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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. Are you trying to say they will check it in if it weighs more that the 12kg allowed? Are they going to check the sizes with a measuring tape? Is that not going to hold up the queue a good bit? All I am wondering is will I get away with my carry on case being a few cms over the size they have stated 35x25x55? I see one in BigC being 35x25x60, the rest are way below that.
  2. If I find that I will just removed them personally, but in a nice way. These overhead lockers are for luggage, not other personal items.
  3. Thanks. You are the only person to answer this.
  4. That sounds like good advice but I have already booked with KLM. But I would have to also book a flight from Amsterdam to Glasgow and they may not have the 50kg check in weight.
  5. If the other person was not there there would still have been no accident, I don't care who says it, a person can very easily be 100% innocent, ie someone sitting waiting patiently at a red light then being rammed from behind.
  6. But just how much is that going to cost you if you are 100% innocent.
  7. In some cases you have to get out on the farside lane if you want to do a right or U turn ahead. Depending on traffic conditions, you may have to get out there in plenty of time as no matter how much you indicate to move from the left lane, no car or truck is going to let you out.
  8. I took the carry on instead of the checked bags because it suited me, I know they will weight it at check in, but do they also measure the carry on bag? Do they charge you extra if it is a couple of cms more than the 35x25x55? I have tried to get an answer to this but have been unsuccessful so far.
  9. Because I am flying to Glasgow and EVA Air don't have arrangements for that where KLM fly to Glasgow via Amsterdam.
  10. Scotland was always weak, the Republic of Ireland people fought and died for their independence, but the Scots could not even put an X on a piece of paper for their independence.
  11. and what about the bigoted orange walks? There is not going to be either enough policemen to make all the arrests or enough space in the cells for all of the offenders.
  12. Was this guy ever in the military? He seems to have much the same mentality as the last unelected soldier who was playing at being a politician.
  13. I did what you said and it worked out. Thanks again.
  14. Anyone know how I can get a seat plan for my flight? Booking.com gave me instructions with a booking ref but it does not help at all.
  15. I have only been measuring the case and not the wheels, so I suppose that makes it worse.
  16. Depends on what business the greedy capitalist is in.
  17. The Russian couple should report the restaurant for defamation. Is it not true that under Thai defamation law the person doing the accusing does not have to be in the right. 😄
  18. There is a big difference between being a greedy capitalist and giving customers a fair deal.
  19. My wife was at College/University in full time education here up country until she was 23 years old and hardly knew any English at all when I met first met her.
  20. Flying from Swampy to Glasgow, don't need checked luggage, only carry on. Anyone know if they will accept a small case 25x35x60 when their maximum size is 25x35x55?
  21. I agree. That is exactly what I am going to do, the maximum size for a carry on case is 25x35x55. How fussy are the airlines about the size? I was measuring cases today and can't find that size, the nearest was 25x35x60. The rest were much smaller. Would I get away with an extra 5cm?
  22. Music like Pop, Country, Jazz, Big Band etc. Whether you liked it or not, it was real music, played on real musical instruments by in most cases real musicians. The rest Garage??, isn't that where you put your car? House?? Isn't that what you live in is called? Rap?? Isn't that just a name for the noise and garbage that comes out of a "performers" mouth?
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