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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. Many of them would disagree with you on that subject ???? https://discworld.fandom.com/wiki/Undead
  2. I've edited the thread title to include the forum name, evidently there was some confusion over my original heading.
  3. A comment on moderation and some off-topic posts (which I actually agree with) have been removed. Let's try to keep it specific to the subject of the poll shall we ????
  4. Now why did I never think of that? Asean Now for all your DIY tips!
  5. Madam already has a significant collection of bladed tools (and keeps them razor-sharp), no zombie with any sense would attack!
  6. A number of members have expanded their solar posts to include things like rainwater harvesting. I wonder if we should expand the forum scope somewhat. I'd like to keep to the "techy" side of things, keeping chooks and growing food is well served in the Farming forums. So, your thoughts and ideas are welcomed, the poll headings are really just ideas rather than a fixed list of options. Please go ahead and add your own thoughts. Or tell me I'm an idiot and not to mess with something that's not busted
  7. Yeah, the beasties really love the wood composites ???? We installed a termite-system when we built the house, the little blighters bypassed it and got into the ceiling void above my workshop! New ceiling time ???? Luckily, they remained confined to that space. The route they used is now closed and the termite-man knows to top up the extra feed point.
  8. So, an outdoor kitchen ???? Some like to formalise the outdoor space, ours is much like yours but it has a roof to keep the rain off Madam when doing the cooking ????
  9. 3M Amalgamating Tape would probably be the stuff. Done right it will last forever.
  10. Must be perspective, I just measured it, 620mm from tiles to the edge of the granite ????
  11. Looks like Google's "satellite" has been busy. Chez Jas21
  12. We have the same inverter. It's also one of the few grid-tie hybrids that are on the "approved" list. Those parameters are "hidden" and (rightly) not readily accessible to the regular user. However, the relevant information is (like pretty much everything) available on the net if you know where to look.
  13. Crossy

    spanner size?

    BUT. You will get a continual ear-bending about the non-functioning tap. Sooo, is it a. No nookie or b. Pay the man?
  14. You think it's bad here ... Once upon a time... The UK had such a problem with the out-of-control breeding of traffic cones the government actually set up a hot line to report the ruddy things. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cones_Hotline
  15. A bunch of off-topic "language police" posts, and responses, have been removed.
  16. Crossy

    spanner size?

    Tell me about it! You will also find that the larger adjustable won't fit under the sink! At this point call a plumber and crack a beer!
  17. Yes, but you need to ensure your hybrid will do on-grid with no battery. There's plethora of hybrids described as "on/off grid", you need to carefully peruse the documentation to see exactly what they can (and can't) do.
  18. Crossy

    spanner size?

    They do vary just to cause annoyance. A decent sized adjustable is your friend. They're always a nightmare, but you just need enough to break the seal (you will also probably need someone to hold the tap as by now it will be going round).
  19. "Let's do a quick and dirty calculation for a simple grid-tie system that's DIY installed." As others have noted it's very much dependent upon usage patterns.
  20. Yeah, the bottle is outside behind the hob. The water pump is there too.
  21. Ah. It was long ago but IIRC the single door units that were available were taller (or maybe I just didn't notice). In 12 years nobody else has asked the question ????
  22. I don't have much in the way of photos of ours under construction and the cost wasn't broken out of the contract. The structure. Here it is ready for the granite. Base units completed. And 12 years later.
  23. Let's do a quick and dirty calculation for a simple grid-tie system that's DIY installed. Your 2,000 Baht power bill would be about 450kWh so about 15kWh per day. A 340W panel will give you about 1.2kWh per day so you're looking at 12 panels = 4,000W system. Panels are around 3,400 Baht a pop = 41,000 Baht, a 4kW grid-tie inverter around 11,000 Baht. Add 10k for installation bit n bobs and you're gold for <65k.
  24. They do, but the rate they pay for export is pretty dismal (even after a recent increase) and getting your system approved is "impossible" for a DIY installation. The vast majority of small domestic systems simply spin the regular meter backwards during export and get 1:1 on the re-imported units.
  25. Ours went in exactly the same way (took a bit longer). Replacement electrodes are available but are definitely not cheap, we didn't bother and went back to conventional chlorination. This site says 2 year warranty https://swimmingpoolsthailand.com/en/emaux-salt-water-chlorinators/1481-emaux-ssc25e-chlorinator.html could be worth talking to Emaux themselves.
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