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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. You really don't need a massive investment to enable noticeable savings. Our local coffee shed seem to find it practical. I just re-ran my ROI calculator which takes account of the varying (up mostly) cost of electricity and the break-even point is 3.28 years. We will be generating free power later this year 😄
  2. Does the LCD display tell you anything useful? Check the manual, it should have the maximum charge rate. I would try running with no load for 24 hours, to ensure the existing batteries are fully charged.
  3. I found a similar inverter to yours https://m.indiamart.com/proddetail/durasol-dsw1450-pure-sine-wave-ups-2850393422755.html Max charge current is 8A which may not be enough to fully charge your batteries each time. As above, try to do without power during a couple of outages to ensure you really are fully charged. EDIT you are going to need at least 15 hours of charging with no discharge to get somewhere near full on the batteries.
  4. I suspect those automotive lead-acid batteries could be shot; they really are not intended to be used in a UPS type application particularly if they are not getting fully charged between outages. Any idea how much current is being dragged from the pack when discharging? What is the charge rate that your inverter can provide? Can you survive a couple of outages without using the UPS so you can ensure your batteries really are fully charged? Do you have / can you get a multimeter? If we determine your batteries really are dead then: - You really need deep-cycle (marine) batteries, and never go below 50% charge. Can your inverter support lithium batteries? They would be a longer-lived solution. Is it possible to get stuff mail-order and shipped into Myanmar?
  5. A couple of beers and the Wayback Machine in fully functional ...
  6. And somehow, this was actually a hit that made it to TOTP!!
  7. And the theme to my first (legal) entry into the pub!!
  8. This is obviously some strange usage of the words "recent" and "documentary" of which I was previously unaware ...
  9. Yup, Thai immigration have these weird, almost magical, things called "computers".
  10. Once the system has made enough energy to cover its cost of installation (5 years or so, but highly variable) the energy is FREE, zero Baht per kWh. EDIT We are not off grid, our system isn't big enough, yet. We use about 35-40kwh per day, our PEA bill is around 1,000 Baht monthly. Last year our 10kWp solar saved us 60,599 Baht (using PEA's calculator). Cost to date about 240kBaht, looking at payback time of 4 years or so.
  11. Once you have your new passport you need to go to your local immigration and transfer the stamps, it's supposed to be a free service. Don't forget a re-entry permit to keep your current extension alive before you leave the country.
  12. How big are these cracks and are they just in the non-structural walls or ... Are your foundations driven-piles or concrete pads, if pads did the builder excavate down to undisturbed soil (below your fill). Photos of the house and detail of the cracking would be useful.
  13. Two beggars are sitting side by side on the street in Rome. One has a cross in front of him, the other a Star of David. Many people go by, but only put money into the hat of the beggar sitting behind the cross. A priest comes by, stops and watches throngs of people giving money to the beggar sitting behind the cross, but none give to the beggar sitting behind the Star of David. Finally, the priest goes over to the beggar behind the Star of David and says: "Don't you understand? This is a Catholic country. People aren't going to give you money if you sit there with a Star of David in front of you, especially if you're sitting beside a beggar who has a cross. In fact, they would probably give to him just out of spite!". The beggar behind the Star of David listened to the priest, turned to the other beggar with the cross and said: "Moshe, look who's trying to teach the Goldman brothers about marketing!"
  14. Removed excessive white-space from OP. People don't realise just how much white bits cost; black bits are almost free but white bits ... @Maybole if you don't score here your local bike-taxi guys will know!
  15. Exactly! Call and say "sorry, running late can we reschedule", "yes, no problem". Job done, nobody gets fined or penalised.
  16. An off-topic attempt to de-rail the thread has been removed.
  17. I must admit to being a little confused how someone, who must have flown long-haul to get here freaks out at the start of a 1 hour flight,
  18. My parents (88 and 92) have told me in no uncertain terms not to attend their funerals (a-religious and already paid for with, yes, The Co-Op). My sister is in the UK and will handle any arrangements. I'm sure my wife will do some prayers and burn some incense here in Thailand.
  19. "Someone" would probably have been Slartibartfast or one of his Magrathean workmates
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