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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. "Cops were told to smarten themselves up, get an appropriate haircut; station chiefs were ordered to make sure that standards were being met EACH AND EVERY DAY." Why stop there? What about all the fat bellies? Overweight cops should be put on inactive duty until they lose weight.
  2. Are most, if not all of the swimming pools in Thailand still closed because of the pandemic? If most of the swimming pools are not open, then how can anyone, especially children learn to swim? Children are all together in classrooms and the playgrounds, so why not in the swimming pools?
  3. I have always wondered what he has done to earn all these medals.
  4. It's just like at traffic lights in Thailand, the reason so many drivers jump the red light is because in most cases they know if they stop, they are, in their eyes, in for a long wait. In traffic lights outside of city boundaries. When it is not busy, you can often see small amounts of traffic in three or four directions all just sitting there waiting for the green light.
  5. What about this one from The Byrds? listen to this.
  6. For someone who is doing a bit of complaining on this topic, you seem to be hanging around a bit, so it cannot be that bad.
  7. Really?? I personally, even allowing for an acting unelected PM and his soldiers, would rather be here in Thailand than in the UK losing most of my savings on heating bills.
  8. "Thailand's position on this, given the nature of its current government is wholly in keeping." This is an excellent post but I cannot understand this part of it.
  9. I am not saying that the war in Europe is blameless, and I cannot speak for any EU countries, but yes the UK will be freezing soon and the blame lies within the UK itself, allowing the power companies to make obscene profits. It is just another case of certain people making huge financial benefits out of human tragedies like the pandemic, and the war in Europe.
  10. Lazada all over again. But there is always the phone.
  11. The phone calls are not free, and I am not paying any money no matter how little it is because of an incompetent online company.
  12. You used to be able to get through to a real person by clicking on Live Chat, which really was a live chat, now you don't. It is a virtual chat which only works if you are going to ask a question where the virtual chat already has the answer, if not, then it is just a big waste of time.
  13. Is that hotline a freephone? In the UK, a number starting with 02 is a free call, even for a mobile.
  14. I used to get a live person on Lazada chat, but that stopped maybe about a year ago and now it is impossible, now all you get is a virtual chatline, which is useless. As CharlieH says, phone them.
  15. "Since there are no GP surgery's in Thailand" But there are, there is one in my village, and three in the next town as well as a public hospital in both.
  16. My wife is the exact same, even when I am lying down just for a rest, she will say to me, you not well, I take you to hospital.
  17. If everyone did not do things because they were "forbidden" then they may as well not bother getting up in the morning, and also get membership of the "scared of your own shadow" brigade.
  18. I am not on Beach Road to entertain the girls, I am there because I like to look at them and have a blether if they approach me. I never approach them though there is the odd time a girl would approach me a second or third time even though she knew I was not going to let them "go with me". There would be no time I was going to Walking Street when I never go into the bars.
  19. Yes the mask was new, though I have been guilty of using the same one a few times, but until that time in Bangkok, I never wore one for much time at all and living upcountry I was usually in the house or out on the motorbike. But I am not bothering about masks now apart from very occasionally.
  20. Even in a red light district, no guy should ever approach a woman even if she is alone, unless he is given an obvious sign from her. I would think there are many ugly fat bellied guys who would repulse even a prostitute who would not want to go with him even for payment.
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