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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. Yeah, that would be fine. No need to use an RCBO as main (you would need to re-wire the incoming then anyway). If you are going to pull the tails at the meter you might as well just replace the C63, they are not terribly expensive.
  2. Sounds like an excellent sparks If what you said earlier (3 options of what happens) is actually the case then the main breaker could be faulty. With the power off you can unplug the main breaker (pull it at the top), on the back are a couple of clip connectors, carefully squeeze these a bit tighter and re-plug. PLEASE take great care, that incoming terminal is still live!!
  3. Hmm, any "fizzing" noises from the main breaker? If you push on the main breaker does everything spring to life? (care there are bitey terminals exposed) With the main off check all the terminals for tightness (careful the incoming live is still on). Your place or a rental?? EDIT I wonder if your sparks disturbed something, I'd get him back to have a look.
  4. "Should" is the operative word here. I see you already have a couple of individual RCBOs so adding a main one wouldn't be useful. What you have doesn't look like it's actually hazardous, it's just not to Thai regulations. If you're not having an inspection I would leave well alone. What are your actual concerns??
  5. OK this is from a PEA document. My translations. Groundwire Mk2 book-Manual.pdf Note the routing of the incoming neutral via the ground bar and then to the main breaker (which "should" be an RCBO). This is the Thai implantation of MEN (Multiple-Earthed Neutral) and is expected if you are going to pass the MEA / PEA inspection for a permanent supply.
  6. Yeah, I use loads of those chaps, available in many sizes/current ratings.
  7. Many of us are installing battery packs or Energy Storage Systems (ESS). Obviously, there's a lot of energy in there just aching to escape, so think carefully where you put it! A typical 10kWh ESS contains about as much energy as a litre of petrol/gasoline, so common sense suggests that you don't put your pack anywhere you wouldn't keep the gas can for your mower. Chapter 15 of US regulation NFPA 855 is worth a read, most of it is common sense anyway but it can never hurt to follow the spirit if not the letter. Of course it's not legally binding here so breaking the rules isn't going to get you arrested but ... 326a NFPA 855 2020.pdf The US has a whole raft of regulations surrounding solar, inverters and batteries, some more relevant to us than others. For the masochists among us a Google search will reveal free downloads.
  8. I like the ceramic choc-blok connectors for high current stuff. Heat resistant and readily available here. You need some sort of strain relief/support for the hanging cable, don't rely on the connector for support.
  9. Apparently they make good (but annoying) pets. I feel your pain, but theft of someone's property is likely to end in a world of (possibly very physical) hurt. I really wouldn't. Besides they'll only be replaced by wild ones. The @novacova solution would be a much wiser course of action.
  10. Just follow the “kawow kawow-kawow-kawow” Been here >20 years, never seen one, heard thousands (or is one following me, even to India?) What are you going to do if you find him/her?
  11. Isn't half the fun talking to evil ghosts or demons?
  12. Sounds good, how about some photos? One note, NMC batteries are in the same family as the Li-ion packs used in many scooters / hoverboards and the like. These can suffer from thermal-runaway unlike the more expensive LiFePO4 packs. Properly installed with a decent BMS and not over-stressing the pack they are safe, but smoke detectors would be wise (to be honest, they are wise anyway). I don't know where yours are installed but I wouldn't put any battery pack in a living area not even LiFePO4 or lead-acid, there's a lot of energy in there just aching to escape.
  13. Unfortunately, the "proper kit" 'aint cheap https://www.lazada.co.th//products/i1590628701-s9904969029.html
  14. That would have been Mr (Fray Bentos) Bentley. Much depends upon your inverter, hence my comment to read the manual. A modern solar inverter will be happy to have the neutral earthed, older inverters may not be so happy and certainly a UPS shouldn't have random earths scattered around. Anyway, to the current issue. You need to isolate each individual component to verify that the tripping goes away, of course this will be easier said than done if the tripping is random. Try feeding just the pump from an extension from another outlet, do things trip? Continue similarly until the tripping stops and suspect whatever you disconnected last. Without the correct test gear, it's not going to be easy
  15. I'm 100% sure it was, but since there was already a chemical engineering discussion ... Anyway, let's leave it for now shall we and worry about how to warm up the H2O with or without the CaCO3
  16. CaCo3 ? I don't think Calcium (Ca) and Cobalt (Co) can form that compound and be stable; closest I know of is CaCoN2 - Calcium Cobalt Nitride Fetching my coat! But we are WAY off topic, let's leave the chemistry lesson for the Teaching forum
  17. I'd probably use an SSR to extend the life of the AC-rated thermostat (or even just bypass it completely), but electrical direct-coupling is definitely a viable method.
  18. "Oil" drums should be readily available for fairly nominal sums, our last one used to contain orange-juice. We use a mulcher for smaller stuff which encourages composting but your woody bits need to be well mixed with lawn mowings and the like. The bigger stuff gets sliced with the chainsaw and converted into kindling to get the barbie going.
  19. Prompted by another thread which got a bit off track I thought we could continue here. So, what are you doing? As a starter there are a number of options to think about: - Direct heating of water with the sun. Could be anything from a simple coil of black pipe to an expensive vacuum-tube system. Electrical heating of the water powered by solar. Directly coupled to panels, use an inverter, use as an energy dump etc. etc. Something else Bio-gas from your chooks or pigs??
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