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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. The 10 and 25A ones are readily available in the DIY places, bigger ones from your local electrical emporium. There are my go-to connectors for pretty much anything, put solid, stranded (with or without a ferrule) or even a lug if you feel that way inclined. I've seen box blanking plates in both plastic and "metal" just add a cable gland and you're good ????
  2. Leaving aside the 50/60Hz issue I really don't see that you need this box as you are using LED gro-lights rather than HID. 8 x 1000W lights is about 40A (around 5A per light) so you could easily run them off 4 cheap timers (2 per timer). Setting the timers to slightly different start times would mitigate any switch-on surge issues. Something like this https://www.lazada.co.th/products/timer-kg316t-ll-timer-switch-220v-25a-i995590076-s2170728068.html A local sparks should be able to install a suitable breaker in your box and wire up the timers. One other important point. What size meter does your place have, most of us have a 15/45 unit (it's marked on the meter) which maxes out at 45A officially (many use a 63A breaker) leaving you with precious little for any domestic stuff, do your plants need ventilation for example. 8000W of LED is a lot, how big is your growing area, are you sure you're not going to cook the plants? EDIT By the way, 8000W of lighting is going to suck up 8kWh of energy every hour, so a 12 hour grow day would use 104kWh or about 450Baht at today's rate. Why an indoor grow when there's a great big fusion reactor in the sky blasting out up to 1,000W per m2 for free? Help it along with lights if you wish but the energy savings would be significant.
  3. Has there actually been any further new on this discount? Such as the actual discount breaks in the 301-500 unit group.
  4. Wire nuts and tape of course You could use "TB" type connectors, the common ones are 25A https://www.lazada.co.th/products/2-3-terminal-block-tb-25-600v-25a-i758802513-s1458470227.html but they are available as 45A https://www.lazada.co.th/products/patio-lawn-terminal-tb45-3-12-45a-600v-terminal-block-tb-45-1-tb4504-hot-sale-i3600879572-s13469953852.html and possibly bigger. Stick them in a small plastic box for a neat and safe job. EDIT https://www.terminalsblocks.com/en/product/TB-200-Panel-Mounted-Assembly-Type-600V-200A-Terminal-Connector/TB-200.html
  5. Yeah, it's a CCU but I've never seen them here so you'll have to get from the UK or maybe Malaysia or Singapore (don't forget the back-box too as it's not Thai size).
  6. I just use normal mains type cables with suitable heat shrink sleeves on the visible ends to identify as LV DC. If you don't mind ordering a whole roll you can get various colours (look on Lazada). I know grandma and eggs, but do check your volt drop sums and tweek the power supply up a bit.
  7. A bunch of bickering posts have been removed. Let's try to play nicely shall we?
  8. Because any current in the "primary" (the wire through the hole) will try to create a current in the secondary (the winding) of 1/1000 (or whatever the ratio is) of the primary current. With an open (infinite resistance) secondary that would mean "infinite" voltage! Hence either short the winding or leave the shipping short installed. Whilst big CTs are perfectly capable of killing if left open the baby ones we see on our domestic energy monitors rarely generate much over a few tens of volts.
  9. Level is slightly lower today at 120cm below "worry", possibly due to tidal effects.
  10. Yes, it's real! 44.73840861195773, -63.30470399487705
  11. I've removed a (very reasonable) post discussing moderation to avoid us going off track (again).
  12. Got it. Going by the experience of another member @Thaifish you could be in for the long haul Which inverter do you have?
  13. I'm as guilty as anyone for leaving the TVs etc. on "standby" but we have none of the "smart home" stuff, all the lights have actual switches.
  14. This ^^^ and those ruddy "smart" bulbs using <0.5W each. All those vampire loads add up. A simple, mechanical switch means "Off" really is off!
  15. Look after the pennies ... Looks like a pittance doesn't it. But that's nigh on 11kBaht a year that's not going out of the coffers. And after 3 years or so recovering the outlay the energy really is free!
  16. Are you saying your panels and inverter have been sitting inactive for a year?? Your contractor should have hooked everything up so your inverter and panels were active and generating with your existing meter (if of the disc type) whizzing backwards when exporting. This is actually how most of the small systems here operate anyway. The contractor would then arrange a PEA inspection of the system at which point an export meter would should be installed. It's also at this point that the delay happens, but if your meter reader doesn't actually see the meter going backwards (turn off the solar on the days he's likely to come) you could carry on for years in this state.
  17. Yeah, that place was built about 5 years ago, after the mega-flood and (importantly) after the post-flood road scheme that raised the road level by a good 50cm. We were half-way through our build when the flood happened and it was too late to adjust our downstairs floor level, we had about 30cm of water downstairs. No damage of course as we were still in-build. We are a Thai-style "bungalow on sticks" although we have kitchen/dining and my workshop downstairs we are reasonably flood resistant. From 2011: Madam indicating the 2011 flood depth, the finished-floor level is rather higher than the slab she's stood on.
  18. My usual "Green House" reference has a lot of water hyacinth blocking the view of the water level, so I'll switch to the "Pink House" level reference, it also has conveniently calibrated level markers (ok the concrete retaining planks). Level is currently 115cm below my "worry quite a lot" level (at which point water would be lapping around our ground floor entrance). Let's hope it stays that way ????
  19. It is absolutely fine to respond to, comment on, like or whatever a post made by a mod just like you would a normal member. Of course, applying an insult would have a similar (but rather more rapid) reaction than it would to a normal member's post. The only exception would be to comment on a moderation action which would contravene the roolz that you all accepted when you signed up. Just remember that the forum rules apply just the same to all.
  20. A comment on moderation has been removed. FYI the earlier post that got hidden would have been removed anyway, it's just that the heads up came rather more rapidly than it would have for a normal member's post.
  21. An observation. Mods get notifications about responses to their posts just like normal members. Just saying
  22. Yeah, I was just conveying the facts, I didn't say I agreed with the policy. No mask and you won't shop in makro or Lotus's's's either. I just go with the flow, if the majority are using masks I put one on, if not I don't. It does me no harm whatsoever.
  23. Passbook update, ATM, CDM are available outside at most branches. With online banking I very, very rarely go near a branch let alone in one. You have a perfect right to bank elsewhere of course. Shooteth-not the messenger ????
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