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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. I did a passable impression of "The Creature from the Black Lagoon" when I slipped into a storm drain in KL. Yes, a "little" alcohol had been consumed in the Waikiki Bar (now sadly closed) Of course, we were staying at the PJ Hilton at the time! The doorman opened the door for me, welcomed me by name and closed the door behind me. No other comment was made and I didn't even get a cleaning item added to my bill.
  2. Will they will be made by Super-Boondee of Ghost-Repeller fame?
  3. And ice in the water tanks (but don't throw ice cubes please)
  4. But ladies during Songkran, please don't switch, white cotton T's only! ????
  5. "Big" hail can certainly damage panels https://solartechadvisor.com/solar-panels-hail-damage/ but as noted above it's all about frequency and luck, particularly with extremely localised weather phenomena such as microbursts. A quick Google and a search on another solar forum of which I'm a user showed that there are people protecting their panels, unfortunately 90% of the protection schemes also cover the panels meaning that the protection has to be placed if a storm is coming and removed afterwards. A 1/2" mesh chicken-wire cover over the panels should reduce any impact damage without massively impacting production. But I've not found any actual test data on such a solution and you have to ensure that it doesn't sag and yet the supports don't shadow the panels. https://solvoltaics.com/how-to-protect-solar-panels-from-hail/ Down here in BKK I don't recall seeing hail of any size in 20 years or so, plenty of very heavy rain of course. So, famous last words here, I'm not going to bother.
  6. Generally, nobody does anything more than using decent panels, they are (theoretically) resistant to "normal" hail. How big is the hail you are seeing from the microbursts and how often are they affecting the area where your panels are/will be installed?
  7. Mods are able to correct that "error", for a price
  8. Yeah, that's what I thought at first, a loose baffle etc. But the annoying sound went away with the rock ????
  9. I had an annoying rattle from the back end of the car exhaust, it sounded like a loose baffle or something so I was going to get it looked at on the next service. Then I noticed: - Did that get in there all by itself? Ya think?
  10. Of course, we are in "oops" territory too. The man came on the 19th and read 14,951kWh, I just read the meter 14,928kWh so we are -23kWh I have to read the meter early in the morning as it's located in the middle of a restaurant (not ours) and one gets strange looks from diners if the place is open. The cool weather (no A/C needed) and the pool being out of action (no pump running) are major contributary factors. The man comes next on the 16th of February so there's enough time to correct the issue (or for the weather to correct it for me) ????
  11. Ours is definitely a fellah, but what he does in his off time ...
  12. It doesn't matter where you are in the known universe. Having multiple accounts, in multiple countries (if that's possible) is always better. Eggs in one basket and all that ????
  13. I'll nip into Myanmar to top up on the way back, or for that matter a Russian field which IS within range. Russia, international safety standards? Of course, I'm not saying that this is what they do, but ...
  14. "But honest Mr US Sanctions chap, they arrived with half a tank." (no, not a T34) "Prove otherwise! and we might consider extradition" (a bit like the US did with a certain citizen who ran having killed a young motorcyclist in the UK). Of course, the Thais would never do anything to upset the US, or would they? Remember who the real paymasters are.
  15. Sorry, I really was scratching around for something to say
  16. No because I have one of these: - https://www.nzherald.co.nz/technology/who-you-gonna-call-ghostbusting-gadget-launched/IKYJMXH677URUAQU54DUA6MSDM/
  17. Police Say Taiwanese Actor Might Have Been Held Up For Possession of E-Cigarettes Surely the written report from the checkpoint would detail all charges, fines etc. and the confiscated vapes would be in evidence? Oops, sorry, I forgot where we are and who we are dealing with
  18. I think @JAS21 used something similar for his car port.
  19. Surely it should be a CRACKLING down? Fetching my coat
  20. Apparently, the ones flying here have been bought off-lease.
  21. Which site are you trying to access? It may be geo-blocked for Thailand. You could try a VPN to the US or Europe.
  22. That would be the Tu-70 passenger conversion of the Tu-4, according to the Wiki it never actually went into production. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tupolev_Tu-70
  23. It wouldn't be the first time Russia has copied a Boeing, ok it's not a jet but ... : - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tupolev_Tu-4
  24. I can see parts and service of course, but does re-fuelling a Russian Boeing using fuel made outside the US really break the sanctions?
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