For a long time I have thought that a casino will be built in Pattaya on 2nd Rd between Klang and Central Marina. There are big swathes of vacant land owned by Chang's property arm and plans in place for two new Marriott hotels, a Legoland and a zoo. Also included are business convention facilities where I expect the casino to be included or very close by.
Nobody actually cooks on the beach, nearby restaurants cook and then deliver. You will get a menu at almost any beach chair vendor on both beaches. Quality is subjective.
Pre Covid, direct flights from Doha, Qatar had begun and Air Asia ran flights to 9 different Thai cities, with a new terminal built to service them.
Covid has a lot to answer for.
There has been a Lego exhibition in Central before so it is popular in Thailand.
Developers for their projected 2nd Road complex plan to build a Legoland along with a zoo and two Marriott hotels.
Bang Saen; just up the coast from Sri Racha; has a university and a lot of the night time entertainment there is aimed at students and staffed by many too. The hospital is a teaching hospital.
You really need to do some homework on rental prices in Pattaya. You are way off beam.
Ditto for food and transport.
I'm guessing you don't live in Pattaya.
My belief is that as more tourists; Chinese especially; return in big numbers more well-to-do Thais will holiday abroad as they did pre- Covid and Pattaya will not be such a draw for them. The less well off will likely go to Bang Saen which is more suited to Thais.
The withdrawal of Government incentive schemes for domestic tourism is another major factor.
Yes C. I did a small piece of work there myself. Osborn and Cameron went cap in hand to China for some funding. EDF (French) will operate the finished plant.
Scottish and Southern Water are owned by an Ontario Teachers Pension fund.
Many privatised companies in the utilities and rail sectors are foreign owned.
Indians Mittal own much of the UK steel industry.
The Chinese are into the ownership of UK wind farms and have a big stake in the new Hinckley B nuclear plant.
Buy British.