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Posts posted by NoshowJones

  1. 1 minute ago, Nick Carter icp said:


       What kind of business  are the Cypriot company ?

    Is there a reason why they took the money ?

    Did someone use your card to buy something from them ?

    There are two companies both in Cyprus, no one has had my card, one is called OnlineYoga I don't know about their business. The other is called Allclothes club, they sell clothes online.. I honestly have never heard of any of them.

  2. 1 minute ago, The Fugitive said:

    BritManToo was advising it's safer not to have a card. If you need cash from an ATM use contactless withdrawal with your mobile phone. Alternatively, deactivate your card when not required via your mobile banking app.

    I'm really sorry about my ignorance here and appreciate your help.  I like the idea of deactivating my card. So can I do that and activate my card just before I want to use it. I have the app and use it at the likes of Makro, and topping up my phone, I will try and learn to do that. Thanks again.

    • Like 1
  3. 8 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    So don't have a debit card on the account and pay for everything using your phone app and QR scans.



    On your phone banking app deactivate your debit card when it's not in use.

    I have got a new account with a debit card. My debit card with my Bangkok Bank has now been cut up.

  4. 5 hours ago, Peterw42 said:

    What do you mean by "I told the bank not to pay out". You were expecting these transactions before they happened ?

    Are the withdrawals from an ATM ? How did they get your PIN?

    If your card has been skimmed and and you inform the bank, then you will be reimbursed.

    Credit cards or debit cards are no different when it comes to an unauthorized transaction.

    "You were expecting these transactions before they happened ?" Yes I was, it came up on my email account. I immediately went to my bank and tried to stop it, the bank did not. Both the bank and myself know the companies responsible. They are not Thai they are from Cyprus and they refuse to tell me how they got my bank details details. I am fighting with my Bank to get them to refund the money back, though I don't see much hope.

    • Sad 1
  5. 6 hours ago, freeworld said:

    With a credit card, it's the banks money, the card issuer must fight to get its money back. With a debit card, you must fight to get your money back.


    Bank accounts should be monitored regularly and any unauthorised account transactions must be reported immediately to the bank.

    I did that right away. The bank even know who it was. I showed then the email from the company on my smartphone involved and they still did not stop them taking my money.

  6. 5 hours ago, CharlieH said:

    If the card details are being used by another DESTROY the card and ask for a replacement. 


    Problem solved.

    Then there can be no further charges or disputes.



    That has already been done Charlie and I took my wife with me to the bank. The tellers don't speak any English but the wife helped me and the teller cut my  card up. I left only a few hundred Bt in my account and put the rest into my new account. I am now paranoid about it happening again with my new account.

  7. I know about the protection from banks with a credit card, but what about a debit card? I have had 3 withdrawals from sources I had never heard of amounting to over 3000Bt in the past two weeks even though I told the bank not to pay out. Do I have any protection with a debit card?

  8. 4 hours ago, fredwiggy said:

    Overweight because of more muscle isn't considered overweight.

    It may not be but it is. Have another man the same height as me stand next to me, I am standing there slim, 76k and he is standing there full of muscle and not an ounce of fat but weighs about 115k rock solid with veins running all over his arms and legs and titties that would a normal womans breasts, now if anyone cannot admit he is vastly overweight, they are very deluded.

    • Haha 1
  9. 40 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

    Bodybuilders aren't unattractive until they go overboard. Even then it's better than being overweight but they are doing it for their own reasons. Weight training is the best way to get into shape and being strong, along with swimming and cycling because they're resistance exercises.

    But body builders are overweight muscle weighs more than fat, although I know it is not the unhealthy overweight that the fat bellied brigade are. 

  10. 1 hour ago, fredwiggy said:

    Veins close to the surface means low body fat. Everyone has the same type of body as everyone else, but those who work out have muscles that have responded to stress, which makes them grow bigger and stronger if proper nutrition and rest are also there. Everyone has a six pack but most aren't seen because of extra fat .


    I've had veins in my arms all the time, a little less now because the gym near me doesn't open until 2 PM and it's a little inconvenient, for now, but the veins come from exercise and low body fat, as you can see many skinny farmers here that are mostly muscle because of the long days, not a lot of food, and a lot of sun. I always get on my daughters and son about the tattoos, but they like them.

    It's great the some people exercise to keep fit and healthy but rather than make yourself very unattractive with oversized biceps and veins why not cycle or swim regularly and have a reasonably slim body. I'm 6ft tall and 76+ Ks.

  11. 3 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

    Some go too far for the chance at a trophy, for being the most muscular. Of course this takes steroid use to compete, and that's their deal. Most bodybuilders don't compete. It has nothing to do with brain size or intelligence but desire to win. Just like athletes that use drugs for football, soccer, running or cycling.  I lifted very heavy weights, especially for my frame, and am now paying the price with sore joints, but I still work out to stay strong and healthy, along with diet, which is 75% of what you look like. It isn't disfiguring your body to be muscular, as the opposite of this is obesity. Going too far is not needed.


    As far as tattoos, everyone in my family has them besides me and my 7 year old daughter. Even my dad had one.  I don't know why they do, but it's up to them. It's not the same with women back in the US as it is here. Here, mostly bar girl types have them.

    I am not talking about one tattoo, the odd one or two will not disfigure your body. As for being over muscular, anybody who works out and builds up his body to look unnatural, whether the use of steroids or not of course is disfiguring their body. What is natural about veins sticking out of your arms and legs?

  12. 39 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

    Again, since many who don't understand weight training and what happens when you work out hard. This man isn't that muscular anyway, and I, along with thousands I've trained, have gained muscle just by eating right and working out, without steroids. Blaming steroids for this is like blaming alcohol for what it does. It's still the person. Yes, steroids do make some people more aggressive. but not all, and there are untold millions of men who are aggressive by nature, who are loose cannons, will hit with little provocation, who abuse women and children, along with animals, just because they are pissed off at something. Look to the daily news, including today, with 20 beating one man with sticks, and you'll see that many who aren't on steroids will hurt others.

    Anyone who deliberately disfigures their body whether it's being muscle bound or covered in tattoos definitely has a tiny brain.

    • Agree 1
  13. 6 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    Many stories like that don't make sense.

    It is very likely that something happened before he threw her to the ground.

    Did he have a reason? Maybe. Maybe not.

    I.e. maybe she slapped him 5min ago for whatever (imagined) reason, and maybe he asked her to apologize, and she didn't.

    Maybe she was just a sweet innocent girl. Maybe.

    Leave it to them to sort it out.

    No excuse for treating a woman like that. Steroid filled brute.

    • Like 1
  14. On 4/20/2024 at 3:58 PM, Pattaya57 said:

    I just opened a fixed term bank account in Pattaya to use for my 12 month non-imm O extension and hopefully this info will be useful.


    Note: while I already had a Krungsri savings account I was denied to open a fixed term account on my previous two trips on visa exempt and tourist visa.


    I went to Krungsri in Central mall and as soon as I said I had a non-imm O they said no problem, you can open any of the foreigner accounts. I thought I might need a Residence Certificate but nope, all I needed was:


    (1) Passport (they copied ID page and non-imm O stamp)


    (2) 2nd photo ID. I used my Australian licence which they copied


    (3) I needed to write down my full address in Pattaya and Australia which he entered on Computer (no proof required)


    (4) mobile phone number


    The guy even set up the account in my banking app for me so I was very happy with the service. This account also gives me 1.8% interest on the 800k baht so at least that's something compared to my 0.1% in the savings/ATM card account.


    This makes me think getting a non-imm O e-visa before I came was well worth it.


    I have just opened an account with Krungthai and was very impressed with the service.

  15. On 4/21/2024 at 6:45 AM, CartagenaWarlock said:

    I am not a big fan of KFC, but I believe they have one in Lotus. I like Texas chicken. 

    I never go to Burger King in the US either. So, I don't miss it. My first food chains were McDonald's and Arby's in the US. I believe they don't have Arby in Thailand. I have never seen one. For McDonald's, I either go to Tree Town or Tukum. More often to Tukum than to Tree Town. 

    KFC has one thing that none of the others have and that's their soft drinks policy, drink as much as you like. Pity about the size of their French fries portions though.

  16. On 4/20/2024 at 8:43 PM, QuantumQuandry said:

    Jomtien has Pratamnak next door so I kind of include that in the comparison, making it an easy win for me.


    Tons of good restaurants, probably more of my favorites than Pattaya.  Very accessible via baht bus.  Foodmart is a good grocery store.


    What's not to love?

    I found Foodmart to be a very expensive store beaten only by Villa market. Maybe I should have said for western food.

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