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Everything posted by champers

  1. You're a pretty clued-up guy.
  2. I thought the topic was about Wigan Athletic.
  3. Scotland have never, not ever, at no time whatsoever qualified for the knockout stages of the Euros or the World Cup.
  4. According to local radio; Pattaya 103FM; the victim is a 33 year old man from Singapore.
  5. Not too many marked crosswalks on the main roads, never mind a side soi like this. Ignored by many drivers anyway.
  6. I do none of the whingeing you speak of. Do not include a post of mine when you go on another of your anti-English rants. Your brain must be addled from breathing in all the fumes from the bleach in your mop bucket.
  7. So the lions were not confiscated. What next for them?
  8. The assailant might be easier to find if the report advised where the attack took place; could be anywhere in Thailand with a shopping mall.
  9. On the radio; 103FM; it is being reported that he nearly suffocated.
  10. I presume it is because 13 is deemed an unlucky number in some places. My condo in Pattaya has floor 12a instead of 13 but off Beach Road there are sois 13, 13/1, 13/2, 13/3 and 13/4. Work that one out.
  11. Saw France stumble to a lucky win last night. Mbappe couldn't hit a cow's backside with a banjo.
  12. By jove, I think you've got it!
  13. I said "start a thread" - i.e. new topic.
  14. 1.a 2.a 3. No non-UK/Ireland players? All guesses. Questions are very difficult, IMO.
  15. Is Jim Beglin still his summariser?
  16. Only AN staff can start a thread in the Pattaya News forum, not us riff-raff.😜
  17. Both Labour and the Tories are losing voters to Reform so smear campaigns in the media are only to be expected. There will be no let up till voting day. Hopefully, from 5th of July, Reform will be a mere footnote in UK political history.
  18. champers

    Hello sailor.

    I have it on very good authority that a ship from the US Navy is stationed nearby and the crew are staying at the Hard Rock hotel.
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