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Everything posted by kickstart

  1. The wife's son-in-law and daughter ,have 24 rie of rice ,land is rented ,they have 12 rie each ,as far as I know they are getting 500 baht/rie ,which we would call a subsidy. As far as I know that is it ,like IA I will ask her. Your Pui Yai Bann or Gum Nang should know .
  2. Go to your local recycling centre ,two I know of has big bags, as in the one ton bags , full of ex school/government paper work ,nearly all A4 sheets of paper . With this amount how much of it has actually been processed ,or even read.
  3. Have heard about flooding in KK ,this looks mild to what we have seen on Thai TV ,was any of the big floods near you . We are drying out ,but part of my filed is still under 1 foot of water it has now been 17 days , since my neighbour has banked up his fish-ponds the water has nowhere to go ,he had a big 360 in for 4 days banking up the fish-pond to prevent flooding ,but he did not do one side next to house ,that was where water come in and a lot of his Blar Nin left the pond . Week before the flood we cut some Napier grass ,left the stems about 10-12 inches high ,then as per usual I cut the stems and any other weeds down to the ground Rip-Roy,floods come this part of the field was sat in water for 3 days I am almost certain that patch of Napier is now an ex Napier ,first time I have seen this with Napier grass ,have cut the rest of the field and that is growing back, not over well ,will have to keep some back for replanting root stock next year. Like you this is our worse flooding since 2011. Was out this evening ,our other neighbour had a drone in spraying his rice crop ,mainly for aphids ,he was also applying some magnesium fertilizer ,this drone was charging 80 baht/rie ,getting more competitive in this area now ,as the guy said good few about now .
  4. I would say if it has a Honda engine on it should be ok ,just make sure it is not a Chines copy . That Hyundai will do the job a 7.5hp engine will have all the power you will ever need ,coming from South Korea it should be of good quality.
  5. Take to a local shop and get them to check it, sounds if it's not holding charge ,could be on its way out .while you are they check the alternator ,but I would say that is not the problem . Check fan belt ,should be about 3/4 inch of play in it . Check battery leads, clamps to the battery posts ,loose or corroded and the earth strap ,is it earthing to the chassis.
  6. I would say that is BS ,if sand was put in to the fuel tanks ,also like how with lockable fuel caps . The sand would not reach the engine it would block the fuel lines first then if any got any farther block the fuel filter ,if any got any farther it would block the fuel injection pump and fuel lines on the way . The only way sand could get in to the engine is vie the air intake system ,which I would have thought was sealed from the outside by the factory to prevent anyone from getting at it. Sounds like ,Let's make lots of money by saying these engines are stuffed ,if Jo Ferrari can do it so can we
  7. It also boomed after the Bangkok floods ,people scared of being flooded out again sold up and moved to the Khow Yai area . That area being high up no flooding.
  8. Just herd about it on the BBC World service,somewhere someone will be walking down a high street wearing a sandwich board saying, "The end of the world is nigh"while holding a dead mobile phone.
  9. Hi FJ An interesting report saying about the low volume ,and a 10-15 % loss of production by using a drone ,something which wife's son-in-law probable did not think of . I think they are here to stay ,have seen a good few spraying maize crops,against the fall army worm .so no shortage of work. But with Thai's not being the most patience of people in the long queue in waiting for a drone ,a lot will simply get the knapsack sprayer out . I thought you had got your Morooka sorted out ,not my field ,but would a track off 360 back hoe fit ,they should be joining links for tracks available or are they a different pitch for the sprockets . Reading that report ,made a change from reading about Lumpy Skin disease ,a farmer friend asked how often do you vaccinate against LSD after ,an hour on Google , not at all easy to eliminate,could be impossible, vaccinate for 3 years , and you need an 80% herd immunity for a good protection
  10. Over tight headstock bearings could cause a wobble. Put the bike on main stand, the handle bars should just fall on they own when turned left or right,if loose they will drop quickly ,if tight they will not drop or drop slowly . But I would say low tyre pressure or wheel bearings.
  11. I would say without going online not easy to find I had the same problem .my strimmer,with the plate and blades is a faire weight ,like you the harness I got was not a lot f good I got a half decent one ,it has padded shoulders ,no belt for the waist or any back support. I got mine from my local รานกานเกษรต Ran-Gan-Garset, or your agricultural supply shop ,you should have one near you. But I think it will be a online job.
  12. One hundred baht rie ,is about what it is around here , have heard 120 baht/rie getting more competitive ,it stated of at about 150 baht/rie ,but as more drones appear the price has dropped . Two operators around here have 2-3 battery packs with a generator working the whole time charging the battery ,they seem to change a pack every time they fill up . One guy said his drone cost 220 k ,did not ask how many battery packs come with that price ,and I did not realize just how expensive they are . Like you, I have seen some drones flying where a tractor just could not travel,which ask's the question ,if it was that wet would the chemicals do any good ,and any liquid fertilizer would that just get washed away. Wives rice farmer son-in-law brought a battery powered nap sack sprayer with his 5000 baht from the Thai social security system, 3500 baht he seemed well pleased ,I said why not use a drone to spray your rice crop ,to expensive he said ,I said what abut wading though a rice field with a sprayer ,getting spray all over the place ,no comment.
  13. You are certainly right,they like to see that needle being injected in to a rump/arm. It is like when I have a rare cold ,Thai's will say have you had an injection yet ,I say no just Tiffey's, Thai cold remedy,and paracetamol ,then they say ,will you get better. They also believe with an injection you get better a lot quicker ,hence these IV jabs, she has got a lot better ,but the research I have done with mild strokes, a not rapid ,but partial recovery can be achieved in a relatively short time , without these jabs ,just tablets ,then as I said you seem to reach a plateau,and getting past that plateau is the difficult bit. I have said look at Google and see what they say about strokes and post treatment ,the hospital has said change your diet ,more fruit and veg ,and exercise more ,but Google to them is a way to the gospel according Facebook .
  14. Thanks, Sheryl,I thought the same thing the local hospital should have had the drug orally ,but our local hospital is just an Amphur one ,maybe they did not stock it/run out. So, no advantage of IV or orally ,again as you said doctor making money
  15. I was at the Passke dam to day that is now 90% full ,taking all the flood water from Petchabon province ,it has filled up by about 50% over past week ,it is its fullest I have known it for this time of year ,if we get any more rain they will open the gates even farther to drain some water out they have already opened all seven gates which I have never seen before ,which will mean Ayutthaya provence and then Bangkok will receive even more water .plus what the full up Chao-Phraya river is discharging ,could well be some flooding.
  16. Update on the wife's stroke ,she has completed her course of injections ,and she seems a lot better ,can walk unaided ,but with a limp and the foot is twisted over ,left arm she can raise but can do very little in the way of using her left hand .speech and brain function seem almost normal This drug I have found what it is ,trade name Somazine,the drug(s),are Citiconlina/Citicoline. A look at Google, they are drugs given post stroke ,also used in other brain conditions ie Parkinson disease . I know this for now she has got some sachets of the same drug in a gell form ,she mixes with a drop of water each sachet is 320 baht ,she is taking one a day for 14 days ,the drug is made in Spain ,so at least it will be legit. Another look at Google ,more than one website said ,This drug is for short to medium term relief, which did not surprise me ,I still say this doctor is ripping people off ,taking advantage of the situation . I think she has reached a plateau,she has got over the stroke, and they have been some improvement but still some way to go ,but as Sherall said ,and I found post hip replacement physical therapy will help a lot ,but her and exercise are not a good comber nation ,but I will be working on it . So ,the 10000 dollar question ,would she have got to where she is now ,without these injections ,just taking hospital drugs ,or has these injections done the job ,a job to say.
  17. I have used the Ser-Ling,the braided cable with a plastic outer ,it is ok ,I have found it does not last much longer than the 3 mm plastic cord ,and for what it is ,it is expensive , My local builders merchants sell's 120 meter of 3 mm cord for 380 baht ,should last me a while ,but as I said the plates do get worn and the cable will soon snap . Also, my strimmer is a Mitsubishi 2-stroke a powerful machine ,and on long grass ,it cuts it well ,but the cable soon wears 10 minuets on hard going . Looking at that Makita bump feed ,I used to work for a landscape gardening firm in the uk ,we only had Sthl strimmers ,and they bump feed is very good ,not available in Thailand ,on my shopping list for my next trip back to the uk .
  18. I am on second one of these ,they are ok ,but where the line goes through the holes on the plate ,over time it gets sharp ,then your new length of cord you just put on hits something hard ie stone ,and it snaps off . This pack looks like 2mm line to light use, the round 3mm ,or I have seen a plastic covered braided line 10 m 100-120 baht ,are ok, the square shaped section line is not good dose not last long. Thanks for that Makita bump feed link will look ,being Makita should be of good quality .
  19. What make is your bump feed ,and where did you buy it . I ask ,because I use the cord a lot around the garden ,I brought a bump feed for 250 baht from our local market ,that last a while before it fell apart . Brought another one from Home Pro 450 baht ,lasted one week ,a locking tab broke ,bits went flying never fond half of them. Have seen knock off Stihl ones on Lazada less than 200 baht ,with the easy to feed the line on . I now use a plate that you put about 10 inches of line on ,that get worn just replace it that was 175 baht from my local agriculture supply shop . I think the last strimmer thread that dealt with this a couple of months ago .one member has , a cord holder that can use 4 strands of cord , made of aluminium uses an Allan key to undo the holder to replace the cord, available on Lazada.
  20. A anything bigger than 3,00x17 tier ,you need to carry one with you ,in my area can only think of two shops that would stock inner tubes for anything bigger than a Wave . How these Chines Stallions get on ,those tyres almost look like a 3.50 section ,not something you would find in our local soi I use to have a Kawa GTO they had 18 inch wheels ,I had to carry a spear tube ,as they where and still like hens teeth to find away from a largish town
  21. That was well broken we had 123 mm of rain in 24 hours farm land and cattle shed underwater , wife's garden pass on that ,so far not come in to the house , It has been 10years since we have had flooding like this , My next door neighbour has lost all his Bla Nin ,Nile Tilapia from his fishpond ,that got flooded out this morning he only cleaned it out and re stocked last year ,he said he is down 100k baht. Thai TV this morning one part of Petchaboon had 230 mm of rain in 24 hours another part 170 mm. As the Crow flys we are about 200 km from Petchaboon ,I think with our 123 mm of rain we got off lightly .
  22. That is the pot calling the kettle black ,in pre Brexit days Eu farmers were getting 37% of all EU budget under CAP ,Common Agriculture Policy, you like me must have paid some tax in the UK mainly via VAT to the EU, and CAP will suberize all aspects of farming , known as the single farm payment . So your UK farmer Som Chai would be getting money for all his farming operations . Here in Thailand it is just the rice and rubber ,and Palm trees farmers ,no subsidy on dairy, cassava, maize, sunflowers. fruit and veg, a large sector of Thai agriculture . They is a subsidy on sugar cane ,only because the government wants the cane for molasses to make gas hole to fuel cars so cutting down on cure oil imports.
  23. In a normal year ,if they is now such a thing now ,about the end of October . But,it is not the first time been out at Loi Klortong, floating our little ,Klortong's and been wading though mud ,and that is about mid-November
  24. In central Lopburi it started raining last night at 3 am and has stopped for about 40 minutes ,to give me enough time to go and cut some feed for our cattle. So far we have had about 50 mm or rain , still raining with more to come ,my record is 85 mm. back May 2017 .I suspect that might well be broken . CharlieH, said flooding in Petchaboon ,that will make the farmers and me happy ,flooding in Petchaboon means that the water will flow in to the Passak river ,then about 200 km down stream it flows in to the Passak Dam, that has not been full for 3 years now ,water is used for irrigation by local farmers . For me when the dam is almost full they open the dam gates water flows down a slip way and around to the Passak river ,and the fishing they is good ,some big stripped catfish to be had.
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