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Posts posted by NoshowJones

  1. 1 hour ago, bkkcanuck8 said:


    "And if you are like many" is not the same as "You are like many" - it is a turn of phrase meant to imply that while you may do one thing, many will not ('many' not 'you').  It does not matter if the if the crosswalk is well marked, or not well marked in Thailand... crosswalks have seemingly NO meaning to Thai drivers for the most part - I get the feeling that they don't even know that a crosswalk infers a 'right of way' for a pedestrian to cross.  It also indicates the driver should take caution when approaching the crosswalk to make sure they can act if someone starts crossing.   In fact, I would say it is more dangerous to paint them on the road for those that know the standard is a right of way - especially if they come from a country where it is enforced strictly - as it gives a tourist a feeling that crossing it is safe to do.  Try going to a crosswalk in Bangkok and stand at a crosswalk and point to indicate you are crossing... NO one will stop in most cases... effectively you are as safe doing that as jaywalking on a major roadway while the road is not clear. 

    In the UK there are zig zag lines approaching the crossing and flashing yellow lights at each end. You must not overtake on these zig zag lines, and pedestrians should put their foot on the line to let the vehicles know they want to cross.

    IMO, there should not be any of these crossings, they should have lights instead which should always be working.

  2. 41 minutes ago, bkkcanuck8 said:

    And then if you are like many - speed up to get through there before you have to stop for a pedestrian who has the audacity to get in your way and delay you - even for a second 🤣.... then "points += 5"

    What a  load of BS. Go back and read my post again. Where did I say anything about anyone getting in my way? And I am not like many.

  3. 6 hours ago, bkkcanuck8 said:

    I always just assume that any crosswalk is just another place to line up pedestrians for a game of pedestrian pinball.


    Also remember that many crosswalks are badly marked and when you are driving behind other traffic you do not see the "black and whites" of the crosswalks until you are almost on it.

    If I see anyone waiting at a crosswalk, I will not stop unless a pedestrian steps on it first or makes it obvious they want to use it.

  4. 2 hours ago, KhunLA said:

    Corruption is world wide in developing & 3rd world countries, and will be for a long time.  1st world just hides it better.


    Nam as a retirement destination, not seeing it myself, since no real retirement visa, or so I read.   This will stop most from buying in on any big ticket items.    System now might be good for the older retirees, living on the cheap, not something that would interest a younger person, or someone with more money, actually looking for a permanent place to live with comforts.  


    Even TH you have to think hard, or should, before investing in housing (w/Solar), cars & MBs, expensive toys.   At least here, you get offical permission to stay every year.


    Nam's permanent residence card for foreigners is only valid for 10 years.   Not exactly 'permanent'.

    10 years is better than one year, then being treated like someone on parole with the ridiculous 90 day reporting.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  5. On 5/8/2024 at 4:57 AM, scubascuba3 said:

    Replace it or move

    Maybe slightly of topic, but I always used the Nana Hotel when I was in Bangkok, but the AC now has buttons on the wall which makes it far difficult to use, the second last time I put up with it, but the last time I was kept awake at night because it was so cold.

    I moved out the next day and have not been back since. Pity that because I enjoyed their buffet breakfast.

  6. On 4/26/2024 at 9:14 AM, brewsterbudgen said:

    Where is this "proof" you mention?  Prostitution is and always has been part of Thai culture. Many Thai males lose their virginity to prostitutes.  

    Unlike the females the Thai males are not known for their looks, so your last sentence would be about right.

    • Confused 1
    • Sad 1
  7. On 4/26/2024 at 11:14 PM, Keep Right said:

    OK, I have a definition. Anyone that you see on a motorbike in Thailand is not intelligent, rather stupid in many ways. Therefore, if you do not ride a motorbike in Thailand, you are intelligent. Hows that for a definition.

    I would not say that every Thai riding a motorbike is not intelligent. But the biggest majority certainly aren't.

    Here's a thought, what is the difference between being intelligent and having common sense.

  8. 2 hours ago, Chris Daley said:

    I've had quite the opposite.  My gf keeps pushing me into fights and says ''see he saw you are alien and he walked away''.


    One time one of their daughters had a boyfriend and they weren't happy with this.  I didn't know anything about this but later I realized I was just protection for them incase it turned nasty.


    Another time an angry Thai got out and walked towards the car.  She wound down the window on my side.


    Another time I was told to meet her at the front of my work place.  Apparently she nudged a motorcycle in the slow traffic and the guy wanted money to fix the paint.  So I automatically did the wai and gave him the money.  She said ''why did you wai to him!''.


    Yes Thai people are very violent people.  You should walk away from hostility.

    I would say there are a lot more cowards in Thailand than violent people, apart from the weapons thing about 95% of Thai guys need backup behind them before there is any attempt at violence on anyone.

    • Agree 1
  9. 18 hours ago, NorthernRyland said:

    I got a massage from a man this year. I didn't want to refuse his service which they seemed to run as a family with his wife and daughter. Such is life.

    A massage from a man???? I cannot think of anything worse. 

  10. 17 hours ago, FritsSikkink said:

    What a load of nonsense. You weren't killed and you avoid the details on what you did after bumping into his car until you got hit.

    The guy didn't bump into the girl but kicked and harassed her, his Thai wife threatened to shoot her, and the beach house steps weren't his as they were on public land.

    Twisting stories, telling half-truths, anything to blame Thai people.

    I have been involved in a few assaults on guys back in the UK, Mainly for threatening me with violence but never in Thailand probably because as a non drinker I do not frequent bars where back in the UK I did, for various reasons.

    I have often pulled up guys in Thailand for queue jumping, but none of them have retaliated in any way probably because I was a big fit looking guy.

    I have read lots of times about Thai guys only fighting when the odds are in their favour but never been involved.

  11. 14 hours ago, brianthainess said:

    Have they arrested the Firework seller yet for selling to someone without a license ? Is there a sign at the shop must have license to buy.

    Whatever next they will be renting motorbikes to people without a driving license...............    ..... :wink:

    Don't they do that already?

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