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Posts posted by tomacht8

  1. That was predictable.
    The ill-considered, stupid subsidy scheme of the government, has the inefficiency of rice cultivation obscured, or even encouraged.
    Poor quality grades and low yields per unit area.
    The competitiveness is damaged for a long time.
    After rent, seed and fertilizer for many farmers remains no longer enough to live, or to pay back their loans.

    Aside from corruption, one big error was to give the farmers the subsidy money without investment bond.
    Rather than to invest in modern machines, better farming methods, new irrigation systems, new seed varieties;
    instead many have bought new cars and televisions (many on credit).

    Furthermore, unfortunately only the big farmers.have benefited from the existing rice scheme subsidy.
    Bigger framers cope better with low margins, they make profits with their large acreage
    Particularly now the small farmers have to pay the bill for this rice scheme error

    Now a new smart government is needed.

  2. as travel warnings by most foreign governments have invalidated many travel insurance policies, many of the tourists here now are travelling without insurance in what is (regardless of the protests) a developing country where accidents do happen... the tourists here now are real 21st century adventurers... whether they are scared of those whistle blowing loonies is beside the point

    The travel warnings are mostly saying "be careful" not "stay away". Therefore travel insurance should still be perfectly valid.


    Best to check this with your incurance company!

    Has the Foreign Ministry issued a travel warning that insurers are theoretically no longer obligated to pay. Then it depends on the individual case. Assuming deliberately declared war zones to explore, one must know: conventional travel insurance and private health insurance with worldwide coverage grant no protection here. Damage caused by war events preclude the insurer.

  3. Shootings around 1.20am and 3.30am on Friday morning.
    Since violence broke out on 30 November, 728 people have been injured and 20 others killed.

    How much of those crazy grenade-, pistol and rifle shooters have been catched?

    I guess: 0, Zero, Nil?

    How much the taxpayers pay for police, army and this CMPO structure?
    collective refusal to work?

    The security bodies are incredible passive in this country.
    Everyone is free to fire his weapons here.
    Fear must probably not, the perpetrators of violence.
    This raises a very very bad light on the security organs.
    A shame.

    • Like 1
  4. SOE no effect?

    This is complete nonsense.

    When an State of emergency is officially proclaimed, then the resident embassies must inform their home countries. This leads to travel warnings and this warnings are available in every travel agency at the same day. Behind this are mainly technical insurance reasons. For old bookings trip cancellation insurance will be activated, complimentary transfers are possible. For new bookings exists then no or a limited overseas travel insurance. In the European consumer law, if the agencies do not inform about the risks, the agencies getting liable for damages. Travel agencies always advise not to travel in crisis areas. As long as the emergency officially exists, the travel warnings are maintained.

    • Like 1
  5. Chalerm Yuubamrung, Director of the Center for Maintaining Peace and Order (CMPO).
    For what this CMPO needs a 20 billion Baht Budget?
    20 billion for 3 CMPO Press Releases per day?
    The volume of this budget stinks!

    I hope the EC checks the budget request accurately.
    All expenses with receipts must be exactly documented.
  6. "CAPO director Chalerm Yubamrung however said he believes the protests will continue for some months as the PDRC has not yet reached its goal to topple the government."

    Chalerm will hang on at CMPO administering a defanged SOE until he is sure everything is OK because the government has been toppled. Don't forget to cancel the SOE before you go Lerm.

    Charlem will not go so quick.

    He has a 20 Billion Baht Budget. Baht

    That's a lot of money.


    To much money for the CMPO-CAPO-DSI lying around there.

    He does not give this up.

    Rather freezes the hell.
    I would like to see the receipts for this 20 billion Baht.
    They could also pay the farmers 20 Billion Baht.
  7. It would be interesting to see how many years of prison was sought for those violations. Confiscation is wonderful, but how much actual jail time will be served for those crimes? My guess is little to none. Fines only that are paid by the massive profiteers that pay off the governing bodies.

    Agree is a shame.

    For example: Mr. Plodprasop Suraswadi

    in 2005 Plodrasop was accused by the National Counter Corruption Committee and later found guilty and fired from his last bureaucrat post in 2007 because of his illegal permission to allow a trade export of one hundred Bengal Tigers to China by a private company.

    He was a PM in last Parlament, now No. 10 on PT voting list,

    and free on bail since 9 years until today.

  8. They have already applied to the National Budget Bureau for 10 billion from the Contingency budget to fund the 'work' of the SOE so far so I suppose they must keep it going as a justification to ask for more.

    Oh yes they did deny it but unfortunately for then the NBB had already told the world.

    Agree, that is the main reason behind: money.

    Hopefully there will be clear records about what the money was used.

    I can not see for what they need a 10 Billion Baht budget.

    Police is regulary paid.

    For fuel and extra food ok, but not 10 Billion Baht.

    This is very strange!!!

    Just little maths:

    20.000 police officers = 500.000 Baht each?

    PS: For their TV announcements, they use only a wooden wall, a background poster and a writing desk!

    Again, for what was the money used?
  9. The EC already said in December and in January several times that they could not organize free, fair and peaceful elections in the light of the protests.
    The PT government has not believed it.
    Result: 4 billion baht for nothing burned.
    The elections must be conducted nationwide in one day.
    This is not done, so the election is invalid.
    For example: I think if the PT supporters would see this video, now many would vote differently today.

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