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Posts posted by tomacht8

  1. "It's an off-state-fund amount that the Finance and Transport ministries can spend without undergoing parliamentary scrutiny. They would only report the spending on the projects to the Parliament," he said.

    What kind are these irresponsible people.
    Borrow money and 3 generations must pay for the next 50 years around 6 Trillion back!
    And that without a strong check and balance mechanism.
    This is a real Ali Baba and the 40 thieves mentality.
    I hope for my thai children that this kind of people aka representatives of the people
    never get anymore a post in a state Office nor public funds in hand.
    Such people are a disgrace to society.

    • Like 2
  2. High speed train?
    Waste of money.
    No economic benefit for thailand.
    Credit costs over three generations with compound interest, it is then 6 Trillion Baht.
    A high speed train would only privately funded carriers (aircrafts, buses) to gain market shares.
    It would be better to use this money for modernisation of all schools, state hospitals, roads, conventional railway lines,
    drinking water supply and environmental protection.
    If this money would then be evenly, fairly and transparently throughout Thailand have invested,
    then it would benefits the entire population and many Thai people with work too.
    If you want it fast, then you can take still an airplane.
    My opinion.
  3. By the way... the Bangkok Post is running a much better story on the rice scam. It goes into details of a large warehouse in Nakhom Si Tammarat where trucks have been emptying out 500,000 tonnes of rice (destination unknown) with many of the trucks bearing the words 'Nattawut Transport'...... Draw your own conclusions.

    Click the headline that starts with 'Warehouse blaze'.

    Interesting, Thanks.


    "Caretaker Deputy Commerce Minister Nattawut Saikuar said only about 200 sacks of rice were damaged in the blaze.

    The warehouse stores more than 43,000 sacks of rice."

    Unusually how quickly he has at hand the "exact" numbers!


    'Nattawut Transport'?

    He also operates the way a transportation company?

    Specializing in rice transportation?

    I would guess that there exist conflicts of interest.

    To whom he addressed then the transport bills?

    To him self?

  4. "Now there are some 1.2 million farmers who have not yet been paid their money due under the rice-pledging scheme."

    Apparently many farmers were paid in full and others not at all.
    Why no quota has been carried out here?
    That's highly unfair.
    Some have been fully paid and others since September are not.
    According to what criteria is here the monetary allocation done?
    Very poor financial crisis management!
    • Like 1
  5. Bearboxer wrote:


    Unlike the convicted fugitive fraudster who according to Forbes is still receiving large payments from his sister's government. How very strange.


    It would be nice, if you could provide exact links for that, because if true that would be another reason to get rid of her ASAP...

    (text bolded by me)

    Look here:


    "Shinawatra disclosed to FORBES in October that Thai authorities had returned to him close to $1 billion"

    From $ 600 Million in August 2012 to $1,7 Billion in March 2013

    No one knows who has authorized the transfer of $1 Billion ( Baht), because there are many charges and courtcases still pending.

    incredible, the government gives a convicted fugitive criminal $ 1 Billion and even a passport too.

  6. According to Mr. Prompong Nopparit, ……
    All what this, in two instances condemned criminal (now out on bail) says, is highly doubtful.
    First i just do not understand why a political party sticks so long to a convicted party spokesman.
    Just from a purely psychological sight, everything what he says gets so a criminal touch.
    I do not understand why they did not replace him with a less biased person.
    Second I do not belief him. The air getting thiner for YL and the government, because of the increasing uncovering of the rice scheme,
    so the willingness for talks will increase.
    YL could offer to step down (she is anyway not interested in politics), under the condition that Suthep also disappears.
    They could agree on elections for example on July. So every party, the EC, the CC, the courts, etc. have enough time for preparation.
    Also a neutral caretaker government could clear then the debs with the farmers and could implement a reform panel.
    So that
    Pheu Thai Party spokesman Prompong Nopparit today rejected a report that ousted prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra has urged the government to hold talks with protesters to find a political resolution for Thailand.
    I have my doubts.
  7. The Thai procurement process. There is a major source of corruption.

    All government projects are fraught with corruption. That goes from the top to the bottom.
    The problem is that these projects are not controlled and there is absolutely no transparency.
    And if someone asks, he will be bribed too.
    This works like this:
    The village chief and his assistants has submitted an application, for example a new road.
    He then gets the money for a concrete road 18 cm thick with steel reinforcement.
    His brother / friend who happens to have a construction business then building a road 10 cm thick and saves on steel.
    After 2 months you can then admire the village chief in his new Mercedes Benz.
    That runs so by all projects: rice, water, buildings, roads, hospitals, schools, trays, luggage scanners, fire department cars, etc.
    I hope they reform this crap. by making these processes transparent with a compulsory documentation. There must be-possible, in our modern media world, that anyone can see how much money the mayor gets in the hand for which projects.
    The problem is that the country's leaders do not want any reforms, as otherwise how they would then come to money.
    With honest work?
    • Like 2
  8. Noble idea, but that will not work with these people.
    The problem is that incumbent politicians have a deep hatreds against each other, making conversations impossible.
    It would be better if both sides would call each other people.
    For example, the Government shall appoint three persons from the opposition camp and, conversely,
    the opposition rename three persons from the government camp in order to find a solution.
    That would make maybe a constructive discussion possible.
    That would at least lead to a moderation.
    • Like 1
  9. Top bloke, did more for Thailand than anyone ever.

    Examples please, or is it satire?

    Sorry you seem to be getting short changed with your Bluesky subscription. Try a little googling or try listening to people who know more about the country and it's history than you do.

    Social Order policy

    Opened the airport at Swampy after 40 years of Elite/Dem corruption

    Healthcare for all

    Education extended One Tambon One free Uni Place in effect.

    Student placements and expansion of University system


    war on Drugs really lowered the amount on the street and now almost everybody just misquotes the figures. The policy was a success. PS, read the section on that and see who praised him for it!!!!

    Lowered Debt, balanced budgets

    After facing fiscal deficits in 2001 and 2002, Thaksin balanced the national budget, producing comfortable fiscal surpluses for 2003 to 2005. Despite a massive program of infrastructure investments, a balanced budget was projected for 2007

    Income in the Northeast, the poorest part of the country, rose by 46% from 2001 to 2006.[62] Nationwide poverty fell from 21.3% to 11.3%

    Thaksin's economic policies helped Thailand recover from the 1997 Asian financial crisis and substantially reduce poverty. GDP grew from 4.9 trillion baht in 2001 to 7.1 trillion baht in 2006. Thailand repaid its debts to the International Monetary Fund two years ahead of schedule.

    Hmm Now where was thaksin in 1997? Who was in power of the country that set off the Whole asian financial crisis and almost broke the back of the country? Lucky he came along or we would still be very much third world status.


    Strange that people who have not lived in Thailand for very long, don't know anything at all about him.. Other than what they hear in a bar or go-go bar where the social order policy affected the trading in women. Bars are the only place in Bangkok that I really hear open critisism of him. I don't hear it at schools as part of my work, not from teachers or parents. Just the bar folk supporting him now

    So just the bar folk supporting Taksin now.


  10. Where was Yingluck?

    Why did she not take part in this conference?

    She's the chairman of the rice committee and responsible!

    Did she leave the country or what?

    Yingluk tells some great lies on the orders of her brother

    But when the Going gets tough

    Ying look get going, leaving some one else to handle the pressure

    As above, where is yingluck today?


    She as a caretaker pm and the chairwoman of the rice committee makes party with his brother taksin
    and the other 20 pt members including the high police officer and the hole taksin family?

    Staying at the 10 floor of the Chartrium hotel in Yangon and eat caviar?

    I can not belief this.

    The farmers come in their distress to her and want to talk because she is in charge and responsible for the plight of farmers,

    and she makes then party with her ​​brother and the PT friends?


    You have a link that YL joint this party, where they celebrate the transfer of 35 Billion Baht on personal accounts.

    The Baht merit?

  11. "He (the immigration official) said there were news reports of Sehgal's involvement in protests at the offices of various government agencies, but none of the agencies had lodged a complaint against him."

    What's that for an official communication channel?

    Via TV and Print media?

    The immigration has no official written document?

    Does not sound like an legal deportation process.

    "However the immigration official said the evidence against the Indian was not strong enough."

    Enough evidence, who determines that?
    Normally this takes place in a public court process,

    - where the prosecutor presents his evidence, the defendant may defend himself and the court weighs -

    or not?

    Don't play lawyer, if you are not so qualified. The police and then the prosecution make independent assessments of the evidence to determine if a criminal investigation or prosecution should commence. If they determine charges are warranted, only then does a case get brought to court, and the first step in that process is to determine if the court will accept the case. After an arraignment, then the court can begin taking evidence. But, like a lot of the expats on this forum, you want to jump the gun and immediately deport the guy because he violated Chalerm's worthless piece of paper based on the SOE.

    "you want to jump the gun and immediately deport the guy because he violated Chalerm's worthless piece of paper based on the SOE."

    Is that a assumption or a misinterpretation?

  12. Wow, another brilliant non-partisan rice article.

    Nothing on the fact that the PDRC coup has failed and is attracting only a hundred or so protestors.

    Nope, got to keep the media in line re-gurgitate the propaganda of the day. was it 3 rice articles yesterday?

    Great posts devoid of anything other than smears and snears from the Coup lovers.


    That is the nature of a news forum.
    I hope to read even more news about this rice scheme, especially ones with accurate numbers and facts.
    Like how much money has been spent?
    Who got all that money?
    How much did the corruption and nepotism cost, etc.
    But why do you torture yourself?
    No one forces you to read or comment this.
    You are free and can leave at any time this forum.
    • Like 2
  13. "He (the immigration official) said there were news reports of Sehgal's involvement in protests at the offices of various government agencies, but none of the agencies had lodged a complaint against him."

    What's that for an official communication channel?
    Via TV and Print media?
    The immigration has no official written document?
    Does not sound like an legal deportation process.

    "However the immigration official said the evidence against the Indian was not strong enough."
    Enough evidence, who determines that?
    Normally this takes place in a public court process,
    - where the prosecutor presents his evidence, the defendant may defend himself and the court weighs -
    or not?

  14. "Acting" president Chokchai.... sure, he is acting all right.... I wish he would stop acting and do his job!

    It is scary to know that some might go on strike and not work. Does that include maintenance engineers?! On second thought, I guess that means it will be normal day for TG.

    I'd like to offer up some "constructive" criticism for TG to upgrade their airlines. Please let me invite others to add comments, as we are all trying to improve our National Carrier!

    1. Improve the food - the food in business class and especially economy is disgusting. It is cold, rubbery, and all taste the same. The wine selections are good, but it's like I'm having a cocktail on my TG flights because I only drink and I can hardly eat the food.

    2. Get rid of your air hostesses - they used to remind me of my aunts, now they remind me of my grand mother. Really, is it necessary to have some fat, ugly sourpuss who thinks she is entitled serving me? Get these smug, useless women off the plane and replace them with some gorgeous, polite, English speaking young Thai women. I am tired of trying of asking for water in broken English. This is 2014 not 1976.

    3. More new planes - the old ones look like something out of Pirates of the Carribean. Old, dirty, smelly, things broken, toilet looks like it is from Isaan.

    4. Nicer ground staff - girls hired at TG have "connections." Therefore the most important criteria - "service mind" is optional. Fire impatient, incompetent staff... there are some good ones, but there are some awful ones who think because they wear the TG uniform, they can act like pigs.

    5. Change your purple color and your logo - again, get into the 21st century. Your color and logo look like something out of a 1950s movie.

    6. Better frequent flyer program - current one entitles everyone to have privileges. Business class lounges worse than waiting at the gate.

    7. Business class lounges - the food, the service, God awful... go look at SQ and Cathay to see how it should be done.

    Nice one.

    Guess ur a good looking young man.

    May we talk later, when u get old in your job.

    I do not care so much about good looking air hostesses.

    Good service starts on the ground.

    If your check - in - lady, gives you a seat like B2 and beside you have a nice lady, which flies to Paris for three days for shopping.


    One great problem is also , the accounting and controlling section.

    They lose a lot of money by VIP free flights and VIP overweight luggage.

    The purchase price and the book value of aircraft are also questionable.

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