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Posts posted by tomacht8

  1. I've been following reporting on Pol. Capt. Chalerm Yoobamrung for fifteen years. I consider it impossible for him to surprise me. His most recent pronouncement falls into the same category as his, "If Thaksin doesn't return in 2013, you can cut off my head". Just an old drunk who's gone wet-brained. If he didn't say sensational things, no one would pay any attention to him.

    Looks like that someone has tinker together there, his own little police apparatus.
    With Chief Chalerm Yoobamrung - Centre for Maintaining Peace and Order – (CMPO) with a seat also in the the DSI.
    Taksins cousin Surapong Tovichakchaikul , Center for the Administration of Peace and Order (CAPO)
    Tarit Pengdit - Department of Special Investigation (DSI) with a seat also in the CMPO
    So all together they are CMPO – CAPO – DSI
    There is currently no Parliament that controls this.
    CMPO – CAPO – DSI are no ministries.
    Whom they are subordinated in hierarchy?
    Chalerms Ministery of Labour?
    Or direct PM Yingluck in Caretaker mode?
    Who is responsible?
  2. Not a bad article, but here is the main point:

    If you do not agree with Suthep's approach of boycotting the elections and trying to block people from participating, what is YOUR solution?

    I don't like it, but I can't come up with a better way. It is easy to CRITICISE others when they do things that seem "wrong" or unethical, but given the situation, what is the option?

    For those who say follow the peace process or negotiate, yes, in theory that is right. But theory is academic. We live in the real world.

    Give us a workable solution then I think everyone, including ole' Suthep would listen.

    1. New Elections on the 01. July 2014

    2. All members of the last Parliament are excluded from the new Elections. ALL !!!!!
    No exception.
    They can not work together.
    They have only caused damages.
    3. No convicted criminals on electoral lists and in parliament/government.

    4. All the politicians which were already been banned from Parliament, are excluded from Elections.

    5. Each party must establish a written election program.
    With content and Budget proposals of use.
    The public must be able to view the programs.
  3. These loan sharks are everywhere in Thailand. They are highly organized.
    Organized crime. They have advertisers, lenders and collectors.
    The interest rates are at 10 baht per 100 baht a month.
    This is an annual percentage rate of 120%.
    Usury is banned in Thailand.
    However, if the victims go to the police, they do normally nothing.
    The victims in this story above, just had have luck.
  4. "Police inspections at the sites found many illegal objects such as weapons, drugs and bomb elements. The operations will continue at the proper time to crackdown on the suspects," he said.

    Here the yield of Today (see pic)
    Far more illegal objects they would have found at each street vendor on the Sukumvit.
    Btw: What does it cost the taxpayer an insert with 1,000 police officers and 100 vehicles per day?
    That was neither effective nor efficient.


  5. For more information on the rice pledging scheme please consult this undated article from probably not long before Boonsong got the axe as minister in July 2013 that is still on the Thai government website http://www.thaigov.go.th/en/news-room/item/72404-the-governments-rice-pledging-policy.html
    It is amazing to think they thought they could get away with such black lies as recently as that. He was still parroting Thaksin's madcap fantasy about forming a rice producers' equivalent to OPEC to control the global price.

    Mr.Boonsong Teriyapirom, Minister of Commerce, clarified the concerns on the Government Rice Pledging Policy, stressing that the policy brings benefits to farmers as;

    Firstly, the price of agriculture products will be increased, leading to more income for farmers, even for farmers who have yet joined the government rice pledge scheme since they would indirectly enjoy a higher market price of rice.

    I follow your link


    The government www side is interesting.

    If you click on Thailand today, then comes a popup in Japanese language.

    If you click on Government with news. All news have the same number of Facebook "likes" : 6

    If you click on News Room, then appear exactly the same news, All news have the same number of Facebook "likes" : 3

    Regardless of the low numbers, it is obvious that they lie or manipulate with the Facebook "likes."

    So how can the farmers believe them?

    • Like 1
  6. I agree what this guy is saying but we can't blame on entirely to PDRC for the mess. PDRC has good reasons to protest but is causing a lot of problems.

    Yingluck created a lot of problems too.

    It is time to talk and end the conflict. The question is that can Yingluck give up her position? i am sure that she does not want to lose her position.

    PTP is blaming on PDRC but the farmers are joining the protest now. May PTP blame on the farmers? Absolutely not.

    If Yingluck can open the door for the talk without any preconditions, that would be a good step to end the issue.

    I don't know if Yingluck wants to do it. PTP blames on PDRC but Yingluck is also the one who should be blamed.

    " i am sure that she does not want to lose her position."

    I do not think so.

    She is fully pissed with politics and has no interest in politics at all.

    Old men tell her every day what to say and to do.

    And to be responsible for so many things is also not her case.

    Only the familie doctrine keeps her in office.

    Personally, she would have chucked all that shit on the first day.

    I think she longs for the beautiful and carefree time.

    • Like 1
  7. I remember how DSI failed to arrest that flying monk in Laos last year - through all the explanations given after the event, it was obviously clear, that these self-FBI-styled guys even didn't try to think about complying with proper int'l procedure before conducting a raid in another state ("what state? Lao?!"). Now this shameful joke in a court...

    Yet DSI is reportedly good in suppressing those who can't fight back (but might be ready to pay to get released), like those recently detained Russian tour guides in Pattaya. With this elite agency's proven lack of professionalism, why don't they just stop playing super heroes and concentrate on those who are of their level - guides, Cambodian construction workers, Lao housemaids, whoever lamblike else, having no visa, no permit, no lawyer? Those who know Law even less, then DSI people, I mean. Could be safe and pretty sabai job: no face to lose, no lawsuits to be ashamed of, no compensations to pay...

    It looks like that Tarrit Phengdit and the hole DSI do not understand, that they must be a neutral, independent executive body.

    Completely regardless of who is sitting in the government.

    They must see by themselfs, where the largest organized crime is.
    Determine, secure evidence and then pass the cases to the courts / prosecutors.

    In this context, it is very bad, that a member of the government like Chalem has here a chairmanseat in the DSI. This must be abolished.

    Correct me, if i am wrong, but in the past the DSI also made problems to Taksins partys.

    They must stop to cover the goverment.

    The DSI as an independent investigative authority would be good.

    Why they do not support other independent authorities in the investigation of the rice scheme?

    That is also there job!

    You are correct, the DSI does bend to who his in power at the time.

    During 2010 when the dems were still in charge, they were certainly under their thumb, just as they are with PTP now.

    Doesn't make everything they act on wrong however, for either side, but it's still not a desirable situation.

    Another question you should really ask yourself and worry about is, which organizations/officials never bend to who's in power? and by that, I don't mean they stay neutral, I mean their bias remains no matter what.

    I'm not just talking about the army and the police.

    This is really bad if they do not strictly separate the three powers. Legislature, judicial and executive.
    If the DSI is only an appendix from the government than they are a government police.
    If the separation of powers is breached, then the democracy will suffers from two diseases:
    1. Corruption: The state as a self-service store of the rulers
    2. Arbitrariness: The Punishment of the Innocent
    The danger is then, that the DSI will be used to cut down the opposition,

    and so the democratic mechanism of check and balance would be abrogate.

    There was an interesting article about it in the BP from 17 Jan 2013 how the DSI maltreated freedom of the press and the opposition.

    Title was: Thailand edges closer toward a police state.

  8. How many people on TV are actually affected by the issue?

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    Guess there will be 3 groups:

    1. TV members who pay taxes in Thailand.

    2. TV members married with Thai family and have childrens here.

    3. TV members which have enough of liars, thieves and murderers which destroy the morale.

    This reflected from top to bottom, so that the awareness of right and wrong disappears.

    That will affect you then in daily life. About cheatings and scammings you can read here every day.

  9. "Chalerm says CMPO has surprise for PDRC in afternoon."

    Chalerm will resign?

    He's booked a clown?

    (I know what I'm doing wink.png )

    No, Chalerm will make a fool of himself this afternoon .

    Hey, that's not a surprise anymore.

    I think this mysterious announcement of a state minister, there is probably only in Thailand.

    This has cabaret-level.

    So the appearance of a clown with sunglasses and big hat, is not excluded.

  10. Yep , this Rice Scam will be a case study in Universities around the world at what NOT TO DO !! ........... PS Funny thing is the Government and the Red Shirt Fan Club STILL haven't come to thier sences and realised what a farce it has been ... .....whistling.gif

    the government and might I add the red leaders are involved in this to the hilt, like I've been saying for weeks - they will not step down because only then will the true extent of this grand theft be exposed

    we have a red leader opening an airline - I suppose he can justify exactly were he got the money, that red leadership salary must be huge

    I would also like to know more about the Nattawut transport companies.

    Down in Nakon Si Tamarat, they carry out rice and nobody knows where this rice went to.

    Same for Ang Tong tonight.

    • Like 2
  11. "Sacks of rice are readied for night-time loading onto a long line of waiting trucks at a warehouse in Ang Thong.

    Local residents expressed suspicion, as the movement of the rice came as farmers were demanding payment for rice sold to the government."

    "Ang Thong Governor Pawin Chamniprasart said he had no authority to look into mysterious night-time deliveries of rice in and out of a warehouse in Ang Thong, as it was likely privately-owned and likely not part of the rice-pledging scheme."
    Money one can easily carry in suitcases back and forth.
    With rice it is not such easy.
    No transport or shipping papers?
    Maybe thieves at work?
    likely not part of the rice-pledging scheme.”
    What is going on there?

    well the DSI should be in there to take a look, my guess is this is a holding area for rice that has been bought and sold several times - if you close you eyes and imagine hard enough you can make that big storage facility turn into a farm and a huge paddy field

    It is very sad that the DSI as an special police force organisation, stopped at all to work for Thailand, for the people and the country interests.

    The irregularities and corruption in this rice scheme is so obvious. So far they have not carried out one single determination.

    If the police are not working in the interest of the country and doing their work, then it comes to looting. Thieves have then free hands.

    That Thailand is now in chaos, it is also there fault.

    Who else have the authority to look into mysterious night-time deliveries of rice in and out of a warehouse in Ang Thong?

    • Like 1
  12. This village chiefs been assigned the regional budget from the state budget.
    Hopefully reforms are made, so that every villager can see how much money these village chiefs get in there fingers
    and for what the state money was used (with receipts)!

    In fashion are precisely the beautiful gold rings set with diamonds.
    • Like 2
  13. "Sacks of rice are readied for night-time loading onto a long line of waiting trucks at a warehouse in Ang Thong.
    Local residents expressed suspicion, as the movement of the rice came as farmers were demanding payment for rice sold to the government."
    "Ang Thong Governor Pawin Chamniprasart said he had no authority to look into mysterious night-time deliveries of rice in and out of a warehouse in Ang Thong, as it was likely privately-owned and likely not part of the rice-pledging scheme."
    Money one can easily carry in suitcases back and forth.
    With rice it is not such easy.
    No transport or shipping papers?
    Maybe thieves at work?
    likely not part of the rice-pledging scheme.”
    What is going on there?
    • Like 1
  14. It looks like that Tarrit Phengdit and the hole DSI do not understand, that they must be a neutral, independent executive body.
    Completely regardless of who is sitting in the government.

    They must see by themselfs, where the largest organized crime is.
    Determine, secure evidence and then pass the cases to the courts / prosecutors.
    In this context, it is very bad, that a member of the government like Chalem has here a chairmanseat in the DSI. This must be abolished.

    Correct me, if i am wrong, but in the past the DSI also made problems to Taksins partys.
    They must stop to cover the goverment.
    The DSI as an independent investigative authority would be good.

    Why they do not support other independent authorities in the investigation of the rice scheme?
    That is also there job!

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