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Posts posted by NoshowJones

  1. 22 hours ago, SAFETY FIRST said:

    Thai's very smart. 


    I don't see it as a negative. 


    These girls from poor families selling sex to guy's who have money. 


    I reckon it's only the loser's, the nerdy guys, the guys without money, they will be doing the complaining about this ranking of Thailand's sex workers. 





    You missed out the fat, ugly, big bellied, big titted guys. These guys will always have money. It is the only way they will ever get sexual services, and even that is pushing it a bit. 😄

  2. 24 minutes ago, RobU said:

    I believe the 90 day report was introduced as an anti terrorism thing so they could monitor the whereabouts of all foreign nationals. Forgive me if I'm wrong but I believe other countries have a similar system. But from what you have said there was a 90 day system in place. You drove to the border every 90 days, isn't that effectively a 90 day reporting system? When I make my report I am often in and out within 15 minutes its actually easier and cheaper than driving to the border. 

    There is a lot more in every way and especially financially. I am not going to explain it all, but just say that I will not put the required funds into a Thai bank, although I could afford to. I think you get the drift. As for it being a terrorist thing, surely it is very easy to compare the looks of a western person  to a terrorist.

  3. 18 hours ago, CharlieH said:

    Came across this album by a Farang singing about life in Thailand.Now, is this guy taking the mick as a comedy  piece or being serious ? You decide.......



    What a dreadful singer, Makes Peltin Elton sound like Elvis.

  4. 3 hours ago, gearbox said:

    Most of the people put their laptops in the overhead lockers, I never had issues myself.

    I thought that with people always stuffing things around the laptop case which is a soft case, there could have been problems.

  5. 21 hours ago, Lacessit said:

    No, I am complaining about oversize, overweight luggage which is put into overhead lockers, because some airlines don't have the spine to say no to the selfish gits who abuse the system and other passengers.


    The wheels are another indicator what's inside is too heavy to be "carry-on".


    If you can't carry 7 kg of belongings a couple of hundred metres, I recommend a program of diet and exercise.

    What about the 12 kg on your carry on which is allowed on KLM? Surely that would need wheels even for a fit 6ft 76kg guy like me.

  6. On 4/27/2024 at 8:04 AM, Robert Paulson said:

    You can look right in the airplane guidelines. Carryon is for things like purses backpacks laptop cases etc. so no… the people doing the jamming and acting like everyone else’s stuff is indestructible are the problem, not me. 

    I don't think anyone with any sense would put a laptop in the overhead locker even if it's in a case. I would always want my laptop in my case except when I was using it.

  7. On 4/27/2024 at 8:07 AM, Robert Paulson said:

    Basically his position would be like if I got a rear and front bumper on my car and as I parallel park I can bump the cars in front and behind because I am protected. If they don’t like it they can get protection too! What a joke. The people with these hard shell cases need to at the very least store them up top delicately. There are other peoples delicate items up there, that is the entire point of carryon. 

    I always thought that the top lockers were for carry on cases, not for all the other delicate things like bags of doughnuts etc. On my last flight there was no room for my case so one of the cabin crew took my case away and I had to go looking for it when the plane landed.

    • Agree 1
  8. On 4/27/2024 at 2:27 AM, SAFETY FIRST said:

    Recently they've put in annoying little speed bumps, every few hundred metres all along the road. 



    I just followed behind an ambulance with flashing lights navigating three new speedbumps on a road on the outskirts of my village.  it must have been held up a few mins between the first and last speed bumps. Surely that's eventually going to cost lives.

  9. 14 hours ago, Moonlover said:

    No that is not true. If you are returning to live there permanently you're entitled to NHS treatment from the moment you arrive. See para 5 in the reference below.



    These websites contradict each other you do not know who or what to believe. The DWP says, and it is there in black and white, and I am not going to look it up again, that they cannot take any debt owed to them from the UK state pension. Then another person shows a link (not sure where its from) saying that they can deduct any debt owed from the UK state pension.

    • Agree 1
  10. 2 hours ago, Andycoops said:

    Complete <deleted>.


    I pay income tax on my pensions because my combined income means they they are over the 12570 GBP allowed tax free.

    So in fact I pay for UK services I never use and haven't in nearly 16 years but can't have any increase to my 40 years of NI contributions to my state pension.


    Get the facts right.


    If your income is over the minimum for tax and your income arises in the UK you will be paying income tax, regardless of where you live.

    Get what facts right? I agree with you, but I would be trying to find a way around paying so much tax, It's ridiculous.

  11. 32 minutes ago, transam said:

    But, if you get caught they reduce your pension to what the amount should have been when they say you left, my friend had to pay the over payments back. What happens if you have no money, dunno...But fore sure, if they have the evidence, you will not still get the pension of the day..


    UK revenue, has fines, caught fiddling the pension is/was 1000 quid. Late tax return, 100 quid. 😢

    I don't believe that Trans, I think there are things you have not been told. No one can take 1000 Quid from your state pension, as myself and others have said.

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