey and no one is bulding the parts. MACs used to be good for a lot of things but i would suggest that with the upgrades that PC mnufacturers have made there is not a lot of difference. Most of the software that you runon a MAC is avaialble or a comparable product is available. Much as WINDOWS AND WORD used to be the only thing that companies used for documents you are now seeing many others that are cheaper providing the same features.
  13. Do you really think that people are going to even notice $10 extra with all the other fees that airlines have. I wonder how many people are turned off because of the 700baht leaving fee
  14. Why for some people is everything about hurting Foreigners. You almost sound as bad as the woke people in the U.S> saying that everything people say is racist.
  15. It may be that there is not enough evidence for criminal proceedings. however, there may be enough for civil proceedings. If that is the case then he may be hoping that the civil trial brings enough evidence to formally charge them. Imagine if OJ had of been found guilty in the civil trial and then had to face a criminal trial after being found responsible.
  16. Bottom line I think is that the government will I am sure make an announcement when the COVID extension is about to end for good. Probably 10 days prior if you are lucky
  17. Does anyone think that a person is going to say no to coming here because they have to pay 10 US extra on their ticket. Considering all the other fees it is not that much really
  18. No a non commissioned officer in exactly that it is an NCO Cheif Warrant Officer and down to corporal. Once you become an officer you are commissioned. The only officers that are not commissioned are Petty Officers as that is the equivalent to a Sgt or Warrant Officer To be a Colonel you must be commissioned. There is nothing listed for a NCO Colonel. I am wondering if that could mean he was a senior position in the non military government as they wear uniforms In the beginning you bought your way into the officers Corp so you bought a commission. IOf you could not afford to buy a commission then you wre a soldier no matter how good you were. Easy way to look at it. Officers think they lead and know NCO actually lead and they do know
  19. Ubonjoe Can you explain the policy on assisting charities. I am not looking to work fulltime but am looking at going to an orphanage and helping once a week type thing or working with a group like Bangkok Charities.
  20. Mr Panya has initially been charged with manslaughter but could face murder charges as the investigation deepens. Police were looking to see if he had intended to kill the boy. Police are investigating to see if any charges can be levied against the mother. Prison may be too good for them. Let them out near these mobs or have them do a re-enactment and have the cops just walk away.
  21. That is the [problem that we are facing in this world. The misunderstanding. Correct covid action should not be taken based on the number of people that have it. That is like saying we are going to close things based on the number of people that have a cold or the flu. What they need to react to is the severity of the strain. So far very few 7 omicron related deaths in the UK. It is the number of people that had severe reactions and needed hospitalization or that died that we need to worry about. Covid just like Flu and Sars and other viruses is not going to be cured. Forget that it will not happen in anyone reading this lifetime if ever. If we can get the virus to the point that it is the same as having the flu then we are off to the races as to getting some form of normalcy back.
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