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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. I am still waiting to get a refund from Lazada for sending me the wrong chair about 5 weeks ago. May I point out that the use by date on the skimmed milk packet is the only thing printed on it.
  2. The government is committing fraud by not giving you what you have paid for, so why would you be? No one has ever been prosecuted for not declaring they are living abroad while drawing their state pension. I emphasis the word "state".
  3. Thanks Crossy, but surely there must be some way of making sure it really is milk, and no! I am not going to try it out on the cats.
  4. I ordered a packet of skimmed milk from Lazada and it came in a plain packet. How do I know if it really is skimmed milk? Knowing that Lazada use sellers who are not exactly honest I don't suppose there is any way I can find out if it really is skimmed.
  5. I would have thought that would have applied mainly to Muslims rather than the Chinese.
  6. Thanks, but at my two nearest Honda agents there is nowhere you can watch the mechanics working, I will need to find one farther away the next time.
  7. I spent a lot of being around both Prathom and Mattyom children when I was an English teacher, but it does not mean to say I would want to touch them in any way.
  8. United Kingdom???? Definitely not safe in cities especially after dark and with all these immigrants about.
  9. My local Lotus only sells the Yellow Label Tea and that is more expensive than Lazada's PG Tips.
  10. and the most expensive, one reason why the staff nearly always out number the customers at their big store in Second Road Pattaya.
  11. That's just what I did do, and I do it all the time when it's needed, I told them that the oil was changed 4 weeks ago but they still went ahead and changed the oil, I watched them do it and looked at the receipt.
  12. Can't even buy a tin of baked beans probably about the most popular farang food in the BigC near the crossroads in Nakhon Sawan.
  13. The bike is 8 years old now and I lost the log book years ago, yes that was my fault, but I did try to get a new one from a couple of Honda agents including the agent I bought the bike from, but they said cannot do.
  14. I would have years ago if it was not for these stupid tones. If it was not for that I would have been proficient in the language years ago.
  15. Because someone made a comment and may have missed what I had already said, anyway what does it matter to you?
  16. I took the bike to another agent and they just changed the oil, so that tells me the first agent did not change the oil at all and still charged me. Anyway thanks for your input.
  17. That's very true, many times I have pulled people up for jumping in front of me and no one has ever complained, but then, I'm a big guy.
  18. Yes I understand, and if I could vote I would also vote for Pita, it's just that of every top UK politician, I can only think of one who was not an obvious liar and hypocrite and that was Enoch Powell.
  19. I fully understand what you are saying, but if you are from the UK "and probably any other country" also, try and think of any bidding PM's back then. I remember particularly the first UK PM from my boyhood years, a certain Harold Wilson, who everyone was saying the same as people now living in Thailand are saying about Pita, the same things that was said about that liar and hypocrite Wilson. People around my age will remember how he led the UK to bankruptcy in 1976 which caused him to resign and then had to be bailed out by the International Monetary Fund.
  20. The Thai people have been fooled for years, they don't have an average IQ of 80+ for nothing.
  21. "but it’s up to the Thais if they want a free country or not !" Really! What about the soldiers, guns and tanks? It is all in the history and it is not going to stay there. There is an ex unelected PM still roaming about free as a bird despite using an illegal coup to steal the country. Just keep in mind what I said about the soldiers, guns and tanks.
  22. The soldiers or Generals must be kept out of having anything to say involving the Move Forward party. They are not politicians and should be nowhere near any political parties.
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