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Everything posted by arithai12

  1. It should have been if this was a truly international forum. In reality, as we can see everyday from the angle of the news and the spirit of the comments, it is primarily a forum for Brits (with Australians and US following). Proof: the link is to a BBC article. There is an excellent English-language version of the main Spanish newspaper, El Pais, which has the headline "Spain beats England to claim first Women’s World Cup title". I fear to link it, but easy to Google.
  2. I don't know where you are based, but here in CM a small minority still wears them - unless you are in a hospital then I agree the majority.
  3. I assure you we understand that you hate Thaksin with all your heart, perhaps to the point that hating him is your main activity in life. You don't need to post more or less the same over and over again 20 times in each possible thread. You could perhaps make it your signature, and done with it?
  4. Being retired and being allowed to work seems a contradiction. You may well be right BritTim: perhaps the OP's friend saw "WP" in his papers and interpreted it as Work Permit instead of Wealthy Pensioner?
  5. True. But there are defences like mosquito nets, and repellants. By experience, it's not fun. Luckily I was young and strong at the time, strong fevers but stopped after 2-3 days in the hospital. A friend got it this season in CM, ten days in hospital and feeling like s - 4 letters.
  6. Right about first part. About second part, I see your point of view and I agree with it, but consider that smart phones are also excellent for alarms. They are very useful for people who have multiple things to do in the night, eg feeding a baby at regular intervals, taking medication, teleconf with other time zones, etc. Unlike a bedside clock, they store many different alarm times that you can select easily, with different settings of sounds, volume or vibration. This said, I'd never let it charge under my pillow and I'd never buy Apple anyway.
  7. Some comments if I may - I was also gold with EK for a few years until Covid. of course if you don't pay, no brainer as you say. However: -lie flat not true, almost. but more importantly, they are short so tall persons cannot really sleep well, besides they are also too narrow. Unless you are a sound sleeper, anyway, no chance to sleep on a 5-6 h from BKK to DBX with all take-off, landing, announcements, meals. -that was on the A380 only. on the Boeing they are regular BC seats, and the service is also less than great. -what did it for me in the end was the atrocious stop in Dubai, middle of the night, km to walk from your gate to the lounge, invariably full. -pick up from home maybe if you start from BKK. If you come on a connecting TG flight or such, not. -42kg... which frequent traveller uses that? and again, what about connecting flights. -BKK has fast track imm for all BC travellers regardless of airline Also slight annoying, when I was in Economy, to see that their staff flying to their vacations for free would get 3 seats whiile Gold do not even get 2, and all the attention from the staff while you can die waiting for a coke. This said, not a bad company at all. About OP, it's marketing, sorry, normal practice. Edit: for those who value comfort and don't like to spend too much, some airlines offer premium economy on some routes, no special service on the ground but good leg room.
  8. Complainers will complain, bashers will bash... why can't Thailand try to progress in some areas? How does it harm the average pathetic keyboard warrior on this forum? Money can be spent in better ways? Surely that is the case also in a certain superpower, with zillions of homeless or poverty-line citizens and yet a very active successful space program. Or consider India, a major player in space while hundreds are killed in single train accidents.
  9. IMO yes, a lot. I live in CM, I observe very often cars stopping at the pedestrian crossing, I know that I am more confident to do it now without fear of being rear bumped. Much better than a a couple of years back. Of course, not always. Back to OP, totally speechless at the daily reports of such accidents in Pattaya, as long as they hurt themselves it's a nuisance, but when they start being a risk for everybody on 2 wheels at night then it has to stop.
  10. Sad, and unfortunately not uncommon, tragedy. RIP lady. As an aside, I have to say that while I generally appreciate the witty and ironic headlines of the news on this forum, in this case perhaps it might have been better to avoid "cutting ties" for the hair salon victim.
  11. I read the story yesterday and it was so sad. Poor innocent boy, poor family. No punishment will ever make up for this. About your fair question, the local news report that the cuplrit used to be in friendly terms with the boy's family (until the turning down of his courtship) and he used to pick up the boy from school until the break-up with the family. So at the school the teachers were familiar with him picking up the boy, unfortunately.
  12. 17% increase on the main food ingredient is not something to joke about for some families
  13. It's a free service indeed, if you care to wait. If you want express, you pay. Seems the norm to me for many services in many countries. They used to give it for free earlier, they might be overloaded or had to hire more staff now. Don't confuse kindness with obligation. As for a foreigner living far away from the big city, the exta cost in driving is part of the equation. Surely they can plan wisely and do several errands in town with one trip.
  14. Educated yes... but smart? everything he did and said starting from one minute after the election was closed, was political suicide.
  15. You'll find that an extremely low number of Indonesian women wear burka. The majority wears a jilbab (head cover). You will also find that there are more than enough ladies with jilbab in the UK.
  16. OP, you want hotdogs from a supermarket. I suppose you mean just the sausage, the bread is something you should buy separately and dress according to your taste. Rimping has a good (expensive) selection of frozen imported sausages from Europe, and also some not bad at all cheaper local ones. Both Maya and Meechok, other branches not sure.
  17. In addition to Nana already mentioned, good bakery stuff can be found at the Tops in Central Festival (left side when entering), and at Choquette (sp?) in the basement of Maya. I can't say for sure about the specific varieties requested by the OP, but in general.
  18. I did not read the article, only your comment harley, and I disagree. I do agree with bignok on this one. In CM "natives" are super friendly to me, with some rare exceptions which is normal. Medical care, which unfortunately I have needed a lot and for which fortunately I have a good insurance allowing me to use private hospitals, is top level and much cheaper/efficient than back home. The case of the shorter leg, if you read in full the story, is not something to accept word for word and in any case they saved his life which was already a feat.
  19. A retirement home is not a house that you buy, it is a structure where you pay some form of rent to have a room for yourself, meals, medical assistance and socializing with similar folks.
  20. The article doesn't state the numbers of departures, so your statement has no basis and as an attempt to humor is rather stale by now. Instead, try to remember that Dec-Feb (the basis for comparison in the article) is the infamous Russian winter, and that most arrivals are not from the European but from the Asian part of Russia where said winter really bites. July in Russia is relatively pleasant and they have no special reason to come - enough beaches of their liking along rivers and lakes. Russian overstayers and long-term... I am sure there will be some - like for any other nationality.
  21. What a disgusting crime, and rest the soul of this poor unfortunate child. I hope the law comes down full force (not the usual 50% discount) on the guy. Regarding your plea for support, OP, I find it a bit odd. You are asking complete strangers to attend, who most likely may not be able to follow the complex language of a court of law. You are also doing this one day before the hearing, when yoy say you knew the date for a few days already. I would suggest it's up to your girlfriend to organize support from as many friends and acquaintances possible, to trace and inform distant relatives, maybe go social or contact media. You would be very helpful providing financial support for this - as it seems you can. Anyway this is only the first hearing, no doubt there will be others where the above can be organized properly. Best wishes for the outcome.
  22. Very sorry to hear that. I loved his later music in the 90's with the Red Road Ensemble and the canadian aboriginals style, he was often the soundrack in my car during long night trips. Thank you Robbie, RIP.
  23. There's one more point, which is to keep 3M in a bank at very low interest rate for 10 years, compared to keeping 800k. Let's see, 2.2M at 5% (easy) invested elsewhere, that adds up to over 1M Baht lost, or more if you reinvest the difference. So financially it really doesn't make sense. But I can see the point that for some people that's not so important, compared to peace of mind regarding extensions etc. Then there's the other very personal point, of who can see him/herself bound to living in Thailand for next 10 years.
  24. OP, to expand: I did it at the local Amphur - not sure that's what you mean by "land office". Done through an agent, who took care of witnesses and what else. Small expense, well worthy. Chiang Mai about ten years ago. Make sure that the Thai spelling of your name is consistent with other Thai documents you may have, sometimes they can be creative and use different letters.
  25. I agree, and I hope you will agree that it was not me who brought up the value of the yellow book in the thread.
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