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Posts posted by tomacht8

  1. This trade is very old and it makes me sad.

    Ten year old case!
    A PT member running on last election list Nr. 10.
    Free on bail until today.

    10. Mr. Plodprasop Suraswadi
    in 2005 Plodrasop was accused by the National Counter Corruption Committee and later found guilty and fired from his last bureaucrat post in 2007 because of his illegal permission to allow a trade export of one hundred Bengal Tigers to China by a private company.
  2. Who appoints these so called judges?

    The Military as a result of the 2006 coup, wrote up the present constitution,

    -made the senate half appointed,

    -it also passed a law that it was illegal to discuss the draft constitution in public,

    -The military also threatened prior to the vote on the constitution, that if it was not approved they would not step down and hand the government over to civilian control.

    - It is also widely understood Source that the military forced other party members to vote for Abhisit for PM.

    Published in the New York times!

    "Wide circulation of photographs of heavily armed men among the protesters, the protest movement increasingly resembles an armed insurrection against the government of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra"

    Sardin Lertbutr, a protest leader, said wednesday on Thai Television that "very professional" men with weapons were assisting the protesters and "making the police retreat"

    The court however "found that the protesters were being carried out peacefully without weapons"

    "On Tuesday, protesters attacked the police with a grenade, an action protest leaders initially denied but acknowledged when footage of the detonation circulated on the internet"

    Mr Verapat Pariyawong, a Harvard trained lawyer and a prominent commentator stated the court ruling allowed protesters to claim "pseudo legitimacy to overthrow the government"

    Source www.nytimes.com

    Chalerm is not the only one seeking clarification of the ruling!


    Good points.

    But you realy think that the Source www.nytimes.com is the ultimate source of wisdom?

    They do also media policy for their clientele.

    The judgment of the court is clear.
    - No violence on the part of government (CMPO - CAPO - DSI).
    - and peaceful demonstrations are ok.
    • Like 1
  3. I've had several Thais tell me that this fake monk will probably be reborn as a dog or other animal due to the damage he has done to Thai Buddhism and Thailand.

    Its only a matter of time before karma catches up to him.

    Please do not slap your dog.

    Are the red dots on the tongue of your dog contagious?


    A hotel which does not comply with its bookings, I think that is wrong.
    Poor service.
    Are the farmers not good enough as a hotel guest?
  4. When I grow up, my parents teach me not to lie, and to take responsibillity, now this are rare values, everywhere. And in the land of smile there is a culture of not responsibillity, if anything went wrong, the others or a ghost have responsibillity.

    Everybody know shes guilty, she is the chairwoman of the rice-scam, it was her job to supervise, greed and stupidness is not innocent if you not a baby...But I dont trust the NACC, they have done nearly nothing in the past, and I dont believe that they get hard facts for a arrest warrant, because I know, that the Shin-clan are professionals in criminal corruption, and its very difficult to prove...

    Agree with you.

    But it is not so difficult to prove criminal corruption, if you have the resources and the rights to review.

    Bank transfers and money flows leave traces and how big the rice mountain really is, they could check this too.

    The NACC mainly gets its informations from insiders.

    They need more an independent tax police.

    If they would check the asset/income ratio from top to down, from all involved people in the rice scheme,

    then they are able to reclaim billions of taxpayers money.

  5. To lead a country it needs, honesty, openness, responsibility, diligence, experience, dignity, communication skills, problem solving skills, negotiation skills, upright stability, willingness to compromise, fairness, IQ, EQ, ideas, willpower, abstraction ability, learning ability, reliability and much much more.

    Critics say it lacks significantly on many points.

    To be innocent and looking good is not enough to lead a country with over 65 million people

    • Like 1
  6. RT @RichardBarrow: 11:30am This is what is heading to #Bangkok; 100’s of farmers & their tractors. Now in Ang Thong (Pic @CrDNnews) http://t.co/gulQbf5Soy

    This guys tweets more recently said they are heading to Swampy, not Bangkok?

    Richard Barrow @RichardBarrow 46m

    [bangkok Post] Thai farmers are expected to head to Suvarnabhumi airport to hold a rally against the government. They are in Ang Thong now.

    Guess the farmers will check then some heavy suitcases, if some taksin family members or friends try to fly out.

  7. CMPO director Tarit Pengdith?
    I thought he is the DSI boss and Charlem is the chief of the CMPO together with taksins cousin CAPO.
    Today Charlem was demoted?
    It's really dubious as they mix together their posts.
    Responsibility remains there unclear.
    What says the police chief to that new selfmade, tinkered little police apparatus?
    May joined snipers as well?
    And obviously the border police was also invited with assault rifles.
    Organizationally really a mess.

    As yet, only crap came out, with these improvised autocratic command structures.
    There were 5 deaths and many injured.
    Was there after a critical debriefing?
    Who has the responsibility for the yesterday operation?
  8. won't happen again.

    Suthep's protesters came in peace and with no weapons.

    Of curse since the whole stop movement is faltering and about to disentagrate, violent clashes are the only last desperate option left to try and provoke some response - as in army C

    Chalerm is doing the right thing now. He should be focused on daily raids of protest sites and then retreat to avoid violence.

    It will upset the protestors daily schedule, they will become scared and tired having to rebuild their sites everyday after raids.

    Snatch and grab a few hundred protestors every day, arrested and off to prison.

    It will cost the protest funders more money, as they have to keep replacing equipment, paying legal fees of the arrested etc..

    It will set precedent that the police have tried numerous times to clear the protestors but been met with deadly force by armed PDRC thugs. Ultimately later then much greater levels of force can be used with clear evidence that attempts to use non-violent means has been tried many many times prior.

    Keep on attempting to clear every day, make them tired, make them weary, make they spend money, observe their tactics, put snipers into place in future to take out anyone with guns or grenades....... just keep on hitting them with clearing attempts every day - its the only less violent way to clear them out.

    That is your opinion.

    I like more to side with Albert Einstein

    "Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding."

    Could it be, that in this conflict on both sides are criminals acting?

    And these are a small minority.

    I think the majority has no interest to shoot on their own countrymen,

    be it a police officer doing his duty, nor a peacefull protester.

    People die and are injured.

    So I must speak agains your opinion, that Charlem does the right thing.

    If you're thinking a little further, and the roads to be cleared in a bloodbath.

    What comes next?

    Peace and unity?
  9. And if the scheme is not corrupt then she has nothing to worry about. Though I don't hold much faith in that going by the body language below

    Or this

    1. Nattawut on Protests

    2. Nattawut on Democracy

    3. Nattawut on Rice Policy

    And Nuttawat also carried out the "big" inspections of some 2500 rice storage facilities...(in 3 days or something stupid) and discovered that everything was in order .....no irregularities except for some very minor issues.....

    Another useless piece of garbage!

    He is also active in the transport sector.

    Nattawut Transport company carrys rice bags across the country back and forth.

    I think he gets his transfer orders directly from the government.

    The conflict between client and contractor is obvious.

    Would like to see the tender documents.

    In any other country the tax authorities would have locked him into prison already.

  10. And before Tharit, Chalerm and their supporters here say that the police wasn't armed.

    I would expect Tharit and Chalerm to lie, so that is no surprise. I'm wondering though, why try and hide the fact they are armed?

    Tragic as this day went. RIP
    Who is responsible and ordered this policemen with assault rifles into the rows of riot police?
    For what purpose?
    To shoot at people?

    Otherwise there is no other function for that type of armament

    What ridiculous questions. Thailand has an armed police force so of course the police were armed. They have every right to be armed when confronting murderous thugs shooting at them and throwing grenades.

    You are sure, today it was not the other way around?

    Police opened fire first?

    Tomorrow the court will decide about the state of emergency.

    Why today this violent hurry?

    If the government had waited another day, perhaps the live of people on both sides could have been saved.

  11. And before Tharit, Chalerm and their supporters here say that the police wasn't armed.

    I would expect Tharit and Chalerm to lie, so that is no surprise. I'm wondering though, why try and hide the fact they are armed?

    Tragic as this day went. RIP
    Who is responsible and ordered this policemen with assault rifles into the rows of riot police?
    For what purpose?
    To shoot at people?

    Otherwise there is no other function for that type of armament

  12. What is with the Bt500-million cashier's cheque issued by Somkid Ruansupa, who lives in a two-storey house in Bang Khae.?

    What is with the two senior officials of the Public Warehouse Organisation which were interrogated by Udon Thani police concerning 34,000 sacks of rice, worth Bt80 million, which disappeared after being moved out of Udon Thani warehouse for rice mills in Lop Buri on March 5-26 last year?

    What is with this Nattawut transport companies? Down in Nakon Si Tamarat where they carry out rice and nobody knows where this rice went to. Same for Ang Tong.

    Thailand lacks an independent investigative authority against organized crime.

    The DSI has failed completely here and should be resolved.

    Also still missing a strong independent tax police.

    Unusual asset increases're here more than obvious.

    Furthermore, Thailand lacks a functioning witness protection program.

    Likewise, too few resources for the anti-corruption authorities.

    About 25,000 cases are pending.

    Such authorities do not cost any tax money!

    If such authorities / institutions are well managed, they make the pay off by itself.

    For the examination of the rice scheme they must be faster.

    At every lost day, more and more evidence being destroyed.

    • Like 2
  13. How about less talk and more action. Every time you open your mouth you making a fool of yourself. Just do it.

    Is there dissent in the red corner? are we losing patience with our party leaders. Careful Tarrit will freeze your bank account! whistling.gif

    Maybe not a dissent.
    The police and especially the Metropolitan Police is not particularly popular in Bangkok.
    You can ask for example every food cart vendor how much bribes they must pay to sell there stuff.

    It is hard for them. To scroll through the Khao San Road, there are 300-400baht due.

    Also ask the taxi divers, motorcycle taxi drivers and the motorcycle transport drivers, what the think about the police.
    And this people are mostly from isaan.

    Can I suggest you re read my comment in relation to that of red snake, and maybe you might get it! A hint; maybe considered humour, if you knew the stance the snake takes in red v yellow!

    I understand your humorous posting.
    Interesting is the impatience / dissatisfaction of some here, who want that the police really lash out.

    But the police have little popular support.

    Also, not from Isaan people which live in Bangkok.

    • Like 1
  14. How about less talk and more action. Every time you open your mouth you making a fool of yourself. Just do it.

    Is there dissent in the red corner? are we losing patience with our party leaders. Careful Tarrit will freeze your bank account! whistling.gif

    Maybe not a dissent.
    The police and especially the Metropolitan Police is not particularly popular in Bangkok.
    You can ask for example every food cart vendor how much bribes they must pay to sell there stuff.

    It is hard for them. To scroll through the Khao San Road, there are 300-400baht due.

    Also ask the taxi divers, motorcycle taxi drivers and the motorcycle transport drivers, what the think about the police.
    And this people are mostly from isaan.
  15. Just give the farmers back their rice.

    Problem solved.

    No, that's the problem. The rice has either gone missing or has now rotted. And, even if the rice could be returned, the farmers would be entitled to "cover" damages from the government under the Thai Civil Code. That's the difference between the government's promised price on the vouchers and the actual price the farmers are now able to sell the rice on the market, plus the additional expense of sale (eg, transport).

    Yes right, maybe Nattawut transport company can dish out some free transports.

    This rice scheme is so rotten with all the corruption to the core.

    If they confiscate the assets of all those who have enriched themselves illegally, they would have enough to pay the farmers.

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