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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. When entering a hotel in Pattaya, I paid 300Bt as security to be returned when I left. As I was leaving, I handed in my key and expected to wait awhile for someone to check the room. I watched as the receptionist looked at a screen, it was not facing me, it was at a 50 degree angle so I bent over and saw my room as the receptionist looked at it. Imagine if that hotel had a kinky receptionist. ????
  2. I normally agree with everything you say Hotchilli, but not this time. If you have been reading recent posts about people's money in Thai banks, you will see what I mean. I can afford to put the required money in a Thai bank, but use an agent instead, because like the soldiers government in this unstable country, Thai banks just cannot be trusted. The latest case being the 16 year old girl whose bank lost her 500,000Bt deposit.
  3. So what if he is? Just because something is illegal, it does not always mean that it is right.
  4. "Every thing wrong with that. In my book it's Illegal." Well in my book it isn't, and my book is what I go by.
  5. That applies to everyone. in any country, in any profession, no exceptions.
  6. "no 50cc mopeds in Thailand that ii have seen." True, but some misguided posters do refer to a Honda Wave 125cc as a moped. Also, That same Wave is also regularly referred to as a scooter, that is also wrong, a scooter is a child's plaything that they hop along the pavement on.
  7. Not quite true, you can get a smooth part of the road one day, and the next day a pot hole is there, quite common due to weather conditions, an overloaded truck etc.
  8. Was what the unelected PM did with his soldiers in 2014 illegal or not? How can you try a guy who with his soldiers backing him up does not have to answer to anyone?
  9. He is guilty of taking over the country illegally, there is no court who can honestly say that he didn't. There was a legally elected government in power when this no hoper and his soldiers took over the country.
  10. None yet, but he did steal the country illegally backed by his soldiers, tanks and guns. If that is not a jailing offence, then I don't know what is.
  11. Thaksin will be put behind bars if he returns, yet this unelected PM in office now who took the country by force nearly 9 years ago will probably never go to jail.
  12. I married a Thai with a 15 year old son who is now 31, has never given me any problems, always been respectful to me, never any rows or disagreements, stayed on at school then went to college, has been in the same job since finishing college.
  13. I drove with my then girlfriend down past San Deigo and across the border into Mexico, both going there and coming back into America, the car was not searched at all, though that was way back before I came to Thailand. Things could have changed now.
  14. I do know that certain motorbike rental shops in Pattaya were owned by police officers, although I am not sure if that is the case today.
  15. Border bounces have never been stressful for me, But I would not deal with any of these border bounce companies now. Since the pandemic, the cost of these have almost doubled, mainly I think using the Russia/ Ukraine situation merely as an excuse for their greed.
  16. I think the Thai banks are the biggest rip offs, adding hundreds of Bt for doing little or even nothing at all. Bangkok Bank charging me 500 Bt for replacing a lost debit card, 200+ for withdrawing money from ATM with UK debit card etc.
  17. Would any Thai vote for a soldier for next PM especially old sleepyhead? Are the ordinary Thais going to be allowed to vote? Is this going to be a democratic election? If it is, would all the soldiers in parliament just now not be better just going back to their barracks and parade grounds? I think we all know that it will only be a matter of time before some general, or even the same unelected flip flopper who is in office just now, will gather up the soldiers, guns and tanks and it will again be as you were.
  18. Yes starting with the present unelected PM, his sleeping partner, Anutin etc, etc, I am not saying whether Thaksin should be jailed or not, but he was democratically elected, which can't be said about Cha Cha and his crew.
  19. I stand to be corrected here, it was before my time in Thailand, but did Thaksin not start this 90 day reporting nonsense?
  20. "Come on Thaksin, what are you waiting for? Be a man, return now." I agree, and when you do, do something, anything that will get rid of this unelected, Military Academy educated clown and his soldiers.
  21. Very true, but Labour the "party of the working class" are no better. Don't believe me? How much percentage of the UK population are ordinary working class families, at least 70%? In my adult life time, the Tories have been in office maybe about twice as much as Labour, ask yourself why that is. Wilson, Callaghan, Blair, Brown, all Labour PM's, were any of them for the working class?? They were as much liars and hypocrites as the Tories, perhaps even more so. At least the Tories never presented themselves as the "part of the working class".
  22. "In the UK people no longer have to pay for heating?" Maybe in some odd cases, but there is an article in the UK newspapers today of an 83 year old lady who died because she could not afford to heat her home.
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