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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. I know someone who was charged 550Bt for one shot at my local government hospital. If I ever have to go to that hospital I will give it a miss and go to the next one 12 Ks away.
  2. I think people are getting mixed up with the earphones I am talking about here, they are not individual buds, but a headset at the cost around 2000Bt. I have now bought a pair of bluetooth ear buds which cost around 700Bt and I am very pleased with them, and they have a great sound, but as I have said in another thread that they keep falling out of my ears. then some unhelpful poster thinks he is being funny by say I should use superglue.
  3. Very well said, but when one particular supermarket charges 399Bt now for a tin of corn beef that cost 179Bt in Foodland just before the pandemic, then I would say that is taking the P!ss.
  4. Then why did I not have that problem with all the other in the ear systems I have used throughout the years?
  5. I bought a pair of Nubwo bluetooth ear buds for listening on my laptop, but they keep falling out, I am new to these things, they have a great sound and I am very pleased with them. I think I must be doing something wrong when putting them in my ears. Can anyone help me here.
  6. Anyone would be better than the one we already have or anyone who has anything to do with soldiers.
  7. You know I believe that's true, I have never had any crimes committed against me in Thailand and I have been here for 16 years.
  8. and has this been the case for all of the nine years the unelected PM has been in office? I know about Brexit and the US dollar, but I still say that the soldiers have been manipulating the Baht up to a degree, and the main thing is still the word coinsidense.
  9. Sorry my mistake, the unelected PM was actually elected in 2019, and Thaksin was not elected at all. Debate now closed.
  10. I would say it is you who is the pathetic one, at least Thaksin was elected by the Thai people unlike this poor excuse of a PM who is in office now.
  11. Manipulation by the soldiers government, and before I get negative answers about this, ask yourself what is the value of the baht against the GBP now compared to 2014 when the unelected PM stole the country. Is it just coincidence that the Thai baht was about 50 baht to the £ then, and now it is only little more than 40 baht now. Coincidence? I don't think so.
  12. When entering Thailand on a visa exempt I never checked it until I got to Pattaya and found it had the wrong date, I mentioned it to the now deceased guy at the agency I was dealing with, and he told me the only way to get it fixed was to let him take it to Jomtein immigration at the cost of 1000Bt, I told him I was going to the airport the following day and would get it fixed myself, he told me if I did the IO at the airport would make it hard for me.
  13. Listen to the lyrics and there's your answer.
  14. You can think it unbelievable if you want. I never mentioned anything about a camera in the room. I posted what I seen. I think Scubascuba3 got it right. The receptionist never got anyone to check the room. It only took about a minute from me handing over my keys to me walking out the door, it was as quick as that.
  15. Imagine taking a taxi on the meter from say the Darkside down to Chonburi Immigration, at certain times it would cost a fortune once you got there. Would you not be better with a fixed price rather than on the meter? I was in a car with someone, and at one stage the traffic lights just stayed at red for so long that the cars just went through the lights or we would have been there all day.
  16. I think the poster is worried that for some reason he cannot get the re entry permit at the airport. I worried about that too, so I always travelled the 50 K to my local IO any time I wanted one.
  17. I certainly do suit myself and have done so all my life, I shudder to think where I would be today if I hadn't, and that means 16 years of living in Thailand. If you want to obey everyone's rules you would be best just staying in your bed. One more thing, these agents are not illegal, and neither are the Immigration officers they work with, not like some bank employees.
  18. That would be exactly it, it is not often I get asked to leave a deposit, but there was a lot of kitchen equipment in the room.
  19. The room also had cooking facilities and the receptionist was probably checking everything was OK before handing me back my deposit. I had a very quick look and the monitor was quite big.
  20. It didn't matter to me as I never take girls back to my room.
  21. Yes, I don't know about video, but the receptionist was checking my room on some monitor before handing me back my deposit. I was being nosey and popped my head over the counter to see what she was looking at and had a full view of the room.
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