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Everything posted by dddave

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  2. Forty years ago, I pulled a 2 foot, scrawny sapling out of a garden center dumpster. It still had an intact rootball and the attached tag said "Flowering Dogwood" My house at the time had a tiny back yard. I planted it is the sunniest spot I could find. It survived the first winter and started growing bit by bit, putting out beautiful blossoms after a few years. I sold that house 25 years ago but I recently looked it up on Google satellite view. The satellite photo must have been taken in May because there it was, still standing and in full bloom forty years later. Not bad for a dumpster rescue.
  3. Reminds me of a famous incident in Boston. In 1921, a storage tank holding 2.1 million gallons of molasses burst in Boston's North End. 21 persons were killed in the resulting flood. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Molasses_Flood
  4. Not sure if accurate but I remember reading sometime ago on the predecessor forum that often the results of criminal court cases are not released to the public. No doubt a good reason for that (ahem)
  5. A good friend who lives in Buriram caved in to pressure and bought his 15 year old son a new Yamaha Aerox. The boy is a good kid and generally responsible but the dad is worried. I had already been driving motorcycles for 25 years when I took a MSF weekend rider training course. Not that there was anything I could learn that I didn't already know but because completion of the course entitled me to a significant insurance discount. Boy, did I get a surprise. Turned out, most of what I "knew", was wrong! Proper braking, line projection, steering...every facet of riding was relearned that weekend. It disturbed me enough that I later took a racing course just to hone my skills even more. I told my friend about this and he agreed something similar would be best for his son. I know Yamaha has some sort of training course at their headquarters off the BangNa-Trad Hi-way. Do any here know of any other well run rider safety courses available? Any associated with the Buriram race track? Has anybody here ever taken a local riding course?
  6. Clearly, I was too hasty in saying "Totally untrue" and labeling "myths" As you say, different situations, different experiences. In my 20+ years here and sometimes on this forum, farangs have reported being surprised at how even handed police were in dealing with a Thai-farang accident but indeed, there are a host of other reports that go the other way.
  7. Totally untrue!! When my friend was hit by a car, the Pattaya police were amazingly helpful, assigning an English speaking officer to mediate the case. Though the driver was from the UK, his wife brought in their village headman to negotiate but the senior cop in charge was totally even-handed and no bribe was asked or even hinted at. Everything was on the up and up and totally fair. Please stop the ignorant perpetuating of myths.
  8. More like the whole bakery. moving on now.....
  9. Sorry for the accident but fortunate as it could have been so much worse. Nothing I hate more than being first waiting at a red light...I always worry somebody will come barreling through. I hope you mend quickly. From my own experience, shoulders take time so patience there.
  10. While here in Thailand countless Groom older couples with double the age difference, along with more than a few brides of dubious gender.
  11. It used to be said that in China, if you saved a person's life, they were your responsibility from that time on. Whether true or not, I know not.
  12. If reading it took you two hours, that explains a lot.. I personally find such casual slices of life from the past to be revealing and fun to read.
  13. dddave


    If online: Cybercrime complaints can be made online via the Thai Police Online website (www.thaipoliceonline.com) or the Electronic Transaction Development Agency hotline by dialing 1212
  14. I'm 80+ and have done some research on health insurance available in Thailand for my age group. There are several companies that do issue such policies but the deductibles, coverage limits and pre-existing condition exclusions (at 80, pretty much everything is "pre-existing) make them a very expensive bad bet.
  15. Drainage in Pattaya has improved a lot, at least on the Pattaya side of Sukhumvit. It still floods during torrential rain but clears pretty quickly. Jomtien has a lot of open space to absorb water so rarely any flooding.
  16. There is a seller on Lazada who sells these same 2nd hand cut down shorts for around 70 baht each. I bought 6 pair. I pair too large but the rest were properly sized. Color and material is random. Three were Khaki, the rest dark.
  17. I've used this LAZADA seller for 4 years for comfortable, properly sized, good quality cotton TShirts. Still wearing ones I bought 4 years ago. The colors are very durable. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/i1974794757-s6318798113.html?urlFlag=true&mp=1&tradePath=omItm&tradeOrderId=758067905586229&tradeOrderLineId=758067905686229 I totally disagree with those who claim 100% cotton is not comfortable in the heat. Twenty years in Thailand and I've tried just about every material and blend on the market and 100% cotton for me is the best overall.
  18. When you are departing Thailand, at either Don Muang Airport (DMK) or Suvarnabhumi (BKK), after check-in, you first go through security, then Passport Control. The Re-Entry Permit desk is at BKK Passport Control. At DMK, It is in an office just past security, sharing space with the overstay office. You do not need do get the re-entry permit in advance. The process usually takes 15 to 30 minutes depending on how busy they are.
  19. Perfectly put. Ride on Kwasaki.
  20. What's your problem?? This is a forum for exchanging information which is exactly what the OP is doing.
  21. If you are handy to Jomtien, follow the signs off Soi Wat Boon Kanchana to the Library/Youth Center. Really large area with ample room to practice. Not empty but traffic is sparce. I find the biggest issue I encounter in roads around Jomtien is sand on the road; everywhere. You really have to be careful, especially with front brakes. This is true even when going slowly or turning. It's very easy to loose front wheel traction with just a touch of the brake when sand is involved.
  22. I rent my motorbike. Went from a Click with no top-box to a Fino with a medium sized box, about 36 Liter. I felt no difference in handling while maneuvering in tight spaces nor did I feel any change in stability. When the box is stuffed after a Makro run, the bike doesn't feel particularly top heavy though I know it is. Top box really made things so much easier for me, especially in situations like grocery shopping. Not having overloaded bags hanging between my legs while negotiating Jomtien's unpredictable roadways is so much less distracting.
  23. I've found Xiaomi phones to be pretty reliable. I'm on my 5th now and aside from the one that leapt from my shirt pocket into the toilet bowl, I have never had any major issues. I'm into my 3rd year using an Mi9T and it's giving me no excuses to shop for a new one. Just as a general rule, I find most "Customer Service" in all of Asia to be more about denying culpability and stonewalling. I understand OP's frustration but getting Xiaomi to do much more than they already have seems a Quixotic quest. Admitting fault is to be as avoided as is getting a sun tan. I wonder how much aggravation OP is willing to endure trying to resolve this in his favor. Whenever I do have issues, I've gotten helpful assistance on the Reddit Xiaomi sub-forum: https://www.reddit.com/r/Xiaomi/
  24. I'm curious. Does anybody know if most Western governments require developers of such large projects to have insurance or bonds to cover demolition if everything goes wrong?
  25. Just as intriguing is the huge residential development in Bang Pak Chong, just off the highway between Bangkok and Pattaya. Two condo towers and a huge Marina Townhouse project, 90% completed in the 90s and still maintained to a high level...not overgrown or visibly deteriorating. I'm told it's part of the Asian Banking Collapse of '97. Apparently tied up in court for 25 years. All the principals are dead and it's families against other families.
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