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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. The rest of the PEA document, always handy to have: - Groundwire Mk2 book-Manual.pdf The important diagram, my translations.
  2. Nope. All will be fine. The leakage section is more likely to be the cause of a trip anyway (damp or ants in a fitting).
  3. The only issue with having two 50A MCBs in series is knowing which one will open first. It's poor engineering practice but is no hazard.
  4. PEA say >=2.4m but who will know once it's in the ground
  5. It's possible that the PEA chaps don't really understand the concept of an "isolator" (just a switch with no over-current protection) as they are pretty well unheard of here.
  6. OK, then don't connect it, but there's definitely no issue with leaving it in
  7. No issue leaving the old rod in place. If there's a metre or so between the rods why not hook them together directly rod to rod (not via your CU)? Multiple rods can be an issue if they are far enough apart for significant ground potentials but a metre or so would work like one rod. I'd make the cable to the rod the same size as your incoming supply cable since we are TNC-S (UK would say 16mm2), bigger never hurt
  8. An ancient Roman enters a bar, raises two fingers and says “Please, five beers”. Fetching my coat
  9. My exclusive video of the Thai PM opening it on 21st November, he's rather taller than I imagined. 8e2af221-d489-46b9-95db-59ca62d54de5.mp4 ,
  10. Some units have a standard RCBO inside so it's worth popping the lid off for a look-see. Otherwise, I agree with the others, heaters are cheap as chips these days, just get a replacement unit.
  11. What's your water source and do you have a tank (check it for bodies)?
  12. Yup, passport (possibly pink ID would work), you need ID to send a ruddy parcel these days
  13. We will be having our regular village/family "Booze-up-n-Barbie" on Sunday 24th. I may do a roast pork loin with roast tatties, veggies and DIY sage and onion stuffing, but the family will likely scarf the lot before I get a look-in I'm supposed to be working on the 25th, I may WFH
  14. When you first set the app up long ago you should have registered your phone number and a password. You ought to be able to recover / renew your PW from the lost-password link (you may need a Thai person to assist). I've never tried it; I recorded my log-in details (I did have to hunt for them mind).
  15. Yeah, he should have included fellas and ladyboys too, AN is an all-inclusive site
  16. The Springsteen cover was pretty darn good, but you really can't beat the original ...
  17. I've not heard of such a case, but knowing immigration pretty well anything is possible. Most offices do simply fix the error and it's supposed to be free.
  18. It's what you have now if I'm understanding what you got correctly. Each entry gives you 90 days, you can go for the 12-month extension to any of those entries. If you have the financials in place do your extension now.
  19. As a British native speaker, I find I can understand most speakers of English as a second language provided the pronunciation is at reasonably close. I also have a fairly neutral accent myself so I am (mostly) understandable. I will say that I've found in my travels that our friends from across The Pond do struggle with the multitude of accents found in the UK, let alone the various accents from Europe and around the world. I've also found that, sometimes, two speakers of ESL of different nationalities struggle with mutual understanding. As an example: - Some years ago, I was working on project in Bengaluru, India. As Chief Systems Engineer I had to attend assorted project meetings. The main contractor was Samsung from Korea, my Indian colleagues were from various parts of India and not all of them were fluent in Hindi. The only common language was English which was also the “project language” so all documentation and meetings were in English. One morning I was a bit late for a meeting having been delayed in traffic. I walked into the meeting room into the middle of a rather heated discussion on some point in the Contract (it doesn’t matter exactly what it was). After listening to this discussion for a few minutes I said “Gentlemen!!” in my best “get their attention” voice. Silence, followed by all eyes looking expectantly at me. “Mr Kim (from Samsung) are you saying this “xxxx”” to which the response was “yes”. “Mr Shankar (Indian colleague) are you saying this “yyyy”” to which the response was also “yes”. Now, English being such a complex language actually meant that “xxxx” == “yyyy”, so these chaps had been arguing for a good 30 minutes and actually agreeing!! Having pointed this minor fact out (it took a good 10 minutes) everyone was relatively happy again. This wasn’t the first time, and it doubtless won’t be the last time, I’ve had to translate English into English in order to promote mutual understanding! Oh, the fun of international projects!
  20. OK, this thread seems to have got off to a bad start, three posts that contravene Aseannow Community Guidelines have been removed. Let's lay off the assorted slurs shall we?
  21. A post and reply which contravenes the Aseannow Community Guidelines has been removed. https://aseannow.com/terms/
  22. That's a very good question to which I don't know the answer I'm afraid. I'm merely quoting what others have said, never actually had to do it myself (our immigration is much closer than the airport).
  23. Assuming you got a 30-day visa-exempt stamp rather than the 60 days your tourist visa allows then: - Yes, head to your local immigration office and they "should" correct it for free although they may suggest you return to the airport to get it fixed. It's always wise to check you have the correct stamp before leaving the immigration desk when you enter.
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