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Everything posted by seajae

  1. vehicles being roadworthy is not even considered in Thailand, if they can move they are ok. I have seen pick ups that have totally rusted out and the tray sides are tied together so they dont just swing free but sway out from the tray whenever they turn or move, the police just dont give a sh*t nor do the drivers. If vehicles were made to be roadwothy many vehicles would be removed from thai roads especially trucks, turn signals/brake lights covered with so much muck you cannot see them at night is very common, over loading appears to be a thai pass time and the law does nothing plus with the pathetic driving/riding in Thailand its no wonder so many die on the roads
  2. young kids doing switch overs etc at speed thinking they are indestructible, they found out the hard way they were idiots that should not have been clowning around on the road at speed
  3. when I moved here many years ago now I brought most of my stuff apart from furniture, all my work equipment, several bottles of wine, computer and several discs plus clothes, towels etc and all my fishing gear(reels, lures, hooks etc, I had brought the rods with me in rod cases)). The only thing that went missing were all the discs, computer face was broken off but wine etc all came through with nothing extra payable. It arrived at my wifes house and we didnt have to contact anyone before hand.
  4. a few years ago now a younger neighbour in his 20's attacked me with a meat cleaver, his large dog had been coming at me when I was out the front of our house working on the garden so I grabbed a stick to chase it off and stop it biting me, Neighbour then came running out of his house with a meat cleaver waving it at me so I had no choice but to do something, luckily I did retain some training from my service days and grabbed his arm and managed to put him on the ground then took the cleaver from him, he settled down and went back in his house with his older brother, He went to the police when his parents came home but another neighbour across the street(retired police) had it all caught on his security camera so we took that to the police station with us. Police did not charge him because they said the stick I had to keep the dog away was also a weapon even though I never threatened him with it and made us shake hands and told him not to do it again and to make sure his dog was kept off the street, police definitely favour their own but self defence was allowed in this case
  5. thais running a scam in Australia, as usual a thai wanting to make as much money as possible out of it so is open to being ripped off just like the idiots in Thailand that just give their money away thinking they will make more money,. Once money is involved many thais stop thinking and just try to make a profit from it, they lack the common sense that would require them to make sure it is all above board before giving their money away but unlike Thaland the aussie police became involved straight away so as yet she hant lost her money and it will be sorted in a court again unlike Thailand
  6. taking them a long time to use AI/edit it to change what was happening, cant have the truth getting out showing he was fine and getting treated like a king
  7. my wife manages a large business and the pay she gets is well below what she should be paid, it is a good wage for Thailand but below what males are paid for the same work, unfortunately Thailand does not regard female workers in the same light as male workers.
  8. looking at the damage she was on the wrong side and hit the oncoming bike that was on the correct side of the road, speed was definitely a factor as well, looking at the position of the bike under the car it was more than likely the car that was going faster.
  9. hard to believe this is about fairness when the dems are p*ssed that the current justices are not backing everything the dems demand. Watching the supreme courts recent decisions it would appear that they have been fairly consistent in being neutral and following the requirements of the constitution, cases have gone both ways and not all left or all right. The main concern is stacking of the court, it has changed from dem to republican over the years but if the justices use their interpretation of the laws/constitution and not pre conceived ideals they are doing what they were appointed for, being left or right leaning should not be any part of their thinking or the appointments. Changing the way it works to suit either party is wrong on all levels, it needs to remain seperate to them and their voting needs to remain the same, it may not make everyone happy but that is what their positions require, as long as it is based on the constitution they are doing what they were appointed for.
  10. hahahahahahaha and cows fly, everything out of his mouth is total BS, all he cares about ios how much he can make out of ripping off Thailand
  11. thank him for the 20 million, have to wonder how much he made out of dissolving the mfp, once again we see how pathetic thai justice really is.
  12. cash makes it easierr for those in charge to pocket it themselves, what else can we expect from another shin
  13. I was buying stuff from Australia online but the prices more than doubled over night so I stopped, when first started prices were very reasonable but once the importer realized how much people wanted itand how fast they sold out the prices doubled and have gone up even more since. I was even buying tools etc at very good prices but now refuse to pay to be ripped off with the prices they are now charging, will settle for what I can find in Thailand
  14. one has to ask how court coulld release on bail someone charged with murdering another person let alone a police officer, must be either very rich, have the right family name or be close friends with the right people, anyone else would be remanded for the trial. As seen often in Thailand certain people are afforded court help in escaping charges and the country or found guilty when innocent on trumped up charges, once again it shows thai courts/law make it the worlds laughing stock as it appears to be based entirely on money, name and associates to get to decisions
  15. does the aussie dissability pension come under the same requirements as the age pension or is it different due to a persons physical dissability and medical requirements
  16. who is moaning, dont give a sh*t about the US and the demented voters, just stating facts, something US voters seem to be very afraid of as it makes a mockery of their agendas, they are all sheeple and its great to come in and rubbish them using sarcasm to show how pathetic they are and how riled up they get when you go against their political party especially the dems, too funny
  17. yep, very similar to what happens here, this is the first time it has happened in the 3 years since we built so had us stumped for a while but now we are aware of it we will keep an eye out after heavy rain
  18. cant wait till they start to post pics of harris wearing her "gear" when she was using accompanying rich married males to advance her career and that was deliberately wearing it not dressing up for a fancy dress party as in this case, desperation by the dems because they know exacrtly what harris did and who her vp uses daily
  19. Have found out how it happened, yesterday we had an extremely heavy down pour like last week but only for 1 hour not the 3 plus hours like the last one. After it stopped we found 3 snakehed at our front gate, there is a very big dam above our land and it is flooding with the extremely heavy rain washing fish down the over flow canals that cant handle the amount of water(2 converge not far from our front gate and the drain cant handle the amount of water) so flood out into the dirt road and into our driveway. Last time as it was a lot worse it so must have flooded all the way up the driveway and into the dog enclosure. The canals dries out overnight so we wouldnt have realized how bad the flooding was the next day, wife has told me to keep any live fish we find after the next flood.
  20. they have done what they were paid told to and removed the opposition to the elites running the show, lets see what happens at the next election
  21. Last night at 11pm my dogs started to bark like crazy in their area(8mtr x 3mtr, fenced with a roof) so I grabbed a torrch and my snake catcher, when I shone the torch in there I saw two fish(6''/16cm) flopping around on the tled floor. It surprized the hell out of me as I could see no way they could get in there, no neighbor, brick fence at the aide and cyclone wire fences on the other 3 sides, admittedy on the other sid of the brick fence is a small canal and we had been having extremely heavy rain but there is a shade cloth cover from the top of the fence to the roof and it sits outside the fence and was still there, I picked them up with the snake catcher and dropped them over the fence hoping they would find their way into the canal, they were solidly built, and even though I have fished most of my life I didnt recognize them, this morning when I got up I did a search on the internet and they appear to be black chin tilapia. It has me totally puzzled, how in the hell did two live fish get in there, I havent had the chance to go for a walk and see if there are any others anywhere on our land but will do shortly. Can anyone suggest how they got there, I realize I will get some really BS answers but the only thing I can think of is the rain or they jumped from the canal(1.5mtr wall) but they were too big, at our other house we would have small fish on the roads etc after rain but these 2 just dont make sense. Just checked the canal and it is dry so not from there, fish are gone so something must have eaten them.
  22. we are currently building a bungalow for our daughter next to our house(1 rai block), it is 42 sq metres including a 8 sq veranda, total cost is going to be under 300,000 baht, when we built our house 3 years ago it was 1 million baht, it is 68sq plus a 16 sq veranda and a 24 sq carport both included in the cost. We have been lucky to get good builders for both, I was in the building industry in Australia so have kept a close eye on both, no short cuts and all top materials used. Really depends on who does the work and where you buy the materials, keeping an eye on the work is a must to ensure it is all done correctly, pic is our house(front car port an addition) and floor plan of the bungalow plus the slab being done
  23. trouble is the paris olympic organizers are appologizing for the reproduction of leonardo's painting of the last supper, this makes your version wrong so who is telling the truth, the ones that organized it or the ones that are trying to say it depicted something else
  24. my wife is in her last year before retiring, she manages a mining/export business and wants to keep working so she can retire with no debt. She still does all the housework etc as thats the way she was raised, once we sell the other house she will be debt free so that also means she can retire earlier. I am retricted due to an injury so cant do a real lot but keep myself occupied during the day so it works out well, once she retires we will do a lot more travelling, Our daughter got her doctor qualifications and is working at the local hospital, we are in the process of building a bungalow next to our house for her so she can have company and retain her independence. Maybe if I was able to do a lot more than I can I would like he at home but being partially disabled her working is fine plus she works her own hours and doesnt have a set work time so her being employed is more of a bonus and gives me alone time during the day.
  25. mate, she was home with me waiting for them, no one called her, we have since found out it was the delivery people that changed everything and admitted to not phoning her, the door and windows were delivered once management got involved and appologies were issued
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