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papa al

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Everything posted by papa al

  1. B80 is a trifle to falang. Could be food or no food for family to poor driver.
  2. Drive on the parkway. Park in the driveway.
  3. Does one ride or drive on a ferris wheel.? ... a team of horses.? ... a hard bargain.?
  4. Oz Thailand Same same.
  5. noun the unlawful act of transporting or coercing people in order to benefit from their work or service, typically in the form of forced labor or sexual exploitation. "she is a victim of human trafficking"
  6. Took the Mighty Lifan in for some service. The chain was slapping on broken ground so replacing the worn front sprocket and re-positioning the hard rubber guard/guide on the swing arm cured that. The speedo needle was doing that jumpy thing, so mech lubed the cable & gear. Added some brake fluid to R resiviour, Aired tires to 32/30psi. B200. Had local guy hand wash & detail her. Songkran.
  7. "Conspiracy theory' is a term invented in the 1960's by FBI to impune doubters of the Warren report which held the JFK was killed by a single shooter, Lee Oswald. Well debunked. CT is a term of ad hominem, used against those doubting mainstream narratives. Congratulations. Sheep.
  8. No such thing as settled science. & H2O vapor & clouds has far greater GH effect than CO2.
  9. Every village sells scooter fuel. Falang tink too mut. Maybe 1 liter in plastic oil bottle if you just can't help yourself.
  10. They will, just a matter of time. SS corrodes too, more slowly. Rust, iron oxide, is not really ferromagnetic, but all gross matter is magnetic. Electromagnetism is one of only four forces under current model. Gravity and strong- and weak-nuclear forces.
  11. Not smokey, most are very well muffled, & for the foreseeable future required to prevent total economic collapse. .Other than that, ... you are correct. & ICEs & ECEs (steam turbines) produce 90% of Thai electricity, by burning, mostly imported, oil, coal & natural gas. Go Green !!
  12. You are so wise. Thank you. Thank you.
  13. 1-1/2 years maybe 300 hrs. later ... the chain needs replaced. Already had spare chain & 13-tooth sprocket on hand so had my little KMK mech change them. The o-rings on the funky old chain were all checked. Sprocket was about half worn out. Rode the 15K loop. Got rained on a little. Running so well.! ????
  14. 125 is much more desirable. 2nd-hand is hard to find cause Thais don't sell outside of the family. The latest colors are really nice. Metal-flake maroon & grey ????. ~62KB, cheap. Buy one.
  15. 1. Nice colors. 2. Looks real adventurely.
  16. That 1st photo is really nice.
  17. Most entertaining leader of our time. Keeps going despite being shat upon constantly. Biden is pretty funny too in his own geriatric way. & Hunter ...
  18. We need more CO2 in atmosphere not less. CO2 is food for plants. green
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