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Everything posted by mrwebb8825

  1. I feel so left out. I never get any scam/spam calls. If I post my number will some of you call me? Sniff Sniff ???? Got a couple of those girly emails - was gonna send them pics to make sure they had the right guy but can't get my phone down there any more and we don't have a wall mirror near a chair. ????
  2. IIRC, money isn't needed for the 60 day visit wife extension as it's mostly used to give money in the bank time to season. Also, I don't believe there's an "under consideration" period for this. It's a yes or no on the spot. 1 thing I haven't seen mentioned is to make sure the account you're keeping the money in (or depositing it in for monthly income) is in your name only. And, when using the monthly income method, you need a tax receipt. Again, this is IIRC as I've been on married extensions for 16 years and may be fuzzy on "the 1st time".
  3. Currently booking a trip to the states online with Emirates and this "Important Information" is on the 2nd (passenger info) page: 1.Transiting through Dubai: Transiting passengers are not required to present a COVID 19‑PCR test certificate unless it is mandated by their final destination... 2.COVID requirements for travel to USA: All air passengers above 2 years old, travelling on Emirates flights departing from Dubai, regardless of vaccination status, must show a negative PCR COVID‑19 test result for a test taken no more than 1 day before travel to the United States, or documentation of recovery if infected with COVID‑19 within the last 90 days... 3.COVID requirements for travel from USA: Customers must be at the airport 4 hours before the flight to complete all airport formalities and associated travel requirement checks... 4.COVID requirements for travel to Thailand: Thailand is now open for tourists...
  4. How do YOU know how many vaccines were tried to stop small pox, measles, mumps, etc. before they got it right? Do you know how many people died getting an x-ray before the guy thought, "Hey, maybe if I turned it down a bit..."? How many men and women died of STDs before penicillin was perfected? Bet the % then is higher than the % now. Big difference is back then people readily turned to their church, pastor and God for support. Now, unfortunately, they turn to Google. Be honest now, did you pray for an answer or just Google for 1? ????
  5. What a load of BS. Maybe for that rare twit who left home at 50-(ish) and came here with the family fortune. The stares here are the same as the stares there when you see "Grandpa" snuggling his "Child-bride" and using a stroller as a substitute walker. Big difference here is, grandpa's loaded but back home he's just another geezer flaunting a fetish.
  6. Keep in mind that "kids" are temporary, covid is forever. If you vax them now they will not enter the risk stages at later years, much like mumps, measles, chicken pox, all of which had "death rates" before vaccines. I see people posting their kids have had all the childhood shots but worry about this 1. The ones you let them have already are all tried and true over years and years. Now you know what your grandparents thought about with mumps, measles, etc. Tried and true over time takes trying and time. Too bad God has been on the back burner for so long.
  7. If Steve's is the road that goes by the really big Buddha inlaid in gold into the side of a mountain then it is (was) as motorcycle friendly and scenic as you're looking for. Found this site: https://books.google.co.th/books?id=hKJtBAAAQBAJ&pg=PA112&lpg=PA112&dq=jomtien+to+ban+chang+"scenic"+roads&source=bl&ots=9WE4G2dGbg&sig=ACfU3U2vE4w-XCCfVHmnipuNz8z1UPswzQ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiOr97fwun1AhUSzDgGHbpGB5oQ6AF6BAgNEAM#v=onepage&q=jomtien to ban chang "scenic" roads&f=false The 1st little map shows ways to avoid 90% of high traffic roads, The adventure is up to you.
  8. I have an "ED" course starting called "Do It Right and Legal" that will alleviate all the worries an agent brings, all the hassles of spending days on end searching for ways to game the system and offers a free exercise program to boot. For the low low price of just 9,999 baht, a member of our staff will walk you to the bank and help your cheap azz pry your wallet open and deposit the required, legal amount of funds. If needed, we offer free role play practice beforehand for a nominal fee. After completion of the banking class you will be relieved of the burden of carrying and caring for the bankbook as our friendly staff member will then take custody of said documents and even assist you with capturing them on your very own phone, again, for a nominal fee. The next level of the course will require you to relax at home, by a pool or on a beach while a member of our staff sits with you and makes that all to painful phone call to your local IO and writes down a list of all documentation required for the visa extension you're currently qualified to possess. (for a nominal fee) The 3rd level of the course involves deep, mental exercise as our friendly staff goes through the list and helps you to remember where you currently keep them. As this course progresses these documents will be collected and stored in your very own lock box complete with your name embossed in Italicized Script (gold plating extra) and again, for a nominal fee. The final level of the course introduces you to the wonderful world of electronic devices such as Calendar. Teaches you in a simple, repetitive manner of gentle prodding how to use your very own finger to press Date, Time, Event and Reminder. (for a nominal fee) Graduation Package! For the low low cost of just 19,999 baht we will phone you 10x 2 days before your due date, 10x the day before your due date and 10x in the early morning on the day you're due to get your lazy butt out of bed and go to the IO. Upon request, a friendly member of our staff will arrive at 7am to go with you to make sure you don't hit any police boxes or pee on your Honda City in public on your way to the IO, again, for a nominal fee. Welcome To Thailand and hope to see you soon!
  9. Understand completely. We get asked for this every year as well (Non-O extension based on marriage) so we added a photo at the condo entrance, in front of the lobby and standing by our door.
  10. So, a simple man with his simple mind did a simple search and only proved my point. "an expanse of sand" "The particles composing a beach are typically made from rock, such as sand" and while stressing out the limits of his simple brain completely overlooks the fact that the original comment was made about a reference to "Sandy Beaches". You gonna need some help back up on your barstool? This is the last explanation you'll get so don't ask for another. It makes you look greedy and desperate for attention.
  11. Just a hand drawn map starting at the nearest prominent landmark or main street. A square with an "X" to show the apartment with the address written.
  12. There's also Chok Chai Farms and that pottery place right close by (brain fog preventing the name) and taking the train (3rd class) to Ayutthaya. These are all day things for under 500 baht.
  13. You DO realize that "Sand" is a requirement for a "Beach", right? Otherwise it's called a "Coast". Too funny ???? OP - You should tweet the Kardashians.
  14. Governor: "Farmers, I command you to Stop!" Farmers: "Stupid man. We're farmers. We didn't vote for you. Kiss our butts." Governor: "Police, I command you to make the farmers obey my command!" Police: Stupid man. They're farmers. They live miles from our office. They have sharp weapons. Too dangerous." Governor: Army, I command you to make the police, make the farmers obey my command!" Army: "Kiss my butt. Leave them alone. They're farmers." Governor: "Voters, vote for me and I will stop the corruption from high government and fix the education system." ????
  15. Just a thought but IF any Anubaan schools are open, go see if there are any Philippine teachers working there. They have a vast network amongst themselves and can probably put you in contact with someone willing to take on the task.
  16. In the states we called these a "Roach Coach" but haven't seen any here. OP - Dinner?
  17. Do you pee on your dog's food and secretly giggle while he eats?
  18. Can we get this translated into English please. ????
  19. I don't answer calls except from the wife. That's costly enough w/o giving money to strangers also. ????
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