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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. I have driven over Tennessee, Los Angeles, up and down the PCH, between Mexico and San Francisco, las Vegas etc, and it has been the best driving experience of my life, yet I cannot even ride my motorbike between my village and the nearest town which is only 15 Ks away without seeing dangerous driving and riding incidents. Riding on the wrong side of the road, getting cut up by vehicles overtaking me then doing a left hand turn, coming through a stop signs when they should be giving way etc, etc, etc.
  2. There is a teaching academy for police officers in Nakhon Sawan. Apart from collecting some sort of tea money, I wonder what they teach them. It is certainly not anything about upholding law and order.
  3. Is this not a ploy to stop the protesters gathering in Bangkok again?
  4. Thai advisors?? They will have about the same IQ as he has. Foreign advisors?? Don't tell me they teach foreign languages at a Military Academy.
  5. The unelected PMs soldier government is just one big soap opera in itself.
  6. Election time?? What election time?? The unelected PM and his soldiers do not need an election while they have soldiers and guns. regards possum
  7. By Thai Newsroom Reporters "A PROMINENT ACADEMIC has reminded all MPs of the basic principle that they all have been elected as representatives of the people and not the powers that be." Someone should emphasis this to the unelected PM, the other Chuckle Brother, Anutin, and his soldiers of that fact.
  8. They don't care about their customers anyway. I can't even get to make any orders even thought I have been a customer for many years at the same address, they want me to go through some security check which does not work I am just fed up trying.
  9. A sensible post condemning the guy in your avatar, looks like you have over done the drinking again Steven. Oh! wait! it is well after 5pm now.
  10. In the UK anyone can buy houses and land in their name. Try that in Thailand.
  11. Says the guy with the unelected PM avatar. Too much to drink today Steven?
  12. The under 50's who do not want to marry but stay in Thailand in the longer term get a very raw deal. Something should be done there.
  13. This is a sensible post, maybe I am thinking of the small print which is there because companies hope it will not be noticed until it is too late, if at all, maybe someone will point out the difference between small print and fine print.
  14. Was that the actual UK state pension and nothing else, ie pension credits? It says on the DWP website that they cannot take repayments from you if you only have a state pension, unless you do not cancel a pension credit, if you have one, when you leave the UK.
  15. I see the truth hurts. Sevco Scotland Ltd. The Rangers Football Club Limited. That is the name they trade under today. Died 2012.
  16. "Or is the bigger problem that many people don't read the fine print and somehow assume the insurance will pay?" This fine print alone shows the mentality of insurance companies. Why can't all the wording be the same?? Don't answer that. Is there an insurance ombudsman in Thailand?? Even if there was, brown envelopes will talk TiT. These companies seem to have a licence to scam and con people, yes of course there are people who will say I'm wrong and their insurance company have paid out, but look at it from a wider point of view, do I need to say more?
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