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Everything posted by kingstonkid

  1. Right now cities around the world are affected by BROWN outs where during peak hours there is not enough hydro. The best time is at night because most businesses are closed and people are at home. Therefore less power used. However, once you go green and only EV just imagine the power drain and usage there will be from all the cars being plugged in and charging. Imagine dad has an important meeting goes home plugs the car in and knows that it will be ready and he has to leave at 6 to get to the meeting. Dad wakes up only to find out that there is a power outage during the night. The EV pumps I am sure have auto shut off but I bet like a gas pump someone has to press the handle or push the button to restart.
  2. Looking at the Klongs in Rangsit they are low so should not be a huge problem for us.
  3. You may be right but I would disagree about the land, Garden homes are built on a property yes but it is a managed property that is regulated. YOu can not demolish a garden home when it is in the middle of a row. any more than you can demolish an apartment that is on the top floor. Thanks for your input though it is greatly appreciated. Sent the same wording to my lawyer to see what the legal response is will post it when I get it.
  4. Okay this may be waaaaaaay out of the box but I am wondering. I have an option to buy my garden home. Here is where I get screwy in my thinking. Apartment buildings are part of condo's and have condo fees that have to be paid. The condo owns the land but all you own in an apartment condo is the apartment that you live in. For this right you pay condo fees and all that good stuff. But you can never own the land. In a garden home group the units are joined and while in some units you have a little garden space you really do not own the land and could not for instance either sell it or tear down the garden home and rebuild it. The rules for Farang is that a Farang is allowed to buy a unit as long as long as there are more Thai owners than non Thai. My question is therefore: has anyone had any luck buying a garden home in their name? Is it possible?
  5. I am involved in this situation. The previous GF did a runner due to being caught borrowing with no intent to repay. I was left with the choice of paying her mortgage payments for her and staying in the building or simply leaving. I left. Since then the house has been empty and the grounds that were nice have gone to hell. There is noting anyone can legally do about it. There is also no way that they can hire someone to look after it and bill her because no one knows where she has gone, believe me I tried she owed me money. Due to the pandemic banks have been told to lay off people owing and the Thai system for foreclosure is a very long one ( 2 years so far) Until the bank sells it though auction there is nothing anyone can do and it is not in my best interest to fix it up, (BTW if anyone in the PT area is looking for good cheap AC call me I have 3 for sale) The condo knows that I have the keys but also knows that i only use it for storage at this point and have no legal attachment. Therefore while I used to pay the fees that also stopped.
  6. The OPS question and stance is interesting. The challenge that has been laid out here though is interesting and sounds like a lot of places. First the vaccines as I have read do not prevent a person for getting covid they only minimize the affect. Second, the argument that I should not have to get the vaccine is also true. There is nothing to say anywhere unless yo work for the U.S. government you have to be vaccinated. Hockey players are throwing away millions of dollars and in sme cases their careers because they do not want to get vaccinated. Third, considering that the government has mandated that Matayom students will get vaccinated to return to schools then teachers should have realized that the other side of the coin is that teachers will have to be vaccinated. The government has not come out and said it but then again almost all Thais and Farang have been vaccinated willingly. Fourth you sign a contract that states that you will abide by the school policies and rules. Unfortunately it does not say what rules or when they can be created or enforced. Finally as a teacher you may be able to convince the labour board that you are in the right (not so sure abut that) but that only means that the school has to employ you until the end of your contract. It does not say it has to have you teaching classes. Therefore there is nothing saying they can not give you your own office in a broom closet and mandate you checking in at 730 and leaving at 4 each day and sit in your little room.
  7. So let me get this right. They had sex under rubber trees posted the video to a website that you have to pay to play a Thai person that is against pornography[hy paid to go on the site watched them have sex probably enjoyed it like all good bible thumpers in Canada or U.S. would Then notified the police about it. Maybe like with ladies of the evening it is not the ladies that should be charged but the lookers(johns) Let's face it Porn sells always has always will. It is for some the next best thing to that really nicely dressed and showing almost all her cleavage and legs girl that is standing in front of McDonalds in NANA. You might want to get rid of it and you might move it but it will still be just around the next corner.
  8. I think you missed the first sentence The solution is simple but will never be enacted.
  9. Here is the funny part. If the girl gets pregnant everyone in the village will laud over her because the baby will be infused with the spirit of the trees. LOL The only thing that this couple should get charged with is stupidity for sharing the photos
  10. The solution is simple but will never be enacted. Pay a decent wage that police can live off of without living in <deleted> housing. make sure that police have an education minimum Pratom 6 and they pass an entrance exam. Explain to them that taking anything valued at more that 15 baht is against the law and they will not only be fired but they will be charged with corruption and spend time in jail as well as forfeit everything they own. Charge and investigate the top brass of every police station. Anyone that has taken a bribe fired pension erased and property of them and their family seized. Do away with bounty and extra pay for doing their job. Make all senior police officers take college courses in police procedure. Bring in senior federal police from 5 western countries to look at and suggest changes. (This is the easy one as most embassies have senior federal police on embassy staff already.)
  11. Yes I know it is country music BUT it is still funny.
  12. thanks was not sure lol Then again up to immigration person after I give her a smile and tellher how beautiful she is lol
  13. My 90 day is do for reporting mid December. I can not start my renewal process for Retirement extension until January. I am thinking (dangerous for me) that what will happen is that I will get a partial 90 day and then have to redo it when I get my extension. Is this the process or are the 90 days separate from the extensions.?
  14. Hey it is not just here. How can you shoot and kill someone or get caught stealing numerous times and get bail. Just ask the American system. I know it is not just them but there are lots of countries that have the same system it is not just Thailand. Personally if it was me I would want to stay in prison in segregation with my gf and lawyer maybe supplementing the hotel meals. As to the re enactment I thought we just had a thread where people were talking about how stupid they were and that they were nothing more than a PR circus show. By going through the re enactment he is then admitting guilt. Any lawyer worth anything will tell him to shut the F up and not help them convict him.
  15. Hey this makes real sense let's open up to India. get more variations of covid. Do people not read. The only country with more active covid cases is the U.S. Why would you open up to a country that is black likested by many other countries due to the virus. OH I AM SORRY forgot logic?
  16. If the water is knee deep she obviously waited until the last minute. I am sorry but people that live along the banks of rivers or klongs in Thailand this time of year should know better and be careful. Also sand bags themselves are not going to stop the water. you need a plastic barrier in front of the bags. I am sorry she is going through this but guarantee it is not the first time. What is happening to the hotels along the C P
  17. You sound a lot like American back packers in the 70's and 80's Even in the 90's, if a Canadian ws spotted with their Tim mug or Cdn flag on their backpack they could make a killing. Same thing in the 90's when I was in Pakistan every American car wanted a cdn flag sticker for the trunk or bumper. Wherever I went as soon as I introduced myself I had to give the person a CDN embassy business card as proof I was not an American. The only thing that Pakistani's and a lot of countries want from Americans is their money. We talk about double pricing hell in Pakistan they had/have triple price. X for a Pakistani XX for anyone not Pakistani except XXXX for Americans and Brits As to the topic the solution is simple to understand but hard to enact. Follow the rules as they are laid out, provide a good basic education the 3 R's find ways not only to educate the poor but to find them jobs that are meaningful. OH YEAH stop telling people that they are where they are because they are black, white, pink, brown or purple with pink polka dots. Remember and live by MLK. I can guarantee you that Blacks have it a lot better than they did 30 /40 years ago In the military or in sports there is no colour. The players on a team or in a military unit only know one thing that they are all trained to do a job and that the guy beside them whether he is Gay white black does not matter as long as he has your back and you have his. Also stop this you can't say this or can't say that. People need to do 2 things listen and be heard. You never know you might learn something.
  18. Yes there may have been on his part but not necessarily on hers. Also he may have just gone off the reservation and lost it.
  19. Fond of her in a Thai massage shop is not the same as solely affection. I go to the same shop for my massage and am fond of the way that one girl gives me a massage. It has nothing to do with happy endings or such it has everything to do with the girl and the massage.
  20. They have to pixelate his face. It has nothing to do with did he do it or not. 3 REASONS If some of you guys remember not along ago a guy got sued for his review of a restaurant was he correct yes did that stop the restaurant from suing him for defamation NO. Also remember this is Thailand, tell me that the police are soo good that they could not make a mistake and show a picture of wrong person. So that the locals do not take the law into their own hands. Whether he did it or not means nothing he still deserves to have his day in court before he goes to prison and the waiting gentle men there.
  21. The internet porn you get for free is pictures. The internet porn you pay for is almost like being in the room with the girl it is online chat Just as in a north American strip club you can go into a private room where you can interact in a very explicit manner. It is a voyeur type of relationship you can talk to her or him (yes there is male porn sites) and interact verbally and visually with her. It has been a multi multi probably trillion dollar business since at least the 80's. It is just like real life the oldest profession is the hooker well the hookers just moved to the internet and now mom, sister, girl next door or anyone of any size or shape can make money online. Montreal used to be the main location for a lot of sites. Not surprising since most of the movies were done in Quebec.
  22. Considering that one of the most regular places for flooding in BKK is Asoke I really think that underground would have been an unmitigated disaster. As to people sitting eating the idea that food courts have is not for you to spend a lot of ti9me it is to eat and get the hell out of there and shop.
  23. The challenges are many with flood control. First you have to have the land to establish the reservoirs or lakes for run off. That means that a Thai has to sell his land. That is a definite issue. You see this in a lot of countries, Pakistan was almost hilarious when I lived there. People without a home found a great dry hard ground place to build their dung houses. They build them and live a good life for about 6 months until monsoon season hits. Yep you got it the hard dry ground was actually a waterway that dried up when there was no rain and became one mother of a river. Every year I enjoyed going to immigration in PT until they moved because in October you never knew how far through the river overflow you would have to walk or where the immigration office was moved to.
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