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Posts posted by NoshowJones

  1. 1 hour ago, CharlieH said:

    The over head lockers are there for all passengers; they are not assigned by seat. You or anyone can use whatever is available. If you want to be sure to get one near to where you are sat, ensure you board early, as there is more chance of using one further away if you are late.



    I have no qualms about using any overhead lockers, it does not have to be above my seat as long as it is not away up at the other end of the plane but if there is no space and there are peoples clothes and bags of things they have maybe bought at the airport, then yes I will move them to make way for my case.

    • Confused 3
    • Haha 1
  2. A person I know told me he came across this scenario. If you get to your seat on a plane, the first thing you do is open the locker above your seat and put your case in, but suppose there is no room for your case because of people putting "other things" in, what do you do?

    If I come across that situation, I will take the "other things" out and leave them in my seat then put my case in.

    I will then wait until I see a member of the cabin crew and tell them about the "other things". Well the cabin crew member is not going to tell me to take my case back out and let the owner of the "other things" put them back in again as that means they are going to have to find a place for me to put my case. What would you do?

    • Confused 5
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  3. On 4/13/2024 at 8:37 AM, watchcat said:

    Obviously Anutin hasn't forget when switzerland denied him entry to the country during covid. So now it's payback time....

    Well done Switzerland. At that time, this guy was a member of an illegal government who ruled the country for nine years with the backing of soldiers 

    tanks and guns. No first world country should have let any senior members of this unelected government over their borders.

  4. On 4/10/2024 at 8:52 PM, SmokeandIce said:

    It has been 5 years so maybe Bangkok Bank has changed policy, but when I got a new passport, I had to go to Bangkok Bank and have passport number changed with many signatures and many photocopies.

    Banks are like IO's they all make up their own rules. This is Thailand.

  5. 7 hours ago, george said:


    If you book that hotel via Agoda you can pay with either Visa or Mastercard.

    The hotel is a pay in full on the day you arrive, and it says you can pay by Visa or cash. This is Agoda, but Booking.com accepted my Mastercard  to make the booking. You have to scripe away to the bottom of the website to see this. The hotel is The Waterfront in Greenock Scotland.

    I do wonder if I told them that I only have Mastercard when I arrive if they would accept it then.                

  6. 21 hours ago, bbi1 said:

    I always speed up and cut through traffic on Beach Rd near the cop shop when I seem them standing there ready to pull over motorbikes. Never once have they been able to see and stop me because I'm driving too fast, would become too dangerous for them to try and run into the middle of the road. Because I don't want to waste my time and theirs. I've got my Thai licence and helmet on all the time so they wouldn't be able to fine me for anything anyway.

    That's fine as long as you are not driving too fast as there are always people crossing at Beach Road.

  7. 1 hour ago, CanadaSam said:

    I'm guessing that many of the replies that say "don't drink and drive" are from poor expats who don't own even a motorcycle, let alone a car.


    I explicitly said "never intoxicated" I just wanted to know, if I had a beer, and the cop smelt beer on my breath, how to avoid the obvious lengthy inconvenience after.


    I appreciate the 2 helpful replies thus far, alien & quake, and find those answers helpful.


    To those of you who wrongly accuse me of driving while drunk, I hope you manage to get a vehicle in the near future.

    I am not accusing you of driving while drunk, I am saying your driving will be impaired and you are putting other innocent people in danger.



    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, CanadaSam said:

    I'm guessing that many of the replies that say "don't drink and drive" are from poor expats who don't own even a motorcycle, let alone a car.


    I explicitly said "never intoxicated" I just wanted to know, if I had a beer, and the cop smelt beer on my breath, how to avoid the obvious lengthy inconvenience after.


    I appreciate the 2 helpful replies thus far, alien & quake, and find those answers helpful.


    To those of you who wrongly accuse me of driving while drunk, I hope you manage to get a vehicle in the near future.

    You may not be exactly drunk when you are driving, but your driving will still be impaired, Stop drinking and driving and think of the safety of others.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  9. 18 hours ago, CanadaSam said:

    I occasionally use my own car to return from a club/bar after a couple beers, never really intoxicated.


    But I have noticed lately an increase in "road blocks" at night in Pattaya/Jomtien.


    In the event that a cop smells beer on my breath, I know I am in for a world of hurt.


    Not really comfortable with the paying procedure, wouldn't even know what to offer!


    Does anybody know of a reasonably priced lawyer who takes these cases (at night preferably).


    Alternatively, some lessons on how and where to offer , and the expected amount would be insightful.


    Thanks in advance!

    Just don't drink and drive. Problem solved.

  10. 3 hours ago, The Fugitive said:

    Do your solar panels run your air conditioning for free in this heat? I agree with you, especially if single. It's stepchildren and neices and nephews that can cost with university and college fees, living away from home expenses and their vehicles. Fortunately, mine are satisfied with 20 year old cars and pickups. However, the Mrs feels sorry for friends and neighbours and gives many interest free loans. She complains to me when they don't repay!  

    I don't know about the AC, I paid for it about 10 years ago, my wifes son is a solar panel engineer and he fitted it I just give her a token amount every month for the electric bills. She has her money and I have mine though that is not to say that we don't sometimes spend our money on each other.

    • Thanks 1
  11. 14 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


    Correct....   the reading of 0.79 % is deadly.....     So is 0.5% BAC...  


    I think the article refers to either 0.079% which is a dash above 0.05% BAC


    0.08% BAC is considered to be about 4 cans of beer or more realistically, 6 cans of been in a 2 hour period.


    That doesn't take anything away from the fact that he was over the limit - broke the law and he was impaired, even if slightly and his BAC levels (regardless of being relatively low) could have been to blame for his hurting (or worse) innocent others...


    ... So, Good job on the Police for catching him... I just wish they'd place exactly the same level of outrage and apply serious penalties for ALL those caught... (Thai's and non-Thai's).



    Anyone drinking and driving even with only two glasses of beer gets no sympathy from me. Do not drink any alcohol if you are going to drive.

    • Like 1
  12. 15 hours ago, Mika78 said:

    Is it possible to reach Bangkok from Pattaya using the motorway with a 160 cc motorbike? Thank you.

    Yes I have done it when I had a Honda PCX, not so much the motorway, just head for Chonburi and go the coast road, go through Samat Prakan then stay on Sukhumvit Road all the way to Bangkok. Also done it a few times on my Forza both ways.

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