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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. You need "Standard Electrical Installation for Thailand, 2013" https://eitstandard.com/มาตรฐานการติดตั้งทางไฟ-2/# Obviously it's in Thai. Unfortunately there's nothing aimed specifically at domestic but at least the document is cheap. If you want a western standard that comes pretty close then AS3000 is your best bet.
  2. To be honest I'd just calculate it. If your battery is 7.5Ah, let's say it goes to 80% discharge so that's 6Ah available. At 8A that's 6/8 hours = 0.75 hours or 45 minutes. If you want to do an actual test then you can use a resistor, the current isn't truly constant as the voltage will tail off but it's quick and simple. For 8A at 12V you need a resistor of 1.5 ohms, it needs be able to dissipate at least 96Watts. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/1pcs-01-ohm-05-ohm-1-ohm-15-ohm-2-ohm-3-ohm-4-ohm-5-ohm-6-ohm-8-ohm-10-ohm-12-ohm-15-ohm-20-ohm-22-ohm-30-ohm-33-ohm-50-ohm-100-ohm-1k-ohm-100w-power-aluminum-shell-wirewound-resistor-resistance-for-electronic-diy-i2277863887-s7654802870.html? Or you could buy a true constant-current load. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/180w-dc-usb-tester-app-electronic-load-lithium-battery-capacity-monitor-discharge-charge-power-checker-us-plug-i3941561207-s15205156279.html?clickTrackInfo=query%3Abattery%2Bcapacity%2Btester%3Bnid%3A3941561207%3Bsrc%3ALazadaMainSrp%3Brn%3A838718e4bd697bcc25f1b3010560efd5%3Bregion%3Ath%3Bsku%3A3941561207_TH%3Bprice%3A1299.00%3Bclient%3Adesktop%3Bsupplier_id%3A100217031603%3Basc_category_id%3A12091%3Bitem_id%3A3941561207%3Bsku_id%3A15205156279%3Bshop_id%3A3325196&search=1&spm=a2o4m.searchlist.list.i40.2df21a131f7c37 You need to bridge all the + terminals together and all the - terminals together to avoid tripping the fuses.
  3. My wife asked for a "Dutch Oven", how was I to know she wanted one of these ... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0791KZKXY/ref=sbl_dpx_dining-dutch-ovens_B0076NOGPY_0 https://www.dictionary.com/browse/dutch-oven#:~:text=In cooking%2C a Dutch oven,a Dutch oven traps heat.
  4. "Opposition chief whip promises PM will be badly bruised ..." Ooh, er, missus!! ^^^ I see great minds are thinking alike
  5. I've been here since 2004, sometimes I still just want to go and bash my head against something solid! Dealing with Thai contractors on a daily basis just causes nervous breakdowns.
  6. I'd get a quote to fix then go for the claim if you think it's worth it, get any minor dings sorted at the same time, although it may well affect any no-claims. Talk to your insurer. We've been adopted by a cat who is ably assisted by a Sunbeam snake that lives in the long grass, no rats or mice ????
  7. To be honest the food in the article doesn't look particularly appetising anyway.
  8. You mean "contactless" I'm sure ???? The MRT and Purple Line automatic gates will take your contactless Visa or Mastercard no problem but you won't get any "elder" discount which you could get by buying an MRT+ card (assuming you are over 60). BTS don't have that facility yet, "coming soon", for now you will need to buy a Rabbit card (needs your passport) or single-ride tickets from the machines using cash.
  9. @irrelevant pauper do you really mean "valuation" - i.e. how much all your stuff is worth??
  10. That said, I'm 100% certain that she knows what she's doing, just to wind up the elders. Of course she also plays the game with me, "grandad I can't reach!" indicating feminine products on the top shelf, which having examined same she has me put back in favour of her usual brand which is at eye level. I think she's been taking lessons from granny (my wife). Love her to bits!
  11. Isn't English a wonderful language, often means whatever the listener wants to hear Meanwhile I have relatives (yes, I'm a Brit) who would fit the descriptions although I doubt they'd go the "paedo" route they are certainly rather racist (against any and all "foreigners"), luckily the Thai family love their girls (my granddaughters) so any comments fly over at flight-level 350 and climbing. Out in the 'burbs I get the opposite effect. It's the Thai's with the black looks when I go shopping with my 100% Thai granddaughter, she's 14, pretty and just getting "starter curves", unfortunately she likes to hold granddad's hand! Cue the black looks and mutterings from the locals.
  12. 555 no ladies, the first female apprentice was the next year, Nicky Cox. Back row second from the right, I had hair then (I was 16).
  13. Yeah, I thought you would have already checked, but ... Cycling lives down:- Thailand Extra Forums => Community Forums => Sports, Hobbies and Activities => Cycling in Thailand (did I say it was well hidden?).
  14. I would immediately be looking at a sharp/protruding spoke end since it's always the same place. Moving to the (well hidden) Cycling Forum ????
  15. We like to continue life as normal when the PEA has decided that we don't actually need power. So our baby 6kVA unit runs everything except the water heaters and big irrigation pumps. It even runs our two inverter A/Cs without blinking (12,000 and 24,000 BTU units).
  16. I think I'd be pulling the whole thing out and going for a nice modern unit.
  17. Edit the full stop off the link and you get this:-
  18. Are the A/Cs inverter type or conventional? If we assume they are 18,000 BTU each then you are looking at something like a 6kVA genset if they are inverter, possibly double that (say 10kVA) if they are conventional (large startup surge). Could you survive on one A/C? What's your preferred fuel? Petrol gensets are cheaper than diesel but burn a more expensive fuel. I would certainly go for one of the "silent" types unless you are miles from anyone else, the open frame units are noisy! I'd also ensure they are electric start / stop so you can add an automatic transfer switch for seamless operation (going outside in the dark and the rain to start the beast gets old very rapidly). There are a lot of units on the market now that are "ATS ready" or come with an ATS ready to install. Installation isn't rocket science but you'll need a sparks unless you are competent DIYing electrics.
  19. OK, listen very carefully, I shall say this only once - Fuses do NOT that's NOT provide over-voltage protection! Fuses provide over-current protection for the power supply and your wiring, they do not provide any protection whatsoever for your cameras, that is not why they are there. EDIT The closest thing we have to a wai seems to be this which is called "jap" (I know, I know).
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