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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. To Bangkok taxi driver - "This is not the Finnish embassy!". Taxi driver - "Yes it is. See, embassy, embassy, embassy. Now finish embassy!". Fetching my coat!
  2. Do discuss with your lady. I'd go in low-ball at 5k, when you get the evil-eye you can always go up (go in too high and you can never, ever, offer less in future). Was there any "village insurance" in place? Many people pay a fixed (tiny) amount each month to ensure at least a decent send off. It really depends upon how close the family member was. No need for multiple days of monking etc. but certainly a bit of face-saving for the family wouldn't go astray. We only paid in 10k for the MiL funeral but there's a massive family so a significant profit was made even when the average was nearer 2k, most of which went to the temple anyway.
  3. Something of a rise, now 92cm below "Worry". Note that at this time I'm not worrying about the state of the tide, that comes later when things are getting scary.
  4. I see them ???? A potential polar-bear or two in there as well. Anyone see a penguin?
  5. Yeah, it's very much pot luck with used cells. We're doing a bit better with our used CALB 200Ah golf cart cells but they are a reasonably low-cost way in to LiFePO4 (even if they're only 100Ah they're still cheaper than the equivalent in lead-acid). I've had some real junk 35650 cells from sellers who've been good in the past. If you have the (not really expensive) kit to check the capacity and get the duff ones back to the seller within the return time period you're good.
  6. I'm still struggling to un-see the first one I thought the "dog" was more "lion" ????
  7. Definitely a valid and legal entry method. BUT There have been reports of Thai immigration officers getting the hump and insisting that one enters on the Thai passport, personally I'd just avoid that possibility, it's not like it's costing $$$.
  8. Not by Thai immigration, they only care about ins and outs from Thailand. Check-in might ask how she has permission to enter Aus, in which case she can safely show them her Oz PP. Millions of people around the world do this every day, it's totally normal and nothing to worry about ????
  9. Yes, it's real! https://www.amazon.com/President-Donald-Trump-Son-Man/dp/1977249248/
  10. Aus when leaving and entering Oz. Thai when entering and leaving Thailand. As a general rule dual passport holders should never show both PPs to any official, dual nationality tends to make their brains explode. Occasionally you may get asked by check-in staff if the PP you show them isn't the one on the booking but that's rarely an issue.
  11. Make it on the outside and readily removable and nobody will know ???? The metal mozzie screen with very fine wires actually doesn't provide much restriction to the airflow. Or, you could build a large enclosure with big bug-proof vents top and bottom (possibly with fan assistance), add mozzie screens to the doors too and it will be almost like free-air anyway.
  12. https://www.forces.net/royals/queen/zz177-spells-lizz-everyone-says-same-thing-about-number-c-17-plane-flew-queen-london
  13. Plenty of time to "arrange" suitable documentation along with a pork-fat lubricant! Cynical? Me? Never!
  14. Solis and GoodWe both do fanless hybrids, whether they are available here in 220V single-phase is unknown at present. EDIT Warning Will Robinson! Warning! Sit down and pour yourself a large one before opening the link. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/solis-hybrid-6kw-rhi-6kw-i3684262960-s13916929360.html
  15. Level is still pretty stable at 102cm below "Worry". We await the arrival from the north.
  16. Yeah, we shall see what occurs on the 19th when we get our bill, also heading for a sub 300 unit bill unless we get some really dull days.
  17. Search is working for me now, W11 - Chrome ???? Is anyone still having the "no results" issue??
  18. No idea why, but this popped into my field of view today.
  19. Yup, without the TM6 there's no record of where you are staying. Nobody checks. Even if you stay a few nights in a hotel and they do send a TM30 there's no actual check that your whole stay is covered by such forms. It's really totally pointless.
  20. Not seen a site yet this year ???? Meanwhile Madam has ordered sand and sandbags after Puyai Baan came on the speakers saying they were available for free.
  21. This one? There's a water trap lurking under the hood somewhere, it needs draining. The manual will tell you where and how. You might also want to replace the fuel filter.
  22. If they are never going to need to interact with immigration, I wouldn't bother with the TM30, you're not a hotel. Over the years we've had friends and family stay with us and never done any paperwork. No issues whatever.
  23. If you get there early there's on-road parking right opposite the entrance to the immigration building. I've never needed to park anywhere else.
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