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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. Safe-T-Cut certainly used to do them.
  2. I do not allow my lady to operate the brush cutter, any distraction and she would swing around and take you off at the knees! Love her to bits of course.
  3. Expecting the unexpected doesn't go nearly far enough. Expecting the physically impossible (how the flip did that car get there?) is closer.
  4. OK Mod hat on! This is a fun poll so moderating has been somewhat, er, relaxed, and there have been many sensible posts too, but let's leave the grammar / spelling policing to the Boys in Brown (after all, they can't deal with traffic policing) EDIT OK, enough snarking and name-calling. If you notice that your post has gone walkabout, sorry.
  5. I think a fundamental issue here, and many other non-Western countries, is that students are taught to operate the vehicle, they are not taught to "drive". Driving is so much more than simply making the vehicle go (and hopefully, stop). Driving with an instructor on real roads, with real traffic (and real idiots) is absolutely essential.
  6. Yup, I would certainly stand no chance on a UK test now unless I had at least some form of refresher course. For example, a "Toucan" crossing didn't exist last time I drove in the UK, Pelicans were the latest thing.
  7. If I drove like I do here when back in the UK I'd be locked up for a long time! Speeding - Definitely Passing on the left - Of course Clipping the "don't drive here" hatchings - I have photo evidence!
  8. At least spell "bait" correctly ???? Of course it is, you clicked = $$$, you could have voted ????
  9. It has to be uniquely Thai for the workers to threaten strike action in support of the management!
  10. I was buying used SLR lenses (usually badly described), cleaning them up and selling on for 200%+ mark-up. ????
  11. Remember when Ebay was full of genuine sellers disposing of "surplus to requirements" stuff? My parents sold a large collection of model buses and a considerable number of "collectable" sugar-sachets (without sugar). Our local coffee bar in Rome let me go through many packs of their sugar in order to make a full set of the "History of Rome" sachets, a couple of them were very "rare" and netted a couple of squid a pop! Now it's mostly drop-shippers ????
  12. Yeah, I often see the same seller with the same item at multiple prices. Sadly, (for them) if they pull this trick, they go on my blacklist of "less desirable" sellers and definitely don't get the re-order.
  13. Wow, I (sort of) take it all back. Item is now "Shipped" and Flash now knows about it. We shall see what and when arrives (expected delivery is now 15-18 March).
  14. Is your bill an actual printed PEA bill from the man's machine? If so, I suspect you are on a "construction" supply which is basically double the standard PEA rate. If you could post a photo/scan of your last bill (redact any identifying information) and one of the knowledgeable ones can give you a more directed response.
  15. The item in question is zero rated for duty, so (should be) just 7% VAT on CIF. Provided the seller uses the correct HS code I've not had any issues with DHL "padding" the charges, of course the sellers also under-declare the value
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