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Jai Dee

Global Moderator
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Everything posted by Jai Dee

  1. I will move this topic to Forum Support as it is not limited to Pattaya specifically. As I see it, provided the discussion and sharing of information complies with the Forum Rules (which comply with Thai Law), then feel free to discuss. However, as described in this news article posted this morning by the News Team, under Thai law, cannabis extracts containing more than 0.2 percent of Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) will continue to be listed as a narcotic, then discussion and sharing of information is illegal therefore not permitted on the Forum. We do not intend to change any of our forum policies. /Moved.
  2. Yep... me too. Very frustrating. These pay-by-phone apps are OK if you have your mobile data turned on so you can use the 3G network, but if you don't then the vendor should provide a local wifi hotspot so you can connect. Not sure about the security aspects of that though...
  3. Link And yes, it is off-topic... perhaps start a new thread on the subject?
  4. A number of off-topic posts and replies have been removed.
  5. Several troll posts and replies have been removed.
  6. Another troll post has been removed.
  7. More troll posts as well as flames have been removed. From the Forum Rules: 7) You will respect fellow members and post in a civil manner. No personal attacks, hateful or insulting towards other members, (flaming) Stalking of members on either the forum or via PM will not be allowed. and 9) You will not post inflammatory messages on the forum, or attempt to disrupt discussions to upset its participants, or trolling. Trolling can be defined as the act of purposefully antagonising other people on the internet by posting controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.
  8. A large number of off-topic and argumentative posts have been removed.
  9. Some off-topic troll posts and also containing petty bickering have been removed.
  10. A reported troll comment has been removed.
  11. I don't know of any in the large shopping malls but there is a car accessories shop outside Lotus's South Pattaya that sells car covers.
  12. A number of argumentative posts and petty bickering comments have been removed.
  13. Not sure if this helps but the qualified age for a Motorbike License (B2 - below 250cc), or a Superbike B (B Full - above 500cc) in Malaysia is 16 years old and above.
  14. The Torrent Guide for Everyone Peer to peer file sharing is just an efficient way of sharing files, therefore is absolutely legal. Unless you use it to download copyrighted content... which is infringement of individual property rights and is illegal. Our Forum Rules also mentions illegal file sharing of copyrighted material, which is why direct links are not permitted and will be removed if posted.
  15. The two posts above are trying to derail this topic again... please desist. This topic is a discussion about EVs available or coming to Thailand.
  16. A whole raft of off-topic and argumentative posts have been removed.
  17. There is a Thai torrent site that has a lot of Western content with both English soundtracks with Thai subs, and Thai dubbed soundtracks and English subs. Not sure about English TV series, but worth a look. You need to subscribe (it's free) to sign in and download content. I can't say much more without tripping over the Forum Rules, but have a look for "tt-torrent".
  18. I'm not sure if this documentary series has been mentioned before but I think it's brilliant. A dinosaur nature show narrated by David Attenborough. All 5 episodes are available in formats up to and including 4K on RARBG.
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