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Everything posted by kingstonkid

  1. ???? Love an easy question first thing in morning. Translation is can't report anything good about economy or COVID Let's change narrative time to drag out we are going to look at debt relief. Someone put a note on desk. He looked at it. There I have looked at debt relief
  2. I thought that was what all the Pattaya expats did on beach road with the lovely ladies there
  3. A pandemic is easy to solve or control. People's stupidity is something else. Thai's scream if you try to make things safer. It is their right to do stupid things. Remember when for safety reasons they tried to outlaw riding in the back of pick ups. While this country may be in the 21st century in 2022 they have the knowledge of and thoughts of Canada in 1960.
  4. Nothing you can really do and do not think it wise to offer a bribe. All you can do is learn from this and resend the package. Commercial companies go through a lot to be authorized to send items personal amounts tend to not be screened as well for bacteria or pests.
  5. HI. Presently living in Rangsit and thinking that getting out and doing some volunteer work might not be a bad thing to get me out of the house. no I am not looking to assist barmaids or such
  6. Same with Canada. We are warned to have coverage. They will help with notification of NOK.
  7. And I am supposed to trust CBS or MSM in the U.S. I am not saying that people are out sick. What I am saying is that there is no proof that omicron is as deadly at Delta. Considering the number of vaxxed and boosted people that are getting it is still not shown that a booster shot has much of an effect. Also the last thing an airline wants to do is have someone that is sick or thinks they may be as crew.
  8. Prostitution in Thailand Say it is not so!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I thought all those girls sitting standing on Thaniya Rd were part of the TAT and welcoming Japanese to Thailand.
  9. Bars oops restaurants outside the area will do a great business. Get a hotel room facing the ocean invite 4 girls and buy enough snake medicine at 7/11 and you are all set. The girls might kill you but what a way to go.
  10. Considering the number people that got sinoVac a triple is not a bad idea. Looking at the number of vaxxed people getting it in the west not sure it helps and definitely don't see it stopping people from getting it.
  11. I think it greatly depends on where you are doing the processing. I also think that it is probably more labour intensive to do marriage than a retirement extension. I learned long ago if they give me an out with a reasonable amount to just take it. 10 years dealing with PT immigration and knock on wood no issues only kudos and appreciation
  12. It will be interesting to see what the Thai response and attendance is to events. Hotels are hurting and much of it is self induced with Pre covid pricing. Going to stay home for NYE and celebrate it with the cat and neighbors
  13. History answers why people are/were buried. When people died in the old days they had to get rid of the bodies, Non Native North Americans did not want to burn the bodies as they felt that the person should go to the after life whole. Burial was the quickest and easiest method. Now we are seeing that most people are being cremated There are still cremation burial plots but they can be closer together and take up less land.
  14. Rob I am CDN so it is a little different for me. I took a copy of every page in my passport TM7 Letter from the Cdn Embassy verifying my monthly earnings. Had to sign a couple of forms that they keep there stating that I understood the rules, that I was applying for 1 year. I also took a copy of my rental agreement and bank statements but did not need them. Hope this helps
  15. Took 50 min didn't need to see anyone Great service. Oh yeah PT immigration
  16. I agree but until we lift the restrictions and see those nightclubs may not be as popular as they were before covid. The seafood restaurant and boxing can still be kept but upgraded. Tourists want to see Muay thai and each seafood so during the day they can actually be family entertainment.
  17. I think no matter what they do unless they shut down and demolish the bars on the beach side of walking street side there will always be the people coming for adult entertainment. That being said ending walking street in it's present location would not be a bad thing either. We all know that the skin trade business is relocating to different areas. Remember Patpong used to be the main area for Bangkok now it has moved to NANA and Patpong is barely hanging on. There really is no reason that Pattaya can not be both a family and a single male female location. Many cities strive with dual tourism. The Chinese and Indians will come here especially if there is a casino. As stated the big issue is to get the bars open let them either survive or fold. If the tourists do not come and the people are losing money then the market will decide what is going to happen. Personally I think the biggest problem is that there is no property tax on these buildings. Therefore owners once they have built them really have no expenses other than a low mortgage if that.
  18. The trans community here has a lot of hurdles. Someone ask why they don't get a real job. As soon as most businesses see that they are Trans they will not hire them. Most of the trans population that can get a job are the ones that have completed the surgery. However like they said the issue then becomes ID. I do find it interesting that you can change your name here but that you can not change my our gender even if you get all the surgeries and hormones. As to making prostitution legal there are a great number of benefits for both sides. If iot is legal then you can tax it. To a certain extent you can regulate it. You can control the medical side of things and establish laws about how often they must be tested and restrict the numbers in any given area. You can also make it harder for non Thais to get into the business. For the women it makes it easier for them to get help, for them to get medical assistance when they need it and it also allows them to seek assistance from predator handlers and bosses.
  19. Not really they mostly seem to be sitting around and when they set up a checkpoint there are enough of them at the check point that they could spread out LOL I agree there are ways to avoid it or make it simple but while it may seem like a legit system it was stated in jest. The true way I would suggest they do it is the old tried and true way no helmet thank you for your bike go buy a helmet and come back with the sales receipt and wearing your helmet and we will let yo go. If not then we will hoveae bike at our compound.
  20. Hey the police want to make money and they want people to wear a helmet. I have a solution. It is a win win lose that is awesome. Somchai gets pulled over for not wearing a helmet. Policeman says ok Somchai no helmet 500 baht. Somchai says ok and pays 500 baht gets on motorbike and starts to travel 100 meters down the road Somchai gets pulled over for not wearing a helmet. Policeman says ok Somchai no helmet 500 baht. Somchai says ok and pays 500 baht gets on motorbike and starts to travel 100 meters down the road Somchai gets pulled over for not wearing a helmet. Policeman says ok Somchai no helmet 500 baht. Somchai says ok and pays 500 baht gets on motorbike looks down the road sees 3 more policeman waiting and smiling Somchai looks around and sees a shop selling motorcycle helmets for 1500 baht. At end of shift police divide up their winnings or actually turn the money in with an accounting to the number of people that bought helmets from the Police authorised vendor.
  21. They are missing the boat with digital nomads. easy solution is that you say that they have to be here a year and get a tax id and pay taxes on funds they earn while here. Not sure how that would work with the U.S. but it would pose interesting thoughts for some countries because a lot of the time you can only be taxed in one country can you not. put a minimum earnings level of lets say 1.2 million baht they have to claim and pay tax on and it makes the country a little pocket change and for renewal all you have to show is your tax return and the paid slip that goes with it.
  22. The problem is that all THAI WOMEN WANT THE SAME THINGS a house a car a family The only problem they have is that they do not talk to anyone about how they are going to do it they just know that they want it so they are going to get it. They never look at how they are going to do it. Sadly a lot of western people are in the same boat. What I find interesting is the speed of foreclosure. My ex gf left me and left house I moved out and stopped paying. It has been over 2 years and the bank still has not foreclosed and when asked about buying it from them said that ex still was the owner. I think this story and a lot of houses are going to start coming onto the market soon.
  23. The problem is that they do not have an option for the seller to say on order. Yes it upsets me too and I cancel when they do that
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