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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. Some off-topic posts have been vapourised! No need to comment if you never listened to his shows.
  2. Shock of Steve Wright's death floors colleagues and friends after they reveal they saw him just days ago and DJ was planning lunch with Ken Bruce to celebrate his MBE. Colleagues and friends of BBC broadcaster Steve Wright have been left stunned by the DJ's death after revealing they saw him just a few days ago. The veteran presenter's death was announced this afternoon, prompting an outpouring of emotional tributes from stars including Sara Cox and Zoe Ball. One BBC star revealed Wright's death was seen as 'very, very sudden' by colleagues, as he was in touch with bosses at the station within just the last few days. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13080059/Steve-Wright-death-Ken-Bruce.html
  3. If you have a modern hybrid system it should be seamless, when the solar runs out or is too small the grid supplements what you are generating. Look at on/off grid hybrids. Don't plan on putting your panels on the house, if you have space use a barn/car port/ground mount much less hassle and no risk of leaks.
  4. You won't fry the meter 🙂 Best to check if your meter counts UP when exporting (some have reported this), ideally if your inverter supports a no-export function you should turn it on.
  5. My last three "waiting for seller approval" timed out and Lazada refunded, the faulty remotes are useless but the other item (semiconductors) are in stock waiting for an application.
  6. I won't buy flash from Lazada, go to the big boys and get what you pay for.
  7. At the very minimum, read your meter twice a day at 9AM and 4PM to get your day/night usage balance. That energy monitoring system will soon become the preferred option!
  8. Coolant in the oil usually results in a nice white emulsion deposit on the oil filler - Is that what you are seeing?
  9. I've just had another incorrect item delivered, M8 threaded rod instead of M5 Once again, the return is awaiting the seller to approve. They have 2 days until I own a length of studding that will go into stock and join the pile of non-working remote controls.
  10. Of course, that lovely long hair comes in handy if your nookie preferences include the Rodeo. It's where you put your lady down on all fours, get her from behind, get a couple of turns of that hair around your wrist, reach over to feel her assets and then whisper in her ear, "Your sister's are better." You then try to stay on for 8 seconds.
  11. Even long-haired wives know which individual hair is theirs!!
  12. Android and iPhone updates this year will be dominated by AI—much of it from Google. But this comes with a serious new warning for every user, and it should change how we use our phones. Google issues AI warning for smartphone users The rollercoaster AI smartphone ride is now well underway. It was always going to be the case, that integrating generative AI into the smartphone apps we use most would eclipse last year’s ChatGPT take-up. And here we now are. But not so fast—all this comes with a huge risk to your security and privacy. Read more: - https://www.forbes.com/sites/zakdoffman/2024/02/12/google-warns-as-free-ai-upgrade-for-iphone-android-and-samsung-users/?sh=7e37fa2616d2
  13. Did I say there was an "Er" category. Conny has a great voice, check out their "Sweet Child of Mine" cover. But ...
  14. Nope, totally new to me, not quite blubbing, but I've only had one beer
  15. I'm sure we had a thread a while back, but I can't find it, so here's a new one. Post your "favourite" cover versions. Post the original too if you like. Anything goes: - Wow that's better than the original. I can't believe that's a cover. Xxx is performing Yyy, what the ... Er! Here's your starter for 10: -
  16. I have a friend (I know, mods aren't allowed friends) who needs some solar kit installed on his roof. He already has the panels, inverter etc. but he needs someone to mount the panels on his roof (standard 2 floor home with a pitched roof). Probably need to supply mounting hardware too. Of course, any outfit one talks to want to sell you the whole kit and caboodle (and make a handsome profit). But TiT, I'll put money on there being a crew who could do the job over a weekend, cash in hand, just like PEA did when we got our power poles installed. Any pointers, links, etc. etc. would be welcomed. Post here or PM.
  17. OK, how many will admit to using Google Lens "just to check"??
  18. At least one member here is married to an immigration officer, I'm 99% sure he gets free medical. Having worked here since 2004 (crikey, that long!!) I have the Thai social (plus employer provided health insurance). You can continue it once retired for a fairly nominal fee. It's not perfect but it's affordable.
  19. The oldies are the goodies! One Sunday, when counting the money in the weekly offering, the Pastor of a small church found a pink envelope containing $1,000. It happened again the next week! The following Sunday, he watched as the offering was collected and saw an elderly woman put the distinctive pink envelope on the plate. This went on for weeks until the pastor, overcome by curiosity, approached her. “Ma’am, I couldn’t help but notice that you put $1,000 a week in the collection plate,” he stated. “Why yes,” she replied, “every week my son sends me money and I give some of it to the church.” The pastor replied, “That’s wonderful. But $1,000 is a lot, are you sure you can afford this... How much does he send you” The elderly woman answered, “$10,000 a week.” The pastor was amazed. “Your son is very successful; what does he do for a living” “He is a veterinarian,” she answered. “That’s an honorable profession, but I had no idea they made that much money,” the pastor said. “Where does he practice” The woman answered proudly, “In Nevada. He has two cathouses – one in Las Vegas, and one in Reno.”
  20. Very, very finger in the air! 18,000 BTU will swallow 1,800W when running. You need to over-panel a bit so you are generating in the morning / evening, let's say 3kW of panels and a 3kW grid-tie inverter. 10 x 340W panels at 3k Baht each. 30k Baht 3kW grid-tie mid-price inverter 12,500 Baht (cheaper units are available). Say 43k + something for bit's n bobs, say 50k all in. Do you have a conventional spinning disc or electronic meter?? That system will over-generate at mid-day, if you have spinning disc, it will go backwards an electronic meter would ignore it. If you are on an electronic meter, I would now recommend going hybrid with a small energy storage system (battery), more expensive I'm afraid. Start a separate thread if the numbers are not too frightening.
  21. It's been possible for some years, and it's the cheapest option. Grid-tie inverter and enough panels to run your A/C during the generating hours, with no batteries you will waste generation during the sunniest part of the day (unless your spin a conventional disc meter backwards - naughty).
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