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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. Agoda has always been notorious for adding this and that to the room price first mentioned.
  2. Where is it, it's not the BigC Mall is it? Is it where Lotus is nearby?
  3. I just think that what I did at the time was the best way as the person obviously had a motorbike parked nearby and he/she would come looking for it. Handing it in to the police station which is away down in Beach road would mean the person would not have access to the motorbike and probably would not go there as most motorbike owners would have a spare key at home.
  4. I found a set of keys on the pavement in Pattaya, probably from one of the parked motorbikes. I picked them up, handed them to a nearby vendor and asked her to watch for anyone looking for them. What would have happened if a policeman saw me pick up these keys before I handed them to the vendor?
  5. I saw an unattended case at Heathrow Airport, kept an eye on it then pointed it out to a security man he said to me it will belong to someone over there pointing to some people sitting at the other side of the passageway.
  6. How many Thai MP's have second jobs ie company directors, lawyers while drawing their full MP's salary, have mortgages paid for with their second homes? That's right! I am referring to the UK here.
  7. There may be a lot in what you say, but we have a soldier, an ex unelected PM who committed an illegal act with a coup after saying there will be no coup. Who is prancing about as free as a bird and probably will never see a jail cell or have to make up stories to keep him in a hotel, sorry! In a Hospital.
  8. "Farangs , as guests in this country ," Guests???????????????
  9. Thanks for your help I have managed to get in contact with the live chat and they said they will email me back. Thanks again.
  10. How right you are especially with Lazada.
  11. Thanks I will keep that in mind, only thing is there are too many cheating sellers dealing with Lazada and there is a good chance that I would probably get a different size of tyre if they did not have the one I wanted.
  12. "The price of everything has gone up in the last year or so." By around 25%??
  13. Any Pattaya Visa agent that I have used or know about except one have been very honest and offered an excellent service. do not tar them all with the same brush.
  14. Less than a year ago I paid app 2,200 Bt for a new rear tyre for my 8 year old Forza. It got damaged so I decided to replace it. The new price from the same Honda shop was 2,765 Bt Anyone know why this is, or is it just pure greed from my local agent?
  15. Last week I was sitting near the front in traffic waiting at a red light, I heard the siren of an ambulance behind me, looked round and saw it and immediately moved my bike as much as I could to the kerb, no one else made any attempt to let the ambulance pass.
  16. Not now, I used to use it OK, how I could do with it now. There is now a virtual chatline where they only ask questions that suit them.
  17. What a lot of deluded posters we have now with their confused emo's, I hope Karma get's the lot of you.
  18. I could not agree more, I could not contact them at all.
  19. No proper chatline just a visual one. But thanks.
  20. Had a lot of bother trying to fill in the form, the English grammar was poor. Sent in a separate email. Just have to wait for the best now.
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